Author Topic: Did crono die when porre attacked  (Read 41188 times)


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Did crono die when porre attacked
« Reply #45 on: May 28, 2005, 09:21:10 pm »
I don't think thats very plausible, because the sword was still good (Not yet evil looking) in 1005.  Plus, Masa and Mune arn't trapped in the Sword.  They can come out any time they want to, it seems.  After Frog layed the sword down, they could have surely still be its protectors.

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Did crono die when porre attacked
« Reply #46 on: June 09, 2005, 01:38:06 am »
Well, there isn't really any hard evidence suggesting that Crono died in the events between Chrono Trigger and Cross.  My personal opinion is that the ghost children in the Dead Sea weren't really "ghosts," because why would the cast of Trigger be mad at the Cross team for trying to correct the side effects that happened during the Trigger adventures? I believe the ghost children said something on the lines of "We worked so hard, but now you are ruining it." Forgive me, I'm working off of memory here!  :shock:  We have to remember, the Trigger team was imbued with magic. Just because the only magic we witnessed in the game was attack spells, it doesn't mean necessarly that is all they were limited too. As someone else said, notice that Magus could summon Lavos, fly, change the DNA structure of humans, etc. This leads me to believe that maybe, (most of) the Trigger team was just watching Serge and Co, and on Opassa Beach (home) they offered guidance to Serge because maybe they were conducting research and maybe doing some adventuring of their own in the background. Speculation, sure, but  at least to me, it makes some sense.


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Did crono die when porre attacked
« Reply #47 on: June 09, 2005, 02:42:51 pm »
That almost works, but you have to remember that they were only taught battle magic by Spekkio, not any other uses. You have to remember that Magus grew up in Zeal, where magic was used for everything, so he would have known how to do these things before being gated. Also he was raised by mystics, who are the only species that can still use magic, besides the group of course. So for them to learn how to communicate with others through thier soul without anyone to teach them seems a little farfetched. That would have been like Obi-Wan communicating to Luke after his death without having Qui-Gon teach it to him.


  • Iokan (+1)
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Did crono die when porre attacked
« Reply #48 on: June 23, 2005, 12:56:00 pm »
Even if Crono was able to still use his magic and was still at the top of his game when it comes down to fighting one also have to remember how many people hes fighting. One person alone cannot stop an entire army.. Even if they only did say.. 1 point of damage gameplay wise eventually even a high leveled Crono would be taken down if enough of them came at him. Not to mention that his magic would eventually run out as well.. And I'd doubt they'd give him a chance to rest in between battles. It would all come down to endurance if he tried to face them.


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Did crono die when porre attacked
« Reply #49 on: June 24, 2005, 06:11:31 pm »
Well, here is my take on it why such an idea is flawed.

Would Crono and Marle be fighting Porre alone?  Or would they be commanding the Guardian Army?  The type of fighting of that day and age, with muskeets and such, would be 2 armies line up, march up real clsoe to the enemy, and shoot each other until one side dies more than the other.  Would Crono participate in such a battle?  Why would he?  Is Crono so stupid that he would charge a line of muskeets?  No.  If Crono ever did get into fights with the main Porrean Army, it would have been defending fortifications or such.  There, be could use his magic to defend, without having to charge.  Crono would more likely go behind enemy lines, and sack fortresses deep within enemy territory, striking at the enemy's heart.  Thats what he did agianst Magus and the Mystics, Zeal, the Reptites, and to a lesser extend, Mother Brain's machines.  The only time you see him participating in a battle is at Zenan Bridge, and there, your not charging lines of muskeets.


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Did crono die when porre attacked
« Reply #50 on: June 24, 2005, 10:16:10 pm »
Yes! Finally someone opened up my brain for the right explination.

If Crono and Marle actually fought in the war I doubt they would have been on the front lines. Like Sentenal said, it would be out of character. I see them more like special forces, going on secret ops missions to take out things that needed taking out. Sure they would be an asset on the battlefield, but they would be more of one if they could sneak into Porre strongholds and do some major damage.


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Did crono die when porre attacked
« Reply #51 on: July 03, 2005, 12:15:38 am »
I got a question:  I was reading about some of the CC endings, and about the ending where Kid goes to Viper Manor alone, and makes the Acacia Empire, or something like that.  The encyclopedia says that Kid planned to take down both the Kingdom of Guardia and Porre.  Now, I realize we can't take special endings as canon, but these special endings are 'what ifs', in the setting of the canon world.  So, if that entry is right, that would make Guardia a soverign state still, would it not?  So maybe Porre didn't conquer Guardia, just beat the living crap out of them.  The we take a line from Radius (I think, I don't remmber exactly) that says that General Viper wanted to make El Nido like the Guardia of the past.  I don't know what I'm getting at, but maybe Porre destroyed the Guardian army, and then simply forced a surrender.  And, with their army in ruins, and no way to enforce the country, it fell into lawlessness.  And then add on my idea that Crono would NEVER fight in a battle like how I previously described in a above post, and we could have Crono and Marle alive.


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Did crono die when porre attacked
« Reply #52 on: August 01, 2005, 06:24:58 pm »
you say crono would definetly fight to defend gaurdia, i disagree, crono has no fondness to royalty, he has fondness for marle, surely he would rather do anything in his power to make sure nothing happens to marle then go defend his new kingdom.
so i believe crono and marle fled to somewhere (as someone mentioned somewhere else), i would say to arni village, and they changed there names and such, crono = miguel, leena = crono and marles daughter.
we know leena is miguels daughter, and the name is very similair to queen leene from CT, and it would make sense that marle would call her daughter leene/leena due to her relationship with queen leene (you dont really notice it much but i have a hunch she looked to queene leene a bit like a mother, as her was dead).
as for the reason why i believe miguel is crono, and someone mentioned he has same hair colour, and would be around the right age, he obviously doesnt look exactly like crono (hat/glasses) as he would need to change his look to avoid being hunted by porre. in the dead sea after you defeat the ghost of marle says to miguel
"i love(d) you so much"
and then another line which i dont know exactly but it went a bit like
"i love you so much sometimes i just wanted to tear you apart"
(if someone can clear that up it would apreciated but its not really necesary, the first line is the important one.

afterwards miguel says something random, and then says something about leena (damn my bad memory), thus i believe miguel is crono.


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Did crono die when porre attacked
« Reply #53 on: August 01, 2005, 06:38:00 pm »
The second line is said by FATE if I remember right.

Miguel as Crono wouldn't make much sense since Miguel didn't use magic against the group when they fought. And his techs were nothing like anything Crono had. Also I think if he actually was Crono he would have reacted differently towards the ghosts, he just kind of sets them aside as nothing.


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Did crono die when porre attacked
« Reply #54 on: August 01, 2005, 08:41:36 pm »
Your idea requires both that Crono no longer use a sword, and change everything in his combative arsenal.  Just because he looks that way, doesn't mean a single thing.

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Did crono die when porre attacked
« Reply #55 on: August 01, 2005, 09:24:21 pm »
My opinion?

1.) Nobility or not, Crono and Marle--not to mention Lucca--would absolutely be on the front lines fighting for Guardia.  Wild horses couldn't hold them back.  It's not just Guardia's sovereignty and prestige at stake, but the lives of the people they care about.

2.) Even though, in real life, no human being could withstand the onslaught of an entire army, CML are not, by 1005 AD, mere mortals.  They are the Entity's chosen ones, super-ultra-powerful warriors with magical weapons and the special gift given them by Spekkio.  They would, if not WIN, then at least survive.

3.) Trying to puzzle out how Crono feels about royalty, blah blah blah is pointless.  You really can't ascribe much to Crono when it comes to his opinions and motivations.  What we DO know is that he loves Marle, Marle loves the kingdom, and Marle's family is now Crono's family.  To my mind, any suggestion that Crono would not, then, fight on Guardia's behalf is absurd.

Personally, I think this topic is a pain in the butt, because you either think the one way or the other, and it seems like nobody EVER changes their mind about it.



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Did crono die when porre attacked
« Reply #56 on: August 02, 2005, 03:04:22 am »
If they're not mere mortals, why didn't they do anything in CC? Lucca was abducted.. She could have used hypnosis on Lynx, but nooo.

Their role was complete, there is no reason why they're become normal again, or atleast their powers not weaken. The entity wouldn't be stupid enough to let them keep the peak of their powers, otherwise they might turn evil with it. Maybe even Crono went mad and used the Masamune to destroy Guardia.


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Did crono die when porre attacked
« Reply #57 on: August 02, 2005, 05:39:55 am »
Quote from: SilentMartyr
The second line is said by FATE if I remember right.

Miguel as Crono wouldn't make much sense since Miguel didn't use magic against the group when they fought. And his techs were nothing like anything Crono had. Also I think if he actually was Crono he would have reacted differently towards the ghosts, he just kind of sets them aside as nothing.

his techs are white and as mentioned before crono's ulitmate spell luminaire is now a white spell, and it would generelly make sense for crono to be white, being the main hero guy. he does use magic, he used a load of white spells like meteor and photonbeam. seeing as he has been in the sea of eden for, how many was it? 10 years? 14? cant remember, but a long time, he most likely would of seen the ghosts before, and gotten used to them.


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Did crono die when porre attacked
« Reply #58 on: August 02, 2005, 07:33:20 am »
Crono's Luminaire and Serge's Luminaire do not equals make.


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Did crono die when porre attacked
« Reply #59 on: August 02, 2005, 11:23:00 am »
miguel also seems to know a lot of details about crono's journey, explain that. why would miguel respond to marle saying "i love you so much" if he did not have that type of atachment with her? leena being his daughter and leene being marle's predeccesor, coincidence? i think not, not much in these games are coincidence.