Not really, BZ. Useless bull in posts in what's supposed to be an *intellectual* board is starting to grate on my nerves.
Ah, again! As Sentenal said, "What great command of history you have!" I must add, "What great command over facts of life you have!" in a sarcastic manner as well. You seem to have pictured me saying that civilization back then was *perfect*, which I don't understand the reasoning behind that at all as I've never said anything of the sort.
Homer, author of the Illiad and the Oddysey(sp?).The great philosopher Socrates (To find the truth despite the universal opinion). The list goes on and on...nearly all modern aspects of Law, science, medicine, government etc. all stem from these ancient civilizations.
Ah, thank god we live in *such* an improved society today, where Violence and Sex is blared over the media with no abandon, where money is obsessed over, and modern youth judging jobs by the salaries they give. Sure is utopia here