Hey everyone, just wanted to say thanks so much for the great info about RAM Addresses! Thanks to the Screen Scrolling address, I was able to start making some full animated GIF maps of areas.
https://puu.sh/FnqDi/05abfa0ac1.gifIt's kind of confusing how to get it working, so I am going to explain how to utilize it in the text below.
7E1D00 Activate Screen Scrolling
Activate = 1
Deactivate = 0
*Note - Activating the screen scroll will make it so you can no longer go through any screen transitions.
Make sure to make a savestate before you activate this, otherwise you'll be stuck in the room.
7E1D01 Screen Scrolling X-Axis
X-Axis Scroll (2-Byte Signed)
Full screen changes every 8200, accurate to the pixel
Screen 1 = 0
Screen 2 = 8200
Screen 3 = 16400
Screen 4 = 24600
7E1D02 Screen Scrolling (Do not use)
7E1D03 Screen Scrolling Y-Axis
Y-Axis Scroll (2-Byte Signed)
The tops of the screens have a 3 pixel overlap with the previous screen
Screen 1 - 0
Screen 2 = 26
Screen 3 = 52
Screen 4 = 78
Screen 5 = 104
Something I noticed is that if you transition screens, they don't always mesh up perfectly with the screen you came from. In the gif example that I posted above, there was a 17 pixel discrepancy which I had to use 16x16 pallets to re-build the best I could. I used one extra Y-pixel from other pallets as necessary. This can get kind of annoying when animations are in this gap...
Anyway, I just wanted to document this just in case someone else is interested in getting full screen caps. Hope this is useful to someone, someday!
Edit: Also, there are a lot more Memory Addresses that aren't mentioned here on a Japanese wiki as well. Most notably, ones that can move each of the main characters to any designated location on the map.
https://wikiwiki.jp/snes007/クロノ・トリガーCrono X-Pos: 7E1802, 7E1803
Crono Y-Pos: 7E1882, 7E1883
Marle X-Pos: 7E1804, 7E1805
Marle Y-Pos: 7E1884, 7E1885
Lucca X-Pos: 7E1806, 7E1807
Lucca Y-Pos: 7E1886, 7E1887
Frog X-Pos: 7E1808, 7E1809
Frog Y-Pos: 7E1888, 7E1889
Robo X-Pos: 7E180A, 7E180B
Robo Y-Pos: 7E188A, 7E188B
Ayla X-Pos: 7E180C, 7E180D
Ayla Y-Pos: 7E188C, 7E188D
Magus X-Pos: 7E180E, 7E180F
Magus Y-Pos: 7E188E, 7E188F
*Note: The screen will not scroll with you, so this would only be useful for minor adjustments (e.g. - accessing areas that are blocked by an NPC). If you move within the same screen, the screen will begin to scroll again when you take control of your character - if it can.
There are so many that I don't have time to translate it at the moment... But if you all are interested, I can hack away at it bit by bit.