Ok, thus begins my spiel on Metroid.
I never liked the old Metroids. I'd played them all and hadn't thought twice about them: they were boring and too non-linear for me. Bleh.
Then I heard Metroid Prime on the Gamecube was gonna be a FPS. Great. I hate FPSs, lol. I saw the graphics...very impressive...but it'll still have to prove itself for me to like it.
One day at my new high school I gained a friend (we became friends by discovering our similar deep obsession with Final Fantasys, Chronos, Robert Jordan and the like) who invited me to go to his house. He had just got Metroid Prime and said it was awesome. He let me start a game.
....oh. My. God. You can scan things around you to find out about them, even log things like Lore (essentially storyline additions), enemy info and other stuff into a permanent database? My GOD, LOOK at those insane graphics! Wow, these controls are easy...this game is SO much fun! WHOA! The view zooms out when she becomes a ball...these are the best in-game graphics I've ever seen! Holy shit, this game is AWESOME!
And I hadn't even left the colony ship yet.
And my good feelings toward the game only increased. This truly is different from other FPSs, and has been labeled not an FPS, but an FPA (First-Person Adventure), which is very accurate. This is not blind mindless shooting at the baddies until they're all gone and whatnot. This is an actual Metroid game, taken with all its qualities, with a scan system thrown in (which is possibly my favorite part of the whole thing), amazing graphics, perfect fitting music, and an incredibly fun gameplay that gives it more replay value than anything without a 'Chrono' in its name. I know few people that dislike Metroid Prime.
The second one is even better, simply because of the Screw Attack (!!!!!!!!!!), though the switch to ammo kinda sucks, it's still an amazingly awesome, fun game that has no flaws.
So you can tell which one I voted for =p
Edit: BTW, I did go back and play all the old Metroids (yes, even the awful GameBoy one), and my opinion on them is thus: The NES one truly is a classic, but I would never play it without a map and a guide, the GB truly is a P.O.S., but has it's quirks, the SNES one truly is one of the best games on the system, and the GBA ones simply kick ass, those are almost as good as the Primes.