Wha? You just negated your own argument: You said that a large head isnt indicative of intelligence, its an interconnected brain that is, interconnected brains need protein, and then that they have large heads, therefor they eat meat.
How do we know that they had an inter connected brain? We dont.
Before, you said that they were vegitarian, and that they were highly evolved. Now you go back on your argument.
And FYI, there are sources of protein, other than meat. Nuts for instance, certain fruit. Humans, before the current era, lived mostly on nuts, berries, fruit and what they could scavange. There really wasnt much meat eaten, and yet, they remained highly intelligent.
The only transition in diet from monkeys to humans, was a tendency to be slightly more omnivorous. Yes, this can be attributed to the brain, but it could also be attributed to a wide range of OTHER reasons, less vegitation to eat for intsance, a larger body with different needs, the discovery of hunting.
Baboons, after all, are monkeys, but are omnivorous too.
You cannot argue like this, with constant argument shifts and unsubstantiated claims. It is hard to rebutt your argument, only because it is fragmented and slight, as well as having many changes of coursae. It requires sifting, as it were.