Thanks to Chrono 99' we now have ROBO
00 - Normal pose
01 - Walks
02 - Walks (2 frames)
03 - Battle stance
04 - Void
05 - Is hit
06 - Runs
07 - Void
08 - Dead, facing right
09 - Surprised
0A - Turns round + win pose
0B - Win pose
0C - Goes from normal pose to battle stance
0D - Void
0E - Stands up while facing up
0F - Void
10 - Hands up
11 - Normal pose
12 - Sat down exhausted
13 - Beats his chest
14 - Void
15 - Bows then raises a hand
16 - Bows
17 - Shakes his head, saying "No"
18 - Void
19 - Holds his head as if cogitating
1A - Laughs
1B - Climbs up
1C - Void
1D - Sat down
1E - Left hand raised
1F - Right hand raised
20 - Both hands raised
21 - Winks
22 - Hands up, in the air with winks and "wagging" body
23 - Blocks an attack
24 - Spins with raised hands
25 - Void
26 - Hands up, in the air
27 - Normal pose
28 - Sat down with empty eyes
29 - Bowed
2A - Empty eyes
2B - Walks while facing up (still frame)
2C - Void
2D - Void
2E - Void
2F - Void
30 - Void
31 - Punches
32 - Punches the ground
33 - Punches harder
34 - Builds up
35 - Leans forward (Robo Tackle animation)
36 - Spins holding something (Max Cyclone animation)
37 - Void
38 - Hands up then sits down
39 - Opens body
3A - Opened body
3B - Spins holding something on his shoulders (Rocket Roll animation)
3C - Void
3D - Opens his head/mouth while sat down
3E - En garde
3F - Is hit from the right, with no tears in the eyes
40 - Jumps
41 - Jumps (2 frames)
42 - Throws his arm
43 - Sat down with opened head/mouth
44 - Spins in the air with raised hands
45 - Void
46 - Spins holding something (Max Cyclone animation)
47 - Faces left
48 - Walks left
49 - Walks left (2 frames)
4A - Battle stance
4B - Void
4C - Is hit from the left
4D - Runs left
4E - Void
4F - Dead, facing left
50 - Surprised, facing left
51 - Turns round + win pose
52 - Win pose
53 - Goes from facing left to battle stance
54 - Void
55 - Stands up while facing right
56 - Void
57 - Hands up, facing left
58 - Normal pose
59 - Sat down exhausted, facing left
5A - Beats his chest, facing left
5B - Void
5C - Bows then raises a hand
5D - Bows at the left
5E - Shakes his head, saying "No" at the left
5F - Void
60 - Holds his head as if cogitating, facing left
61 - Laughs at the left
62 - Climbs up
63 - Void
64 - Sat down, facing left
65 - Left hand raised, facing up
66 - Right hand raised, facing up
67 - Both hands raised, facing up
68 - Winks at the left
69 - Hands up, in the air with winks and "wagging" body, facing left
6A - Blocks an attack at the left
6B - Spins with raised hands
6C - Void
6D - Hands up, in the air, facing left
6E - Normal pose
6F - Sat down with empty eyes
70 - Bowed at the left
71 - Faces left with empty eyes
72 - Walks right (still frame)
73 - Void
74 - Void
75 - Void
76 - Void
77 - Void
78 - Punches left
79 - Punches the ground at the left
7A - Is about to punch left (still frame)
7B - Builds up, facing left
7C - Leans forward, facing left (Robo Tackle animation)
7D - Holds something at the left (Max Cyclone still frame)
7E - Void
7F - Sat down, facing left
80 - Battle stance (still frame)
81 - Opened body
82 - Holds something on his head, facing up (Rocket Roll animation)
83 - Void
84 - Sat down, facing left
85 - En garde, facing left
86 - Is hit from the left, with no tears in his eyes
87 - Jump animation without leaving the ground
88 - Jumps (2 frames)
89 - Is about to punch left
8A - Sat down with opened head/mouth
8B - Spins in the air with raised hands
8C - Void
8D - Holds something, facing right (Max Cyclone animation)
8E - Faces right
8F - Walks right (2 frames)
90 - Walks right (2 different frames)
91 - Battle stance, facing right
92 - Void
93 - Is hit from the right
94 - Runs right (still frame)
95 - Void
96 - Dead, facing right
97 - Surprised, facing right
98 - Turns round
99 - Win pose (incomplete animation)
9A - Faces right
9B - Void
9C - Sat down, facing left
9D - Void
9E - Hands up, facing right
9F - Normal pose
A0 - Sat down exhausted, facing right
A1 - Puts his hands on his chest
A2 - Void
A3 - Bows then raises a hand
A4 - Bows at the right
A5 - Looks at his right, facing right
A6 - Void
A7 - Holds his head as if cogitating
A8 - Laughs at the right
A9 - Climbing up (still frame)
AA - Void
AB - Sat down, facing right
AC - Right hand raised
AD - Left hand raised
AE - Both hands raised
AF - Winks at the right
B0 - Hands up, in the air, facing right
B1 - Blocks an attack at the right
B2 - Hands up
B3 - Void
B4 - Hands up, in the air, facing right
B5 - Normal pose
B6 - Sat down with empty eyes
B7 - Bowed at the right
B8 - Faces right with empty eyes
B9 - Walks left (still frame)
BA - Void
BB - Void
BC - Void
BD - Void
BE - Void
BF - Punches right (2 last frames)
C0 - Is about to punch right
C1 - Punches right (3 first frames)
C2 - Builds up (still frame)
C3 - Leans forward, facing right (Robo Tackle animation)
C4 - Spins holding something (Max Cyclone animation)
C5 - Void
C6 - Sat down then hands up, facing right
C7 - En garde with wagging chest
C8 - Opened body
C9 - Spins slowly, holding something on his shoulders (Rocket Roll animation)
CA - Void
CB - Open his head/mouth while sat down, facing right
CC - En garde, facing right
CD - Is hit from the right, with no tears in his eyes
CE - Bowed
CF - Is jumping (still frame)
D0 - Punches right, harder
D1 - Sat down with opened head/mouth
D2 - Hands up, in the air
D3 - Void
D4 - Spins holding something (2 Max Cyclone frames)
D5 - Normal pose
D6 - Walks
D7 - Walks (2 frames)
D8 - Faces left (blinking frame)
D9 - Void
DA - Hands up, in the air, facing left
DB - Runs (2 frames)
DC - Void
DD - Dead, facing right
DE - Surprised, facing right
DF - Win pose
E0 - Blocks an attack, facing up then right
E1 - Is about to walks (still frame)
E2 - Void
E3 - Punches right
E4 - Void
E5 - Punches the ground at the right (still frame)
E6 - Punches the ground, facing up
E7 - Punches (blinking frame)
E8 - Normal pose
E9 - Normal pose
EA - En garde, facing left
EB - Faces down then looks at his right
EC - Faces right, looks at his right then faces down
ED - Void
EE - Holds his head as if cogitating
EF - Laughs
F0 - Climbs up
F1 - Void
F2 - Sat down, facing right
F3 - Void
F4 - Void
F5 - Void
F6 - Normal pose
F7 - Beats his chest, facing right then left
F8 - Is hit from the left
F9 - Faces left
FA - Void
FB - Void
FC - Normal pose
FD - Void
FE - Faces down, looking at his right
FF - Normal pose