Author Topic: Your RPG  (Read 3760 times)


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« Reply #15 on: October 28, 2005, 08:52:18 pm »
I'm sure it can be done. Crono didn't have much a back story besides being a boy from a town. The plot just wouldn't revolve so much around the lead as it would around the supporting characters, and what the group as a whole is trying to accomplish in the main series of quests.

warriorsam, have you heard of games such as...The Elder Scrolls and Fable? Fable tried to deliver an experience EXACTLY to what you said. Its not a new idea, its and idea that every western developer wants

Yeah, I'd read about Fable for a long time before I played it. It was fun, but for some reason wasn't what it sounded like on paper. I think what I had hoped for was more customization of the main character so that, when I grew up and became legendary/infamous, I could have that feeling of "Wow, that's the kid I designed at the beginning of the game. He/She has come a long way."

What I think would separate my hypothetical game from U.S. RPGs though is that, when the main plot actually kicks in, it would start to play out more like a Japanese RPG, story-wise and character-wise. Just that your character would kind of be dragged along for the ride the way Crono was, and be sort of an observer (apart from occasionally falling in love or sacrificing himself to a resource-devouring space alien).

Burning Zeppelin

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« Reply #16 on: October 29, 2005, 12:39:58 am »
Ah, i see what you mean. But seeing as how Jap RPGs have very nice movies and such, it would be very hard to just put your new character into one. But i see what you mean, and i have dreamt the same.

Lord J, who is this Amos. Is he the same Amos in Australia, the fat Korean?


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« Reply #17 on: October 29, 2005, 12:56:10 am »
Quote from: Burning Zeppelin
Lord J, who is this Amos. Is he the same Amos in Australia, the fat Korean?

Famous Amos is a brand of cookies here in the States. Little chocolate chip fellows, come in bags; like potato chips.


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« Reply #18 on: October 29, 2005, 01:20:31 am »
A character that you create is a generic character.  I would agrue with you about Crono not having a personality.  But he certainly is a defined, scripted character, with a background, and a distinct place in the world.


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« Reply #19 on: October 29, 2005, 01:50:20 am »
Ah, i see what you mean. But seeing as how Jap RPGs have very nice movies and such, it would be very hard to just put your new character into one.

Yeah, that's true. Have you seen Square Enix's PS3 tech demo yet (of Final Fantasy 7)? If it's true that that's what a game's in-game graphics could look like, I could definitely deal with the absence of CGI cut scenes, hehe.

A character that you create is a generic character. I would agrue with you about Crono not having a personality. But he certainly is a defined, scripted character, with a background, and a distinct place in the world.

Crono was pretty generic himself at the beginning of Chrono Trigger. It's his actions throughout the game that give him personality and make him likeable. I think player-created characters can take on personalities in much the same way, just that their consistent actions/behaviors would be up to the player to decide. And after all, isn't the point of an RPG to roleplay? :wink:


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« Reply #20 on: October 29, 2005, 01:55:20 am »
Thats the point of ancient RPGs.

And I have never (NEVER) seen an RPG with user-created characters that have a good storyline.  Well, maybe KOTOR.  But its story was decent at best.  Could have been great.

Lord J Esq

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« Reply #21 on: October 29, 2005, 02:09:48 am »
Quote from: Sentenal
Thats the point of ancient RPGs.

And I have never (NEVER) seen an RPG with user-created characters that have a good storyline.  Well, maybe KOTOR.  But its story was decent at best.  Could have been great.

Yah, all too true. Unfortunately, most people just aren't creative, and most of those who are have no skill in expressing it. You can't trust the user to power character development or advance the plot. That has to be done by the game itself. People don't take the initiative. They don't aspire, or explore. They don't know what they want until you give it to them. How many kids did you see back in 1997 walking the streets crying out, "Oh, I can't wait until someone writes Harry Potter! When's the first Harry Potter book coming out?!" The user-powered story is only as good as the user, whereas self-contained works like Chrono Trigger are universally accepted as excellent. Not to say that a user-powered RPG can't work--just look at the success of games like The Sims, and imagine Trogdor thrown in the mix--but it'd be the biggest breathrough in video gaming history if someone were to successfully combine the two otherwise incompatible qualities of player-driven storytelling and objective story quality.


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« Reply #22 on: October 29, 2005, 04:02:52 am »
Quote from: Lord J esq
Quote from: Sentenal
Thats the point of ancient RPGs.

And I have never (NEVER) seen an RPG with user-created characters that have a good storyline.  Well, maybe KOTOR.  But its story was decent at best.  Could have been great.

Yah, all too true. Unfortunately, most people just aren't creative, and most of those who are have no skill in expressing it. You can't trust the user to power character development or advance the plot. That has to be done by the game itself. People don't take the initiative. They don't aspire, or explore. They don't know what they want until you give it to them. How many kids did you see back in 1997 walking the streets crying out, "Oh, I can't wait until someone writes Harry Potter! When's the first Harry Potter book coming out?!" The user-powered story is only as good as the user, whereas self-contained works like Chrono Trigger are universally accepted as excellent. Not to say that a user-powered RPG can't work--just look at the success of games like The Sims, and imagine Trogdor thrown in the mix--but it'd be the biggest breathrough in video gaming history if someone were to successfully combine the two otherwise incompatible qualities of player-driven storytelling and objective story quality.

Honestly, I never saw the point of wanting to make your own character. Why should I play a game someone else made with my character, when I could make my own game with my character, and involve my character in a story and world more specific to it than this game? I play other peoples RPGs to read "their" book.

Hell, I've never played a make-your-own-character game that I enjoyed. Except Tony Hawk Underground, lol.

Burning Zeppelin

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« Reply #23 on: October 29, 2005, 05:53:45 am »
Quote from: warriorsam

A character that you create is a generic character. I would agrue with you about Crono not having a personality. But he certainly is a defined, scripted character, with a background, and a distinct place in the world.

Crono was pretty generic himself at the beginning of Chrono Trigger. It's his actions throughout the game that give him personality and make him likeable. I think player-created characters can take on personalities in much the same way, just that their consistent actions/behaviors would be up to the player to decide. And after all, isn't the point of an RPG to roleplay? :wink: is more fun to see a character become powerul and heroic then for them to start off that way (unless in direct sequel) Almost every single piece of fantasy media is that way, based on Joseph Campbells "the heros journey"


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« Reply #24 on: October 29, 2005, 04:56:37 pm »
Quote from: warriorsam
Ah, i see what you mean. But seeing as how Jap RPGs have very nice movies and such, it would be very hard to just put your new character into one.

Yeah, that's true. Have you seen Square Enix's PS3 tech demo yet (of Final Fantasy 7)? If it's true that that's what a game's in-game graphics could look like, I could definitely deal with the absence of CGI cut scenes, hehe.

It wont. Tech demos are usually prerendered, and if they aren't, it's still not a good indicator, because the developer can use ALL of the system's power for pushing out the graphics. No need for AI, physics, etc...

Burning Zeppelin

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« Reply #25 on: October 30, 2005, 06:28:29 am »
Yeah, I know. But the tech demo was AMAZING anywho. But hey, thats Squeenix for ya. Thats like saying if Team Ninja made a tech demo, and then everyone would say "hey, ALL the graphics will look like that for 360. (i am aware that doa4 doesnt look spectacular)


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« Reply #26 on: October 30, 2005, 09:28:29 am »
Quote from: Sentenal
Thats the point of ancient RPGs.

And I have never (NEVER) seen an RPG with user-created characters that have a good storyline.  Well, maybe KOTOR.  But its story was decent at best.  Could have been great.

I can think of one.  It just takes a heck of a lot of time and money to get to the really good parts, and that turns most people off.  Its a little game called Final Fantasy XI: Online.  My rpg idea would fix many of the things wrong with FF XI, and improve on what it does right.  Yes that means it would be a MMORPG, and I don’t see that as a bad thing.  I'd elaborate, but Chibi-Silvercry is hungry, and its my turn to feed her.  More later.


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« Reply #27 on: October 30, 2005, 01:20:43 pm »
Quote from: Silvercry
Quote from: Sentenal
Thats the point of ancient RPGs.

And I have never (NEVER) seen an RPG with user-created characters that have a good storyline.  Well, maybe KOTOR.  But its story was decent at best.  Could have been great.

I can think of one.  It just takes a heck of a lot of time and money to get to the really good parts, and that turns most people off.  Its a little game called Final Fantasy XI: Online.  My rpg idea would fix many of the things wrong with FF XI, and improve on what it does right.  Yes that means it would be a MMORPG, and I don’t see that as a bad thing.  I'd elaborate, but Chibi-Silvercry is hungry, and its my turn to feed her.  More later.

HA!  What sort of standout storyline does an MMORPG have?!


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« Reply #28 on: October 30, 2005, 01:35:45 pm »
Fallout: Tactics has a pretty decent storyline. As does FFTactics come to think of it...and it has a whole slew of blank-slate characters for you...But I guess that sort of depends on your definition of user-created, huh?



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« Reply #29 on: October 30, 2005, 02:07:31 pm »
Quote from: Sentenal

HA!  What sort of standout storyline does an MMORPG have?!

At last count, FF XI has five distinct, epic storylines (some would argue six, but I don’t count 'Dynamis' as a storyline) which would feel right at home in a non-online version of Final Fantasy.  The main problem with the game is that it takes freaking forever to get to the meat of these plots, in effect making every plot point before that little more than really long exposition scene.  

For instance, imagine the beginning of FF IX.  You know that the play is merely a cover for kidnapping Garnet almost right away.  Now instead of how the whole thing played out, imagine that you first had to land the airship in a mini-game, set up the stage, wire all the SFX's, rehearse your lines, get bossed around by the director, cut some actors because they screw around too much, hire some new actors, rehearse these new actors, be guest of honor at banquet thrown by the Queen, then finally get to opening night, and have actually perform the play in its entirety, before you can kidnap the princess- which as you recall is only the first story arch of the game.  Its no wonder so many people were turned off by FF XI.  I thought it was the greatest thing since CT, and I even I had to cancel because it just too to damn long.

My MMORPG would filter out as much of that crap as possible.  I just have to figure out how to do it.  I'll get back to you on that.