Allow to be introduce myself. I am Alfador.
I am what you call a lurker. I lurk, and that
is why I have not been seen until now.
I would like this to be settled once and for all:
Zelda Dude's FAQ. What the hell is the deal with
all you Chrono theorists and this guy's ideas?
No, really. Excuse me as I plug my ears as the inevitable
comments come of how he translated the text of Radical
Dreamers through BabelFish or some such engine, I am
quite sick of them. I have read so many theories over the
years, come up with so many of my own, and yet not
once have I found anyone to debunk this man's
supposed "crackpot" ideas about the connections
between Radical Dreamers, Chrono Trigger and Chrono
Cross. I tend to be quite fond of his ideas, myself, as he
is seemingly the only person to ever successfully connect
Radical Dreamers to either of the two games. Everyone
else seems content to just label it as "Chrono Cross 0.5",
and leave it alone.
Is there any real reason for so much slander of his name?
I've seen people bash him, who, themselves, contribute
nothing to this little "scene" of Chrono theorists,
but rather just sit on their arses commenting on what they
"think" is true and not true, never once doing any research
them selves. It's disgusting, and I'm sick of it. Right here,
right now, if anyone really considers themselves a true theorists,
and a reasonable, thinking man or woman, I challenge you
to crack this man's theory. Go on right ahead, and don't tell
me that his FAQ was obviously wrong, or that he was
incredibly misinformed. And mods, please don't lock this
topic just because you don't think it will get anywhere.'s just reasonably dissect his views, and without
petty commentary with regards to his primitive storyline