Author Topic: Describe Your Utopia  (Read 2427 times)


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Describe Your Utopia
« on: November 13, 2005, 11:43:26 pm »
What is your perfect world?

I believe that, so long as our civilization exists, the extend and depth of human knowledge will continue to increase exponentially.  We will inevitably conquer mortality, scarcity and inequality.  We will transcent the limitation of our archaic bodies and minds, leading to ever greater levels of happiness and prosperity.


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Describe Your Utopia
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2005, 11:46:15 pm »
Perfect? Nothing can ever be perfect, there shall always be coruption, prejudce, lies, greed, and betrayal. Zeal is a perfect example of this, perfect, but destoroyed by greed.


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Describe Your Utopia
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2005, 11:58:02 pm »
Quote from: nightmare975
Zeal is a perfect example of this, perfect, but destoroyed by greed.

And that would be my concept of a utopia.

Lord J Esq

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Describe Your Utopia
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2005, 12:20:46 am »
I doubt that a utopia as it is traditionally defined could ever exist. Conventional wisdom holds that utopia is an ideal state of accomplishment, but it is no secret that humanity thrives on change and growth. How can we have both at the same time? Either the human condition would have to change, or the conventional wisdom is wrong...or both.

Gray is right that we'll eventually make all those technological leaps, but that's really just the beginning of a much deeper destiny. Utopia is a place to talk about the culmination of civilization, and therein lies the warrant of its postulation. But are we talking about something that is ineffable to the human creatures of our day? Our premises and our perspective may be wholly inadequate. Nevertheless, it does no good to call the question unanswerable, because in the consideration of utopia we delve into the best course for the human future from this point, and therein our actions in the immediate world become so much clearer. This has always been my secret to success and peace of mind. Trying to depict utopia using modern paints may not yield a truly accurate representation, but it is a good start.

Were the potential of the universe fathomed, the civilization of its unlocking would be tantamount to a utopia. This denizens of this civilization would touch and, generally, would reach the substantial majority of their individual potential for knowledge and power and skill, in their lifetimes, to their satisfaction, whilst on the collective level would this be reflected in the civilization's approach toward complete universal realization.

I wish I could speak more specifically, but only through the broadest of brushstrokes can I even begin to wrap a frame around utopia, given how far away we are from it. But the two most general points, I believe, are inviolable:
  • The civilization must trend toward unlocking the full potential of the universe, in terms of the knowledge of its workings and of its physical possibilities;
  • The denizens must be able to realize their own potential of knowledge, power, and skill, unfettered, and must find satisfaction in the undertaking, which is to say, they must be happy with their lives.[/list:u]This would necessitate that  the utopian civilization would evolve over time, forcing us to abandon the notion that utopia must adhere to an ideal, but ultimately static state of affairs. However, a snapshot taken with respect to any period of time inside the utopia would be described as ideal for its time...a utopia. Think of these snapshots each as a "utopia" in the more common sense of the word; think of the civilization over time as the integral of these snapshots; a more legitimate, dynamic utopia.

    This characterization of utopia, as I have described it, satisfies the intrinsic sentient need for growth and change, while establishing an ideal state of affairs at any given point in time, and honoring the full potential of all denizens.


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Describe Your Utopia
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2005, 12:41:27 am »
I second Josh's statement. And add that bots shall fly around preventing physical violence/disturbances from happening.


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Describe Your Utopia
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2005, 03:50:14 am »
Less suck. 'nuff said.

ooooOOOOOOooooo, that's catchy...or wait...

I'd like to see a world w/a lot less people...Maybe like a group of a thousand really cool people and that's it. And so cross-breeding isn't a problem...uh...people wouldn't have children...with each other...test tube babies for all! Or something...Who cares?


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Describe Your Utopia
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2005, 09:59:41 am »
A perfect world would be a world in peace.
But i think the problem of humanity is, that (nearly) everyone wants to have control, power, knowledge etc., that's why IMO there won't be peace for earth at any time humans exist(dont say i like this way of thinking, but this is what comes to my mind)


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Describe Your Utopia
« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2005, 01:54:23 pm »
Quote from: nightmare975
Perfect? Nothing can ever be perfect, there shall always be coruption, prejudce, lies, greed, and betrayal. Zeal is a perfect example of this, perfect, but destoroyed by greed.

Nothing can be perfect, that's why utopias are utopias. If they could exist, they wouldn't be utopic to begin with...


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Describe Your Utopia
« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2005, 02:21:20 pm »
The happy life is thought to be one of excellence; now an excellent life requires exertion and does not consist of amusement. If Eudaimonia, or happiness, is an activity in accordance with excellence, it's reasonable that it should be in accordance with the highest excellence, and will be that of the best thing in us."

Aristotle, "Nicomachean Ethics" (from Wiki)

Whatever your take on his ideas, the principal that pleasure is not the same as happyness, and that true happyness is achieved through struggle (as he stated, "requires exertion").  Of course this brings the question of what do you struggle AGAINST?  Who or what provides this struggle?  For early man, it was the environment itself, and the constant struggle to survive.  Later, we struggled amongst ourselves (and continue to).  But what later?  What will provide the struggle when base needs are gone?  Will we continue to struggle amonst ourselves, forever?  Is that a bad thing?  Whereas this struggle can be destructive, as in War, it does not need to be, as in sport.  Competition itself doesn't require death, but can instead compel us to reach ever-greater heights of achievement.

But overall it needs to be within a moral framework.  Unbridled competition results in a society where prestige is the only reward worth having, and thus any actions are possible, and justified in the pursuit of such.  Thus the illusion of "total freedom" is just that: an illusion.  You will never achieve as much unbridled as channelled into what your potential can unlock.


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Describe Your Utopia
« Reply #9 on: November 14, 2005, 03:47:22 pm »
A Utopia with world peace will get you bored fast. No war = no action.
A Utopia in my eyes is a place where you don't have to work, where you don't have to be scared that tomorrow, you won't have food for yourself or your family. Just a constant knowing that you're in a place where you have all the comforts that one could ask for.


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Describe Your Utopia
« Reply #10 on: November 14, 2005, 04:31:17 pm »
My Utopia is where I rule the world.  That way everyone loses and I win.

When I'm Dictator, E3 shall be held every Sunday, replacing traditional worship services, and there shall be at least one E3 per 10,000 square miles of land in heavily populated areas.  In addition, everyone I deem cool gets all the Asian chicks they want.  Also, anyone who doesn't like Chrono shall be hunted down and shot in the face.


  • Porrean (+50)
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Describe Your Utopia
« Reply #11 on: November 14, 2005, 07:03:48 pm »
Quote from: Hadriel
My Utopia is where I rule the world.  That way everyone loses and I win.

When I'm Dictator, E3 shall be held every Sunday, replacing traditional worship services, and there shall be at least one E3 per 10,000 square miles of land in heavily populated areas.  In addition, everyone I deem cool gets all the Asian chicks they want.  Also, anyone who doesn't like Chrono shall be hunted down and shot in the face.

i second that!

Burning Zeppelin

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Describe Your Utopia
« Reply #12 on: November 14, 2005, 11:11:03 pm »
My Utopia...I dont know...A place where all follows the same religion/government, and where...wait no, impossible. Look at this:
Not knowing of any pain, sickness, death, or aging:Arrogance and sloth
No Death:Pain
No Pain: Arrogance and Pride
Full Equality:No individuality
Too much Ghost in the Shell and NGE for me >.<


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Describe Your Utopia
« Reply #13 on: November 15, 2005, 02:19:29 am »
I love Ghost in the Shell!

BTW, Forgot to add.
No Sex.
Everyone has innocent minds (not dirty ones with XXX and swear words).
Every tries to seize the day.
When they die, they die peacefully.


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Describe Your Utopia
« Reply #14 on: November 15, 2005, 02:29:41 am »
Quote from: Zaperking
I love Ghost in the Shell!

BTW, Forgot to add.
No Sex.
Everyone has innocent minds (not dirty ones with XXX and swear words).
Every tries to seize the day.
When they die, they die peacefully.

So your utopia would last for ~70 years, then man kind would go extinct? Is that your idea of a utopia because you have some inherit dislike of humanity, or is it simply an unforseen consequence, leading to a dystopian situation?