Of course, it's also bad pants to bring a child into the world that you are in no way (finacially, emotionally, intellectually, ect...) prepared to care for.
So very true! So why not simply not have sex until you reach a point in your life where you can take care of a child?
I mean seriously: where do babies come from? Anybody? Anybody at all? Sex. The sole purpose of sexual intercourse is to conceive children. Period. End transmission. Everything else, how good it feels, how much fun it is, the foreplay, the kinky outfits you might wear, the way your significant other calls you daddy and pulls your hair when you’re getting it on is all well and good, but
THAT’S NOT THE POINT. Sex = baby. Not every time, of course. Its also not the sole reason many of us do it, but that doesn’t change its purpose. So why is there this shock when pregnancy occurs? Sure, we have ways of trying to prevent it, condoms and hormone manipulation to name a few. But Mother Nature has been doing this a little bit longer than we’ve been trying to stop it.
Do I sound insensitive? Good. Touchy-feely, politically correct “its ok to have sex, just be safe” BS is one of the major problems we have in this country.
Am I Pro-life? Not at all. Pro-choice al the way. I just have a different decision point than most pro-choice people. I’m against abortion as a form of ‘birth control‘. Rape. Incest. Mother's life. These are the only reasons to have an abortion.
The 20-something career woman who got too drunk at the Christmas party and got knocked up in the broom closet. Sorry, no sympathy for you. Have that kid. You knew the risks . You knew the possible outcome. You
chose to ignore them and have sex.
The 15 year old who had sex just so the guy will like her. I do feel sympathy for you. I’m sorry. The guys a bum (I’m not about to let the fathers off the hook here, see below). Have the kid anyway. You knew the risks . You knew the possible outcome. You
chose (there's that word again) to ignore them and have sex. There are thousands of childless couples out there that would gladly take care of the baby for you. Yes, you lose time in your own life. Yes, your schooling/career takes a back seat for 9 months. Yes, your reputation is ruined. Actions have consequences. Denying another person a life for
your bad choice is the ultimate cop-out. Welcome to Real Life. Been here long? I’m Reality, and I’ll be kicking you in the teeth until the day you die.
The choice belongs to the parents – well, lets face it – the mother. My opinion, harsh as it may be, is my own. I don’t presume to tell anyone that they should follow it. No one, not me, not you, not the government should have the authority to tell the mother what choice to make -- or even when to make it. As the saying goes: Mother Knows Best.
And yet, I have to wonder, where are all the fathers? Where is the guy who was in the broom closet at the Christmas party, or the teenaged jock who just added another notch in his belt? Why are all these girls having to make this choice alone? He helped create the life, it is just as much his issue as it is hers. Oh what’s the matter? Afraid you might miss a few games because you have to take her to la maze class. Tough. If she’s putting her life on hold to give this kid a stab at life, guess what hero, so will you. She wasn’t alone on that bed. And if the choice is made to abort, you should be there holding her hand as the life of your child gets snuffed out. Feel like a big man now?
Looking for an easy way out of this mess? I have an answer for you: don’t have sex until you reach a point in your life where you can handle a child emotionally and finically. Don’t look at me like that. I managed to do it, and I know I’m no picture of self-restraint. Sex with a condom sucks anyway. I finaly get why most people ‘forget’ to use one. Imagine eating your favorite meal, only your tongue and the inside of your mouth have been completed coated with cellophane. Doesn’t sound too yummy does it?
Guys, keep it in you pants. Girls, keep your legs closed, and everybody wins.
So speaks The Great Silvercry.