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First of allin the end of CT, during the new FMV's Magus is shown going into the forest tosearch for Schala, but the game never says anything else. Unfortunately it tookthe script writers to get a clear explanation of what happened. Magus goes offwith Alfador, who seems to ignore everything and heads to look for her. HoweverMagus says he is going to go back into the past to find Schala. The funny thingis what the scenario writer says on it is very confusing:"While we intended for Guile to be Magus, we did not make this intention clearenough and changed his clothes to make people no believe he was Magus. Guile isactually based off a character in Radical Dreamers which is believed to beMagus, and guides Kid through the game. However while we made it so Magus wasto be the one doing the time hop, we decided to rework the events so that Januswas the one. This is how the area of Radical Dreamers turns out in the end."While he states they in fact intended Guile to be Magus, the way they word itis not something that any right hand gamer can just off the fly understand.When decoding the real wording and intention, here is what is so:During the time Magus left to go search for Schala, was during the exactincident where Janus is supposedly going to go through dimensions crossingover. However, when this event transpires, it is at the exact same moment whichthe Time Crash occurs. Janus instead who can not time hop, does get splicedinto the dimensional vortex creating a rupture which makes several unconsciousTime Doppelgangers, which are not aware of anything because those dimensionsthemselves have been created. The same time Janus stepped through the portal,all of a sudden the Radical Dreamers dimension was created off of an alternatesplit reality. Janus then was lost in that space of the momeny, creating analternate time doppelganger in a reality never his own. Because Janus in thisinstance never went through the dimensional gateway, and did not ever becomeMagus later on, he stays the same.Thereofore Janus of Zeal, who at that moment of the Time Crash, was lost intoanother being. Alfador on the other hand did not travel anywhere near thepresent time, he instead got lost in the chaos. The other being washed up onthe shore in 1000 AD with no memory whatsoever of his origin, a "spawn" ofanother lifeform. This being quickly became a traveling magician, called Guileby the people of Termina. He did whacky fortunes, and told funny stories whilehe collected his weight as a magician to take on an even larger stake: That ofdiscovering the truth which was hidden from him like a black veil. He learnedthe trains of a magician, however, knew no such special spells, only littlemagic tricks. He met up with Serge and CO who were off to defeat Lynx, andneeded something to pass the time. He went with them, never deciding to takeoff his mask because he liked his enigma qualities, and when he reached theFrozen Flame, he stumbled back. Unaware that such a power could have existed inhim, perhaps, but never will. He exclaims in the game if you have him in thefront of the party "I am not that ...No....It's not possible....I am notthat!!!" and indeed he is correct, he is not that. Guile is a ripoff timedoppelganger of Janus, he has no correlation to Magus whatsoever. He only hadthe appearance of that of Janus, not Magus, nor even knew what the Mysticswere. He was born, and bred, an idiot. After that event, he seeked to repay hisgambling debts, perhaps Sneff knew what his life was really like hmm??? Orperhaps the mask he takes off in front of Kid which produces no reaction whenhe loses his 'bet'. Guile always wished to be something he's not, something hecould never be.At the same time Magus was in that moment traveling backwards across that planeand in the Time Crash, spawned himself into another "lifeform". This life formwas simply known as Gilbert. One day Gilbert arrived in the form of a youngearnest side show traveler, who was quickly adopted by parents, met hisgirlfriend, and became a great thief. He went on through his life to discoverhe might hold untapped powers, ones that could shake the heavens. Or maybe hejust liked his life as a thief. He decided one day long ago that he would go onan adventure, and with Serge and CO joined the Radical Dreamers to become apart of this adventure and live it to the last day. But when they traveled intoLynx's Manor, and he had grown attatched to his friends, he realized the truthabout his life. Something he could not ever attain, something he could not everbe. He wished to be something more than a thief, who traveled and stole theFrozen Flame. Perhaps the first thief to steal the Frozen Flame??? Or maybe thelast..?? Still, he dreamed of fighting the wars of chaos, and learning from hisshadow powers he inherited automatically from his real birthmother(who liesacross dimensions) decided to make his life the fullest it could possibly be.He went on and wished to marry LuLu, the had several daughters, and in thatlife, lived happily and as rich as can be. He could never ever say that he knewwhat the strength of his abilities were, but he traveled the stars and cosmos,running across mischief and adventure, where he styled his name after a rockstar, and became well known throughout for hunting space criminals. He neverknew the truth which birthed him, he never could accept that. He instead gavehis life into the card tricks which a thief will play, and learned And as awandering thief he was remembered by those who cared in the land.Flash forward to 1020 AD> The Chrono Cross is used. All of a sudden everydimension which existed outside of home ceases to exist, Guile, Magil, and allincarnations of Serge, General Viper and every character are wiped completelyout. They were never born. Just as in sliders if you were to look at one of thedimensions where Quinn found out he discovered the theory of relativity. Itnever happened, he isn't that smart, and that dimension after everything elseceased completely.Because of this one can not say that Mars Daio, the Old Woman, or any of themwere in fact real. As Kid learns, at the end of her story, she will never be athief again. And in that sense, she can not. After all, Magil, Serge, thosepeople are who made the game fun. As for the cat alfador, he does nothing butfollow Magus, who is at this moment, unaware of everyone, dwelling in the pastlooking for Schala, and watching over her through the dimensional gateway hetravels. He knows nothing of the strange bygones, and may, as it were not everrealize what truely happened. Yet in the same sense, his play in the role ofthe events caused those with imagination to wonder, would Magus really comeback....??? The answer is Nay, not until the writers of the Chrono Sequeldecide to put him in. Though maybe everyone's favorite Mystic raised brat isnot present, the world goes on. And in that same sense, people in the gameslike Glenn and Frog, are distanced by hundreds of years making it impossiblefor them to even have the same blood line, much less exist in the same moment.But those who will dream, may say some day the fateful Frog returns to hishuman form, and comes back to the world to slay Lynx. There's nothing wrongwith a dream. Logged Kazuki Temporal Warrior (+900) Posts: 948 Radical Dreamers explains it all Oo OMG! « Reply #1 on: September 24, 2005, 09:46:31 am » Oh geesh...ANOTHER Zelda Dude BS theory placed in the discussion section. Logged nightmare975 Architect of Kajar God of War (+3000) Posts: 3263 Radical Dreamers explains it all Oo OMG! « Reply #2 on: September 24, 2005, 12:22:45 pm » That was total bullshot! Logged AuraTwilight Errare Explorer (+1500) Posts: 1524 Radical Dreamers explains it all Oo OMG! « Reply #3 on: September 24, 2005, 02:20:49 pm » I don't even get it -_- Logged nightmare975 Architect of Kajar God of War (+3000) Posts: 3263 Radical Dreamers explains it all Oo OMG! « Reply #4 on: September 24, 2005, 02:58:29 pm » Zelda Dude is one of those many people who should be put down to prevent any offspring. Logged Legend of the Past Errare Explorer (+1500) Posts: 1679 Radical Dreamers explains it all Oo OMG! « Reply #5 on: September 24, 2005, 04:05:48 pm » ...You know, it's just one of those moments you just want to tell that guy: "Just... stop... talking..." Logged GrayLensman Guru of Reason Emeritus Dimension Crosser (+1000) Posts: 1031 Re: Radical Dreamers explains it all Oo OMG! « Reply #6 on: September 24, 2005, 05:00:24 pm » Quote from: ZaperkingOmg, I just found this whilst reading a RD FAQ at GameFAQs.. OMFG!!!! It's apparently from the Japanese translation or something.Just a few points.[list=1]"Oo" or "OMG!" are not appropriate expressions to use in a topic title in the analysis section.Zelda Dude's FAQ is not a reliable source of information. He basically plagarized some Japanese website by running it through the Altavista translator and posting it without permission.If this is intended to be a joke, don't post it in the analysis section. Otherwise, include some sort of explanation instead of just posting a large quotation.[/list:o] Logged Zaperking Radical Dreamer (+2000) Posts: 2210 Radical Dreamers explains it all Oo OMG! « Reply #7 on: September 24, 2005, 11:48:05 pm » Well how was I suppose to know >.>It said "THE TRUTH!" :'( Logged nightmare975 Architect of Kajar God of War (+3000) Posts: 3263 Radical Dreamers explains it all Oo OMG! « Reply #8 on: September 25, 2005, 12:02:35 am » Here's how you know if it's a crack pot theory. If it says by Zelda Dude Logged Lord J Esq Moon Stone J Hero of Time (+5000) Posts: 5463 ^_^ "Ayla teach at college level!!" Radical Dreamers explains it all Oo OMG! « Reply #9 on: September 25, 2005, 03:40:54 am » Quote from: nightmare975Here's how you know if it's a crack pot theory. If it says by Zelda DudeThere's a fine line between criticizing someone and slandering them. Let's try to keep it civil when the accused is not present to defend against your allegatins, lest you yourself become discredited as well. Logged Kazuki Temporal Warrior (+900) Posts: 948 Radical Dreamers explains it all Oo OMG! « Reply #10 on: September 25, 2005, 10:42:56 am » Thank you, Lord J. The flaming of this guy, though not entirely undeserved, is getting ridiculous. Logged Discoman Earthbound (+15) Posts: 48 Radical Dreamers explains it all Oo OMG! « Reply #11 on: September 25, 2005, 11:35:29 am » I wish i did not read that... I'm confused beyond comprehension... i'm still wondering why Magus would have so many douplegangers... Logged nightmare975 Architect of Kajar God of War (+3000) Posts: 3263 Radical Dreamers explains it all Oo OMG! « Reply #12 on: September 25, 2005, 12:37:36 pm » I guess my anger management classes didn't help. I want my money back! Logged Lord J Esq Moon Stone J Hero of Time (+5000) Posts: 5463 ^_^ "Ayla teach at college level!!" Radical Dreamers explains it all Oo OMG! « Reply #13 on: September 25, 2005, 08:29:00 pm » Quote from: nightmare975I guess my anger management classes didn't help. I want my money back!Nope, I'm keeping it. The fine print clearly said "No Refunds." =P Logged nightmare975 Architect of Kajar God of War (+3000) Posts: 3263 Radical Dreamers explains it all Oo OMG! « Reply #14 on: September 25, 2005, 09:24:59 pm » Grrrr, I get angry! I become hulk! Logged Print Pages: [1] 2 « previous next » Chrono Compendium » Enhasa Halls - Chrono Series Analysis » Characters, Plot, and Themes » Radical Dreamers explains it all Oo OMG!