Author Topic: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger  (Read 23721 times)


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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #90 on: January 04, 2025, 07:25:37 am »
Hey, just bumping this thread in the hopes that Boo the Gentleman Caller will see this. Miss you, dude!!! I was just looking back and reflecting on the last year and I was like “wow, Boo helped me with so much.” I remember you kinda nudged me into exercising more the more and more we talked about exercising/working out and getting older. And you really helped me literally put my body back together in the right shape. I just wanted to let you know I’m feeling a tons better! I’m actually working on many the last 5-10 lbs. of vanity weight I’m actually doing like a herbal liver detox cleanse thingy and it’s really helped me out cause I saw some videos on how one should detox their liver from taking prescription medication. I don’t feel so high, medicated and blitzed out. >_< Anyway. I just wanted to know how you were doing if everything’s alright. Nothing about games just a genuine I wonder how my friend is doing right now. Christmas is over and New Years is over so I thought you might see this after all the busyness has died down. Hope you’re alright!!

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #91 on: January 13, 2025, 11:34:59 pm »
Yo dude!

I'm still around - I just don't check in often, and I'm currently on hiatus from the ol' video games (although I did re-start Another Eden on my cell phone, which I've put in maybe 30 minutes in the past week). While it's no Chrono Trigger, it's surprisingly good for a mobile game, and I'm really looking forward to the Chrono Cross collaboration they did back in 2021 or so.

Man, I'm so glad to hear you've kept up the exercise and seen the GAINS from it. Not just with the body, with the MIND. I know I always feel better when I'm working out and doing cardio, and my headspace improves greatly. How are you guys? How's the farm?

As for us -- same ol', same ol'. I'm working too much but overall very much succeeding at work. My wife got a new job at a new school last week, so the kids are also at a new school. It's about 30 minutes away, so there's a lot of hustle as we adjust the being that far from the school (compared to the 5 minutes or so we are now). We just got a ton of snow, so we've also been playing in the snow, sledding, and we built a huge bonfire, which is something we do every winter when we get a heavy snowfall. I don't know why.

All in all things are good, but busier than ever!


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Re: Let's Play 2024 - Chrono Trigger
« Reply #92 on: January 18, 2025, 09:04:44 am »
Hey, man. You must be so busy if you can't even play games, bro! That's good. Yeah, back starting last Nov & Dec I really started to really really push the weight loss. I started doing OMAD (one meal a day) and when I finally do have that meal it consists of chicken and a giant salad (no dressing). It was tough at first but I've gotten used to it and I'm keeping it up til now. I'm also trying this detox it's like lotus tree extract, thorn apple and green tea extract lol. I've also started doing weights starting off at a beginner 15 lbs and just swinging those around everyday as well as my 1 hr. walk everyday. It seems like grandma exercise but YouTube says it's efficient and I've seen results. Everyone here is complimenting me and rooting me on. Ever after I reach my goal weight / or just whenever I'm happy at what I see in the mirror I'm just gonna keep it up & keep moving everyday I wanna be fit and healthy even when I'm much much older.

Everything is good here. Same ole same ole, kinda boring? but I like that. They say no news is good news. Just mostly me dieting, fasting, working out everyday and playing games. I just beat Legend of Dragoon and now I'm doing Vagrant Story / Lunar: SSH. I kinda wanna knock out some more PS1/PS2 JRPGs. I kinda have a routine where I walk in the afternoon, have my one meal, and do weights at night.

It's so nice to hear you and the fambam are doing well. You're such a good guy Boo and talking to you always uplifts my spirits. You always have such a good attitude and go get 'em. Stay blessed!