Author Topic: CTP would like to request help with some artwork.  (Read 1733 times)


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CTP would like to request help with some artwork.
« on: November 19, 2005, 06:25:10 pm »
Hello residents of the Chrono Compendium forums. Do you remember the mention of a hand-written Chrono Trigger petition being made a while back? The website in which the petition itself shall be held is nearing completion. Now, I realize that there are varying opinions on this forum regarding the idea of this petition. I fully respect all opinions regarding this project; however, the group we would like to most communicate to on this matter would be those actually in support of the petition. Especially here, in the Compendium, should everyone be aware that we are all fans of the CT series. If you do not happen to like the idea of this petition, please respectfully abstain from "bashing" the idea of the petition. That being said, I can now actually get on to the point of this post.

As mentioned earlier, the website for the petition is now nearing completion. it is not 100% done yet, but you can view it here:

Looks pretty nice, right?  8)

We have taken as much time as possible to go about this in the most professional manner. As such, our "leader", known as Jake (who was also a part of these forums, I believe), went out of his way to ensure that the petition would have a website suitable to these needs.

If you go to the "Downloads" section of our petition, you will obviously find various things for download (by the way, the version of the petition listed there is far outdated... so you probably won't want to download it right now). You should see three wallpapers and three forum signatures listed. One of our methods of promoting the project is to have signatures/wallpapers that advertise the petition. However, if you actually download any of them, you will find that they are not complete. That is where some talented artists come in.

We require some artists to help us out with the signatures and wallpapers. Of course, if we are helped, I am sure Jake would gladly list you as a donator to our cause. Of course... there are a few guidelines you must follow. These being:
- The whole signature/wallpaper does not HAVE to be the image shown in the wallpaper/signature section, but it should have that image somewhere in it. (that part of the website is static, so those images are the ones we have to use in some way or another).
- Signature/wallpaper should mention the CTP (Chrono Trigger Petition) somewhere in it.
- The signature/wallpaper should be (obviously) related to Chrono Trigger.
- The signature/wallpaper should be appropriate for our cause.

We shall be accepting the artwork on a first-come first-serve basis. In other words, whoever submits acceptable work for a certain image listed will DEFINITELY have their picture used. I realize that there is a possiblity that a few people might want to work on the same thing; but it will have to be done this way since the time to *officially* launch the site is closing in upon us. To try and make this easier for the artists, I shall be listing what pictures there are... and whom have taken them. Currently none have been taken. I shall change this list as people sign up to work on them.

- Chrono + Marle           -- N/A
- Frog, Magus's castle     -- N/A
- Marle (thumbs up)       -- N/A
- Chrono, Epoch            -- N/A
- Ayla on dino               -- N/A
- CT gang in Epoch        -- N/A

Helping us out on the signatures/wallpapers would be GREATLY appreciated. If you wish to help us out, you may contact me. I am not particularly a resident of these forums, but I shall check this post from time to time. If you want to directly contact me, you may PM me at either the Chrono Trigger Remake Project Forums:
...or the Vizzedboards forums (which is the "base" of the project):
On both of those forums I have the username "Apocalypse". If you wish to directly contact Jake, the best method would probably be to post on the Vizzed boards in the "Chrono Trigger Remake Petition" section. If you have any inquiries, suggestions, etc, please feel free to contact me. :wink:

Anyway... thanks for taking the time to read this. We could certainly use the help if you're willing to give it.  :)


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CTP would like to request help with some artwork.
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2005, 07:14:23 pm »
Well, this came out of nowhere... I seriously don't remember hearing about this before.

Looks promising, though. If we can do it, THEN LET IT BE SO.


  • Mystical Knight (+700)
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CTP would like to request help with some artwork.
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2005, 12:07:55 am »
ill do some wallpapers/sigs when i get the time most of the artwork i use is from long dead sites and offical art from here.
i just gotta finish ones that people asked for first... you can take ones ive doe already if you want to they're all in here


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CTP would like to request help with some artwork.
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2005, 01:45:43 am »
I see. Thanks for the offer. I'll definitely take you up on that since it appears you definitely are skilled enough to do the job. Even one signature/wallpaper would really help us out.

There is just one thing I need to know... which one would you like to do? I would like to have a picture assigned to you soon so that you aren't limited in what you can do later on.


  • Mystical Knight (+700)
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CTP would like to request help with some artwork.
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2005, 07:56:44 am »
sigs would be better as i can get them out much faster but a wall every now and then as well would be nice.


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CTP would like to request help with some artwork.
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2005, 02:58:27 pm »
It actually doesn't matter whether you do a signature or a wallpaper. We are in need of both, actually. Whatever you are more comfortable with, and can do faster, would probably be the better choice to go with.

As I mentioned earlier though; it would be really helpful if you could tell me which signature/wallpaper you would like to work with. I don't want you to submit something, only to find out it was already taken; if you know what I mean. If you tell me which one you are working on; I will list your name next to it. In that manner, you won't have to worry about anyone potentially taking any of the art you wish to work with. Just trying to make the process easier for those who want to help us out.  8)


  • Mystical Knight (+700)
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CTP would like to request help with some artwork.
« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2005, 01:07:37 am »
do you mean you want to know what art i will be using for sig/walls? or a list of what ones i will be working on?

anyway ill do one for each of the cast first a sig then later a wall. but really you can use any of the chrono ones ive done already.


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CTP would like to request help with some artwork.
« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2005, 07:37:01 pm »
I wish it were that simple, really. The artwork has to be specifically for Chrono Trigger, and furthermore... they must have the pictures listed under "signatures" and "wallpapers" on the website somewhere in them. You do have a few CT-related works on that thread, but unfortunately none that I am able to accept. Furthermore, the signature/wallpaper actually has to mention the CTP in some way. Afterall... if we wish to promote the CTP; we need to have to mention it somewhere on the signature/wallpaper.  :wink:


  • Iokan (+1)
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The Deadline
« Reply #8 on: November 21, 2005, 10:13:11 pm »
Hi guys! I'm also from the Chrono Trigger Remake Petition group, and I'm here to inform you all of something extremely important that silly Apoc forgot to mention -- the deadline.

The Chrono Trigger Remake Petition site will be officially launching at the same time that Chrono Symphonic is released. Claado Shou has informed us that this will happen sometime between Thanksgiving and the end of the month. That means that everybody has until then to get their work done and turned in.

I'm gonna PM ZeaLitY now and request that he move this thread to the Fan Projects forum, since this is a fan project. :P


  • Mystical Knight (+700)
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CTP would like to request help with some artwork.
« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2005, 01:00:05 am »
Quote from: Anonymous
I wish it were that simple, really. The artwork has to be specifically for Chrono Trigger, and furthermore... they must have the pictures listed under "signatures" and "wallpapers" on the website somewhere in them. You do have a few CT-related works on that thread, but unfortunately none that I am able to accept. Furthermore, the signature/wallpaper actually has to mention the CTP in some way. Afterall... if we wish to promote the CTP; we need to have to mention it somewhere on the signature/wallpaper.  :wink:

oh i get it now you mean that the sig/wall must use pics in the wallpaper/sig download section?...
sorry i was just kind of confused by your wording of the rules :oops:.

so i have to use the art in these?
- Chrono + Marle -- N/A
- Frog, Magus's castle -- N/A
- Marle (thumbs up) -- N/A

- Chrono, Epoch -- N/A
- Ayla on dino -- N/A
- CT gang in Epoch -- N/A


  • Iokan (+1)
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CTP would like to request help with some artwork.
« Reply #10 on: November 22, 2005, 06:58:22 pm »
Indeed. I believe we're finally on the same channel now. All I need is for you to choose which of those pictures you would like to work with. Then we're all set.  8)

On an entirely different note...

I was informed to mention a few things... some of which might be a repeat. First off, the site isn't 100% complete yet. Due to that, the site probably shouldn't be known to any other groups than this one and the CTRP. Second, I was informed to mention that (for the possiblity that Zeality himself might take a look at this thread) there are indeed plans for darkening that text color on the site. Bear in mind though; it might take a little while.  :wink:


  • Mystical Knight (+700)
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CTP would like to request help with some artwork.
« Reply #11 on: November 23, 2005, 01:02:42 am »
Quote from: Apocalypse
Indeed. I believe we're finally on the same channel now. All I need is for you to choose which of those pictures you would like to work with. Then we're all set.  8)

- Frog, Magus's castle -- N/A
- Ayla on dino -- N/A
- CT gang in Epoch -- N/A

yeah sorry i had exams so ive been tierd :x but ill take these ones to use


  • Iokan (+1)
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CTP would like to request help with some artwork.
« Reply #12 on: November 23, 2005, 07:47:42 pm »
Wow. You took more than I thought you would. Thats half of the artwork. Very good, we can definitely use the help. Of course; if you need to ask any questions in order to make the process easier for yourself; feel free to ask.  :wink:

Don't kill yourself with the work. I've been through plenty of crazy exams/work lately, so I could definitely understand your situation. Anyway, thanks for helping us out. It is definitely appreciated.  :D


  • Mystical Knight (+700)
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CTP would like to request help with some artwork.
« Reply #13 on: November 25, 2005, 05:33:20 am »
sorry for the wait but i slept most of the day

err could i be given i email address to send these to since photobucket or imageshack doesn't let me upload .psd files >.<

ive only done once so far but im just out of ideas right now once i recover from exams ill get them out much quicker.


  • Iokan (+1)
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CTP would like to request help with some artwork.
« Reply #14 on: November 25, 2005, 02:35:45 pm »
Sure. I'll PM you my email address.