Author Topic: Alternative Theory on the Plot of CC in relation to CT  (Read 19912 times)


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Alternative Theory on the Plot of CC in relation to CT
« Reply #165 on: January 02, 2006, 07:16:55 pm »
Remember Lynx was trusted by Porre, he could have gained this trust by supplying them with elements.

As Chrono'99 said, Lynx wasn't around for the Fall of Guardia.  And I don't put much faith into the Porre-Element theory, either.

Maybe this also caused Porre having guns. But in the world there are fire crackers ( Ya know in the ending of CT), which uses gun powder.... so maybe a Porre scientist finally got the idea for a gun. Or they just stole designs from Lucca. Then after 4 years of productiopn, they had enough for their army. While Guardia not explecting conflict with a long time neighbor decided not to put funds in the military.

Porre probably did have guns, but Guardia would have guns as well.  Just because a country is in peace time doesn't mean that the country wouldn't maintain a military.

And people, do you honestly believe that if Porre started rapidly training and building an army over the course of 4-5 years, and was also a militant, facist state, that Guardia wouldn't notice?  Why do people believe that Guardia didn't stand a chance?  Maybe it was a hard fought war.  Who knows.  But I don't see any reason for the worlds most powerful nation to be taken out like it was nothing.


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Alternative Theory on the Plot of CC in relation to CT
« Reply #166 on: January 02, 2006, 11:28:38 pm »
Quote from: ZeaLitY
A zillion years before you brats were born... There was a kingdom where magic thrived. In that world, everybody could use it.
But that kingdom drowned in its own power...
Since then, people haven't been able to use magic. Well, except for the Mystics, right?

Translation by datenshi.

Thanks, Zeality.  This passage has a completely different meaning than the English translation of Chrono Trigger.

Quote from: Sentenal
Maybe this also caused Porre having guns. But in the world there are fire crackers ( Ya know in the ending of CT), which uses gun powder.... so maybe a Porre scientist finally got the idea for a gun. Or they just stole designs from Lucca. Then after 4 years of productiopn, they had enough for their army. While Guardia not explecting conflict with a long time neighbor decided not to put funds in the military.

Porre probably did have guns, but Guardia would have guns as well.  Just because a country is in peace time doesn't mean that the country wouldn't maintain a military.

And people, do you honestly believe that if Porre started rapidly training and building an army over the course of 4-5 years, and was also a militant, facist state, that Guardia wouldn't notice?  Why do people believe that Guardia didn't stand a chance?  Maybe it was a hard fought war.  Who knows.  But I don't see any reason for the worlds most powerful nation to be taken out like it was nothing.

If it means anything, various firearms were available in stores in 1000 AD (and 600 AD for that matter).

I wouldn't expect Porre to blitzkrieg Guardia's defences and firebomb Guardia Castle into ruins in a matter of days.  Guardia was a superpower in 600 AD, and even if it's power had significantly declined by 1000 AD, it would not become a weak nation.  Guardia had blue uniformed soldiers, similar to the Porre soldiers shown in Chrono Cross, and the Dragon Tank prototype, which was as sophisticated as Porre's military hardware.

Remember that Guardia narrowly averted a coup by a Mystic faction in 1000 AD, mostly due to the actions of Crono, the same person who later married into the royal family.  Guardia would be extremely concerned about the hostile actions of foreign governments.  The conflict between Porre and Guardia was probably a prolonged conventional war.  Elements from El Nido possibly provided Porre with an edge and the unknown factor influencing Porre negated the protection the time travellers offered Guardia.  The theft of the Masamune and the resulting massacre was only the straw the broke the camels back, resulting in Guardia's defeat.

However, there are hints that Guardia remained sovereign in 1020 AD, so the war only resulted in Guardia being diminished, not destroyed or occupied.


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Alternative Theory on the Plot of CC in relation to CT
« Reply #167 on: January 03, 2006, 07:59:14 am »
The only thing is that the psx cutscene of the Fall of Guardia shows as if it was a surprise ambush, as if it was on the day of Crono and Marle's anniversary or some celebration, and then the troops came out of no where and everyone was slaughtered OO


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Alternative Theory on the Plot of CC in relation to CT
« Reply #168 on: January 03, 2006, 08:06:59 am »
I doubt the masamune had a key impact on a war that was fought with probably little or no swords. It is also known that a person is not invinciable when using Masamune. In the orginal timeline Guardia still had Yarka 17( doubt the number is right) as the chancellor. But now he has been killed the real chancelor is back and Crono with marriage to Marle ,is the heir to the throne.
  Now... let us think....  in the orginal timeline,Yarka was still trying to overthrow the King. Perhaps he eventually did, he soon began (presumbley) conquering Porre and the rest of the world. Perhaps Porre made an alliance between nations and finally (in the orginal time line) fought and conquered Guardia.
    Unfortunalty in CT, we don't have a reason for Porre being able to overwhelm Guardia. If they were conquering the world, they would not have the support of other countries. Unless they promised other nations a piece of the pie and a good reason for attacking Guardia.
       In conclusion, we have little or no idea why Porre could have attacked Guardia. Or how they could have defeated them. Alot of things could have happend in 4 years.


  • Iokan (+1)
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Alternative Theory on the Plot of CC in relation to CT
« Reply #169 on: January 03, 2006, 11:25:13 am »
Now... let us think.... in the orginal timeline,Yarka was still trying to overthrow the King. Perhaps he eventually did, he soon began (presumbley) conquering Porre and the rest of the world. Perhaps Porre made an alliance between nations and finally (in the orginal time line) fought and conquered Guardia.

Maybe Yarka wasn`t alone?


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Alternative Theory on the Plot of CC in relation to CT
« Reply #170 on: January 03, 2006, 03:54:44 pm »
Quote from: Zaperking
The only thing is that the psx cutscene of the Fall of Guardia shows as if it was a surprise ambush, as if it was on the day of Crono and Marle's anniversary or some celebration, and then the troops came out of no where and everyone was slaughtered OO

No it doesn't.  It says specifically "1005", so it can't be on the day of Crono's marriage, and NOTHING implies Porre ambushed a bunch of civilians.  Yeah, good job Porre, lets give those Guardian soldiers a reason to fight!  The massacre showed was done by the person who stole the Masamune, and nothing implies that the Porrean military was there massacring civilians.

In the orginal timeline Guardia still had Yarka 17( doubt the number is right) as the chancellor. But now he has been killed the real chancelor is back and Crono with marriage to Marle ,is the heir to the throne.
Now... let us think.... in the orginal timeline,Yarka was still trying to overthrow the King. Perhaps he eventually did, he soon began (presumbley) conquering Porre and the rest of the world. Perhaps Porre made an alliance between nations and finally (in the orginal time line) fought and conquered Guardia.

The original timeline wouldn't have had the Rainbow Shell in Guardia, so Yarka would have had to find another way to overthrow Guardia.  Also, there was no court system in the original timeline, and hell, we don't even know if Yarka was impersonating the Chancellor in 1000ad.  To many "what ifs".


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Alternative Theory on the Plot of CC in relation to CT
« Reply #171 on: January 03, 2006, 05:50:45 pm »
There was a court in the orginal time line. Considering Crono was persecuted. Which has to do with the fact of Yarka being the Chancellor. The reason why he wants Crono dead is because if he got rid of the king he did not want someone to be an heir, as in he never wanted Marle getting in a relationship so that she wont get married.
Maybe Yarka wasn`t alone?

   It is known that he had some helpers.


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Alternative Theory on the Plot of CC in relation to CT
« Reply #172 on: January 03, 2006, 05:59:11 pm »
There was a court in the orginal time line. Considering Crono was persecuted. Which has to do with the fact of Yarka being the Chancellor. The reason why he wants Crono dead is because if he got rid of the king he did not want someone to be an heir, as in he never wanted Marle getting in a relationship so that she wont get married.

Nope, there wasn't.  Play CT agian, and defeat Yarka in 600ad.  Afterwards, the real chancellor says something to the effect of "We need to establish a court system to deal with villians like that".  While its possible that still could have happend without Crono's involvment, I doubt it.


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Alternative Theory on the Plot of CC in relation to CT
« Reply #173 on: January 03, 2006, 06:03:54 pm »
Quote from: Sentenal
There was a court in the orginal time line. Considering Crono was persecuted. Which has to do with the fact of Yarka being the Chancellor. The reason why he wants Crono dead is because if he got rid of the king he did not want someone to be an heir, as in he never wanted Marle getting in a relationship so that she wont get married.

Nope, there wasn't.  Play CT agian, and defeat Yarka in 600ad.  Afterwards, the real chancellor says something to the effect of "We need to establish a court system to deal with villians like that".  While its possible that still could have happend without Crono's involvment, I doubt it.

No, that still happened without Crono's involvment, because when you come back in 1,000AD, Marle isn't surprised by the "sudden" appearance of the court system (she is indeed surprised that Crono is being judged, but she doesn't seem surprised by the court existing in itself).


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Alternative Theory on the Plot of CC in relation to CT
« Reply #174 on: January 03, 2006, 06:24:11 pm »
Quote from: Chrono'99
Quote from: Sentenal
There was a court in the orginal time line. Considering Crono was persecuted. Which has to do with the fact of Yarka being the Chancellor. The reason why he wants Crono dead is because if he got rid of the king he did not want someone to be an heir, as in he never wanted Marle getting in a relationship so that she wont get married.

Nope, there wasn't.  Play CT agian, and defeat Yarka in 600ad.  Afterwards, the real chancellor says something to the effect of "We need to establish a court system to deal with villians like that".  While its possible that still could have happend without Crono's involvment, I doubt it.

No, that still happened without Crono's involvment, because when you come back in 1,000AD, Marle isn't surprised by the "sudden" appearance of the court system (she is indeed surprised that Crono is being judged, but she doesn't seem surprised by the court existing in itself).

Lack of suprise means nothing.


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Alternative Theory on the Plot of CC in relation to CT
« Reply #175 on: January 03, 2006, 06:34:24 pm »
Quote from: Sentenal
Quote from: Chrono'99
Quote from: Sentenal
There was a court in the orginal time line. Considering Crono was persecuted. Which has to do with the fact of Yarka being the Chancellor. The reason why he wants Crono dead is because if he got rid of the king he did not want someone to be an heir, as in he never wanted Marle getting in a relationship so that she wont get married.

Nope, there wasn't.  Play CT agian, and defeat Yarka in 600ad.  Afterwards, the real chancellor says something to the effect of "We need to establish a court system to deal with villians like that".  While its possible that still could have happend without Crono's involvment, I doubt it.

No, that still happened without Crono's involvment, because when you come back in 1,000AD, Marle isn't surprised by the "sudden" appearance of the court system (she is indeed surprised that Crono is being judged, but she doesn't seem surprised by the court existing in itself).

Lack of suprise means nothing.

      So if Queen Leene was never rescued, explain how Marle exists?


  • Iokan (+1)
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Alternative Theory on the Plot of CC in relation to CT
« Reply #176 on: January 03, 2006, 07:00:53 pm »
Glenn rescued her in original timeline.


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Alternative Theory on the Plot of CC in relation to CT
« Reply #177 on: January 03, 2006, 07:05:47 pm »
Exactly! ( Although the question was made for someone else, I did like not having to wait hours for him to answer). So that means that either way the Chancellor would have said the same thing, whether or not Crono helped. BTW it was probably intended as foreshadowing.


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Alternative Theory on the Plot of CC in relation to CT
« Reply #178 on: January 03, 2006, 11:12:19 pm »
Quote from: Discoman
Exactly! ( Although the question was made for someone else, I did like not having to wait hours for him to answer). So that means that either way the Chancellor would have said the same thing, whether or not Crono helped. BTW it was probably intended as foreshadowing.

Frog or someone else (doesn't really matter who) rescued her.  So what.  We don't know what happend, or what circumstances they were under, or even if the real Chancellor survived!  We know next to nothing about Leene's rescue in the original timeline.


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Alternative Theory on the Plot of CC in relation to CT
« Reply #179 on: January 10, 2006, 04:24:03 pm »
Quote from: Zaperking

Crono is just some hick who found a princess, had to save her, and got magic one day.

This is easily the most ignorant sentence I have ever read in my entire life. Kudos!

I am going to have to agree that the court system was there even without Crono's involvement. Leene obviously was saved in the original timeline, so it can be assumed that the Chancellor was saved also. I couldn't fathom why Crono Frog and Lucca saving them would have any effect on the Chancellors decision to make a court system to do away with fiends like Yakra.