Author Topic: Did crono die when porre attacked  (Read 36502 times)

Legend of the Past

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Did crono die when porre attacked
« Reply #75 on: August 04, 2005, 10:54:27 am »
Quote from: Legend of the Past
FATE has no face. She's a computer, damnit. Besides, she wasn't quiet present there, but being the Entity she is, she could probably speak through the dimensions.

Explaining why you never saw her face.

Quote from: Legend of the Past
Besides, you don't see the Dragon God's face in Terra Tower. But it's him speaking. So meh.

Me lamenting the fact that not every dialouge has a face animation. Some dialogues don't have dialogue boxes.


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Did crono die when porre attacked
« Reply #76 on: August 04, 2005, 11:14:21 am »
Quote from: Legend of the Past
Quote from: Legend of the Past
FATE has no face. She's a computer, damnit. Besides, she wasn't quiet present there, but being the Entity she is, she could probably speak through the dimensions.

Explaining why you never saw her face.

Quote from: Legend of the Past
Besides, you don't see the Dragon God's face in Terra Tower. But it's him speaking. So meh.

Me lamenting the fact that not every dialouge has a face animation. Some dialogues don't have dialogue boxes.

i never said anything about not seeing fates face, i said the dialogue box was coming from marle, unless marle never actaully spoke it was in the same position, assuming the idea that it was marle talking.

yes i know you dont always see a face, and most of the time when you dont see a dialogue box is when the object doing the speaking is not on the screen, through my experiences that is the only time ive ever noticed it, and the dialogue with the lines i aformentioned were in a box leading to the clear assumption it was something on the screen doing the talking.[/quote]


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Did crono die when porre attacked
« Reply #77 on: August 04, 2005, 02:08:33 pm »
Quote from: Sentenal
And if Miguel was Crono, where was the magic?  Elements, which is what he used, are NOT magic.

So, according to you Ozzie, Slash and Flea in CC are imposters because they don't use magic as the Mystic Warriors did in CT?

Legend of the Past

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Did crono die when porre attacked
« Reply #78 on: August 04, 2005, 02:45:58 pm »
The Dragon God is quiet on the screen, and he has no dialogue box...

Besides, I can crush your theory easily by saying this: FATE has a reason to say this, while Marle neither loves Serge nor does she wish to crush him to bits. In the Dead Sea, the kids are just teasing you, as if to make you more aware. Besides, that wasn't  in Marle's side of the screen, it was on the CENTER of the screen.


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Did crono die when porre attacked
« Reply #79 on: August 04, 2005, 03:03:08 pm »
So, according to you Ozzie, Slash and Flea in CC are imposters because they don't use magic as the Mystic Warriors did in CT?

Actually, some people do theorize that. Which may not be relevent if the Bend of Time is like a Q Continuum, making magic impossible as long as Serge and co. are there.


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Did crono die when porre attacked
« Reply #80 on: August 04, 2005, 04:16:53 pm »
kid doesnt say anything, miguel says something because it shows his head when he speaks, the box is next to marle and in the same position it is when you presume its marle speaking.
is it just me, or would you not call their "innate elements" magic?
but anyway, i'd like to go with the idea that seeing as spekkio taught them magic for their quest to destroy lavos, after they destroyed it they forget/unlearnt this magic, maybe spekkio disapeared when lavos was killed and took his magic along with him, do we know what power source this magic came from? the zealians used lavos, if they too used lavos this would mean they would loose their magic. theres loads of reasons really.

1: COMPLETELY MISSED MY POINT.  We know people say things, because, they say them.
2: Wrong wrong wrong.  Speikko mearly unlocked their Magic abilities, he didn't give them anything.  Zeal's magic was Lavos magic, and different from Crono's (as per the people in Zeal saying it).  And Elements are things that the Dragonians manufactured.  That are not magic.

And about that quote:  
Voice: I love you so much... That is why I sometimes desire to smash you to bits!!!
 Why do you exclude the second part of it?  If Miguel is Crono, and hes talking to Marle, then why does he want to smash her to bits?  Plus, the line is in the middle of Miguel telling them to get out.

So, according to you Ozzie, Slash and Flea in CC are imposters because they don't use magic as the Mystic Warriors did in CT?

Actually, some people do theorize that. Which may not be relevent if the Bend of Time is like a Q Continuum, making magic impossible as long as Serge and co. are there.



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Did crono die when porre attacked
« Reply #81 on: August 04, 2005, 04:28:17 pm »
Quote from: Legend of the Past
The Dragon God is quiet on the screen, and he has no dialogue box...

Besides, I can crush your theory easily by saying this: FATE has a reason to say this, while Marle neither loves Serge nor does she wish to crush him to bits. In the Dead Sea, the kids are just teasing you, as if to make you more aware. Besides, that wasn't  in Marle's side of the screen, it was on the CENTER of the screen.

okay when i did it, it was clearly on the left of the screen, and what are you talking about serge for?  :? . what do you mean the kids are teasing you? explain further please.
and with the dragon god i have no idea what your talking about, but if it shows no dialogue box, theres got to be a reason for it, my assumption is that the dragon god will be using some form of, dam whats the word, erm telekenetic speaking thing (bah someone give me the word!).

"Speikko mearly unlocked their Magic abilities"

evidence? and define what you mean by unlock.

where do assume that crono and co got the power to use this magic? surely there must be some source.

"If Miguel is Crono, and hes talking to Marle, then why does he want to smash her to bits? Plus, the line is in the middle of Miguel telling them to get out."

erm, what in gods name are you talking about? miguel doesnt say that stuff, ugh.

"COMPLETELY MISSED MY POINT. We know people say things, because, they say them"

again no idea what your talking about or where that came from.

Legend of the Past

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Did crono die when porre attacked
« Reply #82 on: August 04, 2005, 04:58:53 pm »
Hmm... You said it was in Marle's direction. And if it was Marle, she could only speak to Serge.

And as for the kids teasing you... The ghosts of the big three (Crono, Marle and Lucca ^^) in fact knew Serge was the one person with the power to use the Chrono Cross, the one whom Schala had chosen. They were teasing Serge to:

A. Get him mad so he could beat Miguel.
B. Give him the information that he broke the world, now he has to fix it.
C. That if he won't fix this world, everything will turn to shit. The Dead Sea being an example for the term shit.


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Did crono die when porre attacked
« Reply #83 on: August 04, 2005, 05:00:53 pm »
Useally its a good idea to know what you have said, so you can debate people...

in the dead sea after you defeat the ghost of marle says to miguel
"i love(d) you so much"

It seems I mispoke, but so you think MARLE-GHOST said that?!  Its obvious FATE said it.  Why would Marle want to tear Miguel apart, if Miguel was Crono?

And proof that Spekkio unlocked it?

Long before you were born... there was a kingdom where magic flourished.  Everyone there could use it!  But in time, people began to abuse their powers.  It got so bad that no one was allowed to use magic except wizards.  But you have it... determination, I mean!  Magic needs power of the heart.  It needs inner strength.

Or do you expect me to believe Spekkio taught everyone at Zeal how to use Magic as well?  There are also many topics here proving this point.  Read around.

How do you know Kid says anything? How do you know Miguel says anything?

kid doesnt say anything, miguel says something because it shows his head when he speaks, the box is next to marle and in the same position it is when you presume its marle speaking.

And my line was in reference to:
okay, you didnt explain how you know it was FATE saying that, but i guess we will never know the real truth unless the makers say so.

Now is it obvious how you missed my point?  In the game, we know people say things because the say things.  We know marle didn't say it because she didn't.

And its very hard to debate with someone who doesn't know what were debating...  Please don't say you don't know what I'm talking about yet another time...


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Did crono die when porre attacked
« Reply #84 on: August 04, 2005, 05:10:23 pm »
erm but the only evidence you have that it wasnt marle saying it is a guide saying it was fate, so yeh, wat the hell are u talking about? dude do u not understand what im saying at all? i think not.

"Why would Marle want to tear Miguel apart, if Miguel was Crono?"

for the sole reason she loved him so much, think about it, you obviously havent, or you just have no idea.

"Or do you expect me to believe Spekkio taught everyone at Zeal how to use Magic as well? There are also many topics here proving this point. Read around. "

we know spekkio didnt teach it seeing as he wasnt even around back then, at least you never see or hear of him, what poeple have assumed is that gaspar taught them, and spekkio is nu/dream spirit kinda thing of gaspar. and what the hell you just avoided the question.

"And if it was Marle, she could only speak to Serge."

erm, huh?

and yeh still not getting the point about the kids teasing serge, there telling the truth arent they? serge made it so all their efforts to change the world were nullified, so i think you should go into a bit more detail.

Legend of the Past

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Did crono die when porre attacked
« Reply #85 on: August 04, 2005, 05:21:36 pm »
When you love someone, you don't want to smash them to bits. From my experience, at least...


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Did crono die when porre attacked
« Reply #86 on: August 04, 2005, 05:28:14 pm »
argh you dont understand, ill give you one example:

marle loves crono loads, now lets go out and make up that crono decided to defend gaurdia and sent marle off somewhere hiding, personally i dont believe that in the slightest. now because marle loves him so much she would hate crono for doing that so much she mite wish to punish him.

basically, you love someone a lot, they do something that gets you very worried, and it makes so furios at them BECAUSE you love them so much.


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Did crono die when porre attacked
« Reply #87 on: August 04, 2005, 06:28:26 pm »
Marle wouldn't be able to Crush or Smash him to bits..... She uses a bow... not a hammer or a sword.. Besides the Kids having no weapons..


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Did crono die when porre attacked
« Reply #88 on: August 04, 2005, 06:36:43 pm »
wow that is completely not the point  :wink:


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Did crono die when porre attacked
« Reply #89 on: August 04, 2005, 06:49:22 pm »
Quote from: kazmaka

we know spekkio didnt teach it seeing as he wasnt even around back then, at least you never see or hear of him, what poeple have assumed is that gaspar taught them, and spekkio is nu/dream spirit kinda thing of gaspar. and what the hell you just avoided the question.

Who assumes that Gaspar taught Zeal how to use magic?? That makes no sense at all, for if anything it would be the Queen who taught Zeal magical useage.

[Young Woman]
   The Queen has given us everything!

   After the King died, she nurtured
   magic, which has advanced the

Spekkio is the Nu/Dream spirit of Gaspar? Again where do you get these ideas? I would love to see the explination on that one.