Crono and Miguel have nothing in common anyway. It's ridiculous that this debate got that far. What would a king (if you saw the ending to the PSX version of CT) be doing on some foreign island having children with another woman?
okay to much to quote, since when was i saying crono was having children with another woman?
So, Crono living 1,300 years isn't relevant, as all you would have to do is step into the area. Keep in mind, Miguel is also from the 1,000 A.D. era, and he wouldn'y have lived that long either.
i think you missed the point, unless your assuming the ghost of crono went into the dead sea from 1000AD, which im not, im saying the ghost of crono is from the 2300AD era where he was dead.
There's a simple way to fix this. After Lynx leaves, Miguel says: "My dear Leena... May you live in an happier tommorow." Crono has nothing to do with Leena. And if you connect the facts that Marge said that Wazuki and Leena's father went to Chronopolis, you see Miguel with Wazuki in Chronopolis, and he says the Leena bit after death, it's safe to say Miguel is just Leena's father, Wazuki's best friend, and has nothing to with the hero of time, Crono.
im intrigued how you used that evidence to make that assumption.
Who knows, maybe he left his hot, powerful hero of time wife and went to get some hot El-Nido action? {: I mean, being a King is NOTHING when compared to being a fishermen.
i never assumed he left marle, and im sure marle would of rather been a fisherman than a queen, she says it in trigger.
Anyone who believes this theory says that they are in hiding, probably due to the military actions of Porre. I don't buy it, personally. Some people go as far to say that Marle is actually Leena, which is... really radical. Once again, I don't buy it.
no way would i buy leena being marle, there no where near the right age, leena is about 17, which is about what marle was in trigger.
and quite frankly i dont buy that crono and marle would have died the porre invasion, maybe they got in there at first, but once it became apparant they may loose and marle could be in danger theres no chance in hell he would stay there and risk marle dying.
Miguel is FROZEN in time in the Dead Sea. There is no future version of him to be Crono's ghost.
miguel gets killed in the dead sea, and im pretty sure it had to happen because of FATE.