Hey everyone, first of all, let me apologize deeply for my absence. Several things have gotten in the way of me getting here regularly to do anything at all.
First, my workplace has cracked down on Internet use, and I used to do a lot of Compendium-browsing at work. So that's hindered me.
Second, Hurricane Rita. My girlfriend/almost-fiance Katie lives in Houston and needed a place to stay that week, so of course she came up here. She also just needed some emotional support as she continues on with some new plans in her life... She finished high school early (finished last week actually) and started to attend massage therapy school... Which puts her on track with her plans to move up here around January. So I've been spending a lot of time with her, either in person or on the phone.
On top of that, there's the CT Remake Petition and all that jazz; plus a friend of mine recently suggested starting a private server of Lineage ][, so I've been checking into some numbers on that... (By the way if anyone would like to help out with donations to get us up and running there, my PayPal address is Jacob@RSJames.biz... Bigger donations will also net you more power in the game when we get launched
So now, hopefully I will have a little more time for this place.
I'll just have to discipline myself to keep coming here and check on things and all that.
(Previously I was having to discipline myself NOT to, because I knew if I came here I'd be sitting and making replies for 3-4 hours!)
Who's ready to work?