Author Topic: Dalton in Lavos Timeline  (Read 7381 times)


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Dalton in Lavos Timeline
« Reply #30 on: October 07, 2005, 11:06:18 pm »
I thought it was the black omen that did that for her. But then again, you can destroy it in the future, then go back to the past and she'll say the same thing. KK, she is immortal then. But only like the Norse Gods. She can die by wounds, but not of age.


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Dalton in Lavos Timeline
« Reply #31 on: October 10, 2005, 02:56:46 pm »
Quote from: AuraTwilight
but she WANTS to be equal to Lavos.

True, but that doesn't make her equal to Lavos.


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Dalton in Lavos Timeline
« Reply #32 on: October 12, 2005, 10:47:37 am »
How can one tell if Zeal was truley immortal or not?  Sure she says it, but you beat her down and she dies, so she couldn't be truley immortal, right?


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Dalton in Lavos Timeline
« Reply #33 on: October 12, 2005, 11:39:10 am »
Immortal isn't invincible. An immortal can't die of old age but can be killed.


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Dalton in Lavos Timeline
« Reply #34 on: October 12, 2005, 04:17:37 pm »
Think of it like the elves in LOTR. They live for a super long time, but they can die in combat like a normal human.


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Dalton in Lavos Timeline
« Reply #35 on: October 21, 2005, 10:47:23 am »
I've always taken immortality to mean you can't die...period. She probably thought if she became "one" with Lavos, she couldn't die, period, because she'd be protected by the power of Lavos. Lavos was her god in a sense, by using the Mammon Machine (or what was left of it), she was still able to draw power from Lavos. Yes, she dies at the Black Omen, but do you remember that before you fight her final form, you fight the Mammon Machine again? Perhaps destroying it completely and in turn cutting off her source of power? Yes she still has power when you fight her final form, but maybe the effects of losing her power came slowly, otherwise you actually might not have been able to defeat her. After you defeat the Mammon Machine, then her final form, the Black Omen disintegrates, putting her, the MM and the Omen to "rest" as Gaspar puts it.


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Dalton in Lavos Timeline
« Reply #36 on: October 21, 2005, 06:01:27 pm »
Yeah I'm pretty sure I agree with the Dalton-went-in-the-OP-and-died thing. Though that would only really make sense if Schala left him there while transporting herself (and possibly the queen) out. Yes I put that in parenthesis, it is possible the Queen and Dalton both got killed by Lavos before Lavos brought Zeal to the ground and went back to his PD. Though maybe it was just Dalton.

And maybe she didn teleport all three out, who knows. But his being gone in the Keystone Timeline will probably root out alot of descendents, right? Unless he really is that unpopular o_O

Or here's a tell the Nu that it's not Schalas pendent, it's Marles. That's the honest, right answer. And Schala sends her amulet to Serge in the Keystone Timeline, still begging the question of how Marle got hers. Well, according to this theory, Marles truly isn't Schalas. Possibly they made multiple pendents.

Where I'm going with this is possibly all three of them died. Would answer the pendent deal. Who knows.

Also Magus doesn't have to have a perfect memory of every little detail back then, nor does he even have to care what happened to Dalton. It also doesn't show in his little flashback Schala or the Queen, so his flashback doesn't include everyone who was down there. Possibly Dalton was brought into the PD with Schala and the Queen, thinking that was the way to get immortal...and other theories follow.

Though I have to say that Golem theory's a good one, too.


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Dalton in Lavos Timeline
« Reply #37 on: October 21, 2005, 09:54:02 pm »
No. Only 1 Red Knife, and Pendant was made from dreamstone, besides the Mammon Machine.

Marle's pendant is from the original time line, Kid's pendant is from the Crono Time Line.


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Dalton in Lavos Timeline
« Reply #38 on: October 24, 2005, 04:32:35 pm »
Quote from: Mystik3eb
Also Magus doesn't have to have a perfect memory of every little detail back then, nor does he even have to care what happened to Dalton. It also doesn't show in his little flashback Schala or the Queen, so his flashback doesn't include everyone who was down there. Possibly Dalton was brought into the PD with Schala and the Queen, thinking that was the way to get immortal...and other theories follow.

Schala is definetely there without her the Mammon Machine wouldn't have worked. And plus she TALKS to Janus right before he gets gated.

[Ocean Palace, 12000 B.C., Lavos Timeline (Flashback)]

GASPAR: Hmm...!
   A dimensional warp!

BELTHASAR: This power is beyond
   human control!

   We'll be dragged into the warp!

SCHALA: No Janus!!
   Stay away!
JANUS: B, but!?

MELCHIOR: It, it's a...!!

GASPAR: A Timegate!?


SCHALA: Gurus!

JANUS: S, Schalaaa!!

SCHALA: Janus!!!

Although the Queen has no lines, it wouldn't make any sense if she was not present. It was her doing that made everything possible. I couldn't imagine her missing the event that makes her immortal.


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Dalton in Lavos Timeline
« Reply #39 on: October 24, 2005, 06:56:34 pm »
Yeah I just watched that scene the other day and realized my mistake.


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Dalton in Lavos Timeline
« Reply #40 on: November 05, 2005, 10:27:28 pm »
Dalton went to the Darkness Beyond Time.  There he used Schala to somehow exit it with Lavos.  They formed a space station/doomsday device as Lavos had used the majority of his power to channel through Schala's pendant and escape.  Blah blah sideuest etc. side-villain blah blah.  Than Lucca changes the Epoch for space-travel and they reach the Astro Dalton Imperial (couldn't resist).  Big dungeon, then you face Dalton.  Than you see many little outlines of the true Lavos come around Dalton and then he turns into the....

Name: Dalton-Lavos Omega
Stats: No clue
Element: Shadow

You face a him, and then Lavos reguritates Dalton *snicker* and begins to operate the machine.  You make an attempt to hurt him, but he doesn't even seem to notice.  Dalton has a change of heart (big surprise) and says the only way to stop Lavos is through the self-destruct button.  However, it is so far away from the docking bay, the presser wouldn't be able to escape.  Magus offers to go (or someone else, depending on your party), but Dalton goes.  You escape in a Metroid like fassion.

Here's something else, the side-villain, much like Magus in CT, appears to be the main villain.  This idea is more suitable for fanfiction but hey.  The side-villain is Mother Brain.  Not RY Mother Brain, but sit-in-a-glass-vial-getting-beaten-extremely-easily-while-my-plan-to-replicate-the-Metroids-has-failed-Mother-Brain.  Samus comes into the picture from the new future.  She thinks your evil, you face her, blah blah, and she joins you.  She has powerful shadow magic.  And I assure you she's Schala involved, of course.

Viola.  Chrono Break.

Then, after the ending, and even the THE END, you see a dark outline of Schala.  Then a Lavos outline appears, then Schala seems to disintigrate.  Then he morphs into the Time Devourer.  Then you see Schala on top, then she makes one of Magus' trademark evil smile.

This is the truth.  This is my belief.  At least for now.


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Dalton in Lavos Timeline
« Reply #41 on: November 06, 2005, 03:02:45 pm »
That's the most ridiculous theory I've ever read; Nice Fanfic :D

Still, it's better than Zaper's fate idea.


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Dalton in Lavos Timeline
« Reply #42 on: November 06, 2005, 03:21:16 pm »
Common. the Dalton-Lavos Omega.  There's another character to replace Samus, that I call Terry.  A Home-Wrold Counterpart to Kid.


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Dalton in Lavos Timeline
« Reply #43 on: November 06, 2005, 03:34:50 pm »
Quote from: Crono_Maniac
Than Lucca changes the Epoch for space-travel and they reach the Astro Dalton Imperial (couldn't resist).

This makes me smile, because there is really some kind of space machine in Lucca's orphanage in CC (the sheet of paper on the floor near it says that it's a "space-capsule"). Either your theory is right or Lucca traveled to the Xenogears planet :wink:


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Dalton in Lavos Timeline
« Reply #44 on: November 06, 2005, 05:17:49 pm »
Neat.  I would have finished CC, but my brother broke my PSX.