Author Topic: A New "Entity" Theory In Progress  (Read 16824 times)


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A New "Entity" Theory In Progress
« Reply #105 on: December 20, 2005, 03:32:37 pm »
I don't have much time to answer all the quetions that have been thrown at me at the moment, but since Sentenal's arguments are the ones that are most interesting and, in my opinion, are the most relevant (the  others have either been answered or have answers that I'll post later), I'll answer his now.  

Quote from: Sentenal

MELCHIOR: Th, this's the
How did you get it?

If he was part of the Entity Trio (i'm going to call your 'entity' that), he wouldn't have been so suprised that they had gotten the Masamune. After all, hes part of a group that guided them to get it.

MELCHIOR: You found some
Then I'll repair the Masamune!

MELCHIOR: HOW on earth did you get the
...and the Dreamstone?

MELCHIOR: No, don't tell me.
I don't think my heart could take it.
It'll take a little while to fix this...

Agian, suprise that they found the dreamstone, and Masamune agian. If he were part of the Entity Trio, he would have known that they were going to get it. After all, hes one of those guiding them.

Now, I'd like to address that "maybe hes just acting". Why are you picking and choosing text, if you ask that? If you take one instance that implies (alegdily) hes guiding them to destroy Lavos, such as the pendant buying part, why discredit these lines of text? And why would there be a need to hide that hes guiding them? Gaspar apparently doesn't see a need to hid the fact that hes guiding the group to destroy Lavos.

This is something I had taken into consideration, and this is why I gave the Guru of Life only a role of having "at least some knowledge" of what was going to transpire.  I don't believe he was acting at all - he must have been surprised about the Masamune, since he probably didn't know of its whereabouts.  On top of this, getting the Masamune and defeating Magus with it really appeared to me to be more of a deduction Crono & co. came to - it did not appear to me that they were guided by anyone, even the Guru of Time, to get the Masamune and go after Magus.  Even if it was in a plan designed by the Guru of Reason or the Guru of Time, there is the chance that the Guru of Life may not have had knowledge of what was going to transpire with the Masamune but still have knowledge of what was going to happen with the Pendant.    

Now that doesn't mean that 600 A.D. doesn't have significance to the Guru of Reason - it obviously did if he mentioned it.  The main problem here was the purpose of going to 600 A.D., unless it was simply to gain more information on Lavos since a major event with Lavos did occur in that time period.


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A New "Entity" Theory In Progress
« Reply #106 on: December 20, 2005, 05:20:12 pm »
Yeah, much of what Silent said was based on his opinion of what a certain situation was, instead of a complete truth, and that was his opinion of what was going on with Belthasar. Whether he was truly insane or not. I mean honestly, how frail do you have to be to push a button that says "12,000 BC"? You must have wicked arthritis or something. But if that were the case, how could he do...basically anything else? Yeah, I don't really believe that. Unless, if he truly was insane, he went completely mental when he finally finished the Epoch. Or the Nu finished it for him.

I will say this, though. I have to agree about the Pendent staying behind. What the hell was up with that? Very inexplicable.

And about Melchior "BSing" it all...Belthasar did. Why not Melchior? Though it IS likely he didn't know about everything, DBoruta answered that. When did he know about their journey? At least during the Moonlight Parade. ;)

Oh, and Masato wasn't the one saying 'CC wasn't supposed to be a sequel to CT as much as game on it's own with direct ties to CT'. That was the producer or something, whatever his name was. Masato said nothing of the sort.


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A New "Entity" Theory In Progress
« Reply #107 on: December 20, 2005, 05:45:10 pm »
Quote from: SilentMartyr
Well then, this certainly is a fun thread to read. I probably will repeat stuff already mentioned, but I have a few qualms with the theory that I don't think were mentioned yet. I will be triple posting, such that it matches the setup DB made for his theory outline.

I’m glad to see you’re enjoying the thread – from the looks of your responses, you enjoyed writing those as well.  


DBoruta wrote:

I. The Guru of Reason, His Actions, and His Words
B. The Guru’s Actions
6. Questions arise from his actions:
a. Why did he make the Wings of Time in 2300 A.D.?

I don't really understand this question. he made it in 2300 because thats where he was gated to. It's not like he could pick an era to be sent to.

I was asking why he made the decision to build the Wings of Time when he was in 2300 A.D.

If you built the first time machine known to man, would you leave it on your front porch? I didn't think so. Okay, for some reason you fail to remember this man is the Guru of Reason. Crono, Marle, and Lucca all show up at this guys door. It really isn't that hard to figure out that they are not from that time. Belthasar knows first hand that time travel is possible, and seeing three healthy and vigorous teenagers is not something you come across at all in 2300. He easily could have assumed they knew of some form of time travel, and from there set up the rest based off of speculation. And we all know how well he speculates.

The sealed doors were in place before Crono & co. arrived.  

He probably didn't know for sure, but he couldn't have missed the pendant that was undoubtedly hanging from Crono's neck. Even if they never ended up getting to Zeal it was easily possible with thier obvious time traveling abilites.

Again, the action the Guru was taking when Crono & co. arrived was the transfer of his memory to the Nu – everything else was done already because the sealed door is in place.

 He didn't leave because he was too weak once he finally completed it, he probably had enough energy to finish the mind transfer into the Nu and that would have about done it. He even says it himself:

So, he had enough energy to build the Epoch, but what about after the Epoch was finished?  He did have a chance to use the Epoch.  At the point he left the information for the time travelers, he realized that he was beginning to go insane and that he didn’t have long to live.  Hence the mention of his being frail and also the reason he transferred his memory to the Nu.  

Obviously he studied Lavos in detail, he was at the base of the mountain that Lavos resides over! It would have made less sense if he didn't know so much about the big guy. Also I don't see the relevance that he mentioned most of the time periods (didn't talk about Zeal in there) they went to. It's not like he stated that he knew they went to those said periods, or needed to. He was just giving a historical background of Lavos's actions on the planet up until that point.

1)   The fact of the matter is, he didn’t need or have to study Lavos in detail – he could have invested all of his time and energy in escaping the time period he was sent to.  Instead, he chose a different path.  

2)   He said he was from Zeal, so yes he did talk about Zeal.  

3)   In any case, the old saying “Know thy enemy” comes to mind.  What he spoke about was important information.  

 This easily can be attributed to the fact that the heroes are traveling throughout time. He knows this, because of what I stated earlier about him recognizing that the teens were not from the era.

Again, you’re assuming that all of this was a reaction to his first meeting with Crono & co. when we know that it was not a reaction to them at all.  

He did it because he knew that the only chance those teens he saw before had was if they had every available way to master time. He made the door before he met them, so it isn't like he knew that they were going to find him but that he wanted to protect his lifes work. From what you ask? Oh well maybe the human killng crazy robots that were scattered throughout the planet? He left the message in hopes that they would return, simple as that. And plus, he knew from making Epoch that it was possible to make it back to 12,000. How without the Epoch might have been past his thought process but he knew it could be done.

That’s some pretty big hoping.  Furthermore, it can be safely said that he had things set up following the sealed door since the sealed door was already in place.  What sense would it make to set up a door that is difficult to open when you don’t have everything finished that you want behind it yet?  

Try the trial of the century where the King of Guardia is being tried for stealing the Rainbow Shell. Seems like something that would get around the "newswire".

The shell was alleged to be sold off to a merchant.  Your point is moot.  

He could easily be saying that because it is a priceless heirloom. I doubt he would really want or need the pendant, since it is of little value to him as a swordsmith in a peaceful era.

Wrong.  In 1000 A.D. the Guru of Life also dealt in and collected pendants, charms, and other rarities.  He had every reason to be interested in the pendant.  

This to me makes no sense to assume outside of. Think about it, what would have caused a change in Marle receiving the Pendant? None of the people that were gated from the original timeline would have had any chance of altering where the Pendant ended up. Melchior, Gaspar, and Belthasar were all in eras that make it impossible to change Marle being able to get the Pendant. Janus ended up in the custody of Ozzie and the Mystics. And probably something of such visual beauty (Pendant) was something that was handed down the Guardia line. A family heirloom of sorts. While that is purely specualtion, it isn't very wild of an idea especially since Marle guards the object basically above anything else (before she meets Crono).

The fact of the matter is that the pendant served as the catalyst for the gate at the fairgrounds to either form or open.  Either way, this makes it very important to know whether Marle had the pendant in the original timeline.

Okay, here is where I get a tad bit picky. Nowhere is it stated that Lavos has the ability to form a gate. It is my theory that the Entity (planet) made every single gate in the game. If you like I will explain it, but since I have already I'll spare everyone else who has already heard it until I can separate it from this rebuttle. Lavos did make the Pocket Dimension, but that again is not a gate that allows for time travel.

And you are going directly against in-game evidence in making your statements.  Lavos opened/created the gigantic gate in Magus’ castle.  Lavos sent the Gurus and Janus to the different time periods during the Ocean Palace disaster in Magus’ flashback.  Lavos has the power to create space-time distortions, and yes his pocket dimension is even more evidence supporting that, despite your claims.  

As far as the claims you are making about the pendant, a lot of the points you are making are either moot (such as the pendant being left behind – Crono had to hold onto it tightly so it wouldn’t be left behind when he left with it, implying it came loose from Marle when she was pulled through the gate) or simply try to refute the evidence I have provided about the pendant with no counter-evidence to support it (while the pendant wasn’t fully charged, it still had the ability to be energized by something like the telepod, and at one time it had been charged by Lavos’ power as well).  Furthermore, your diminishment of the telepod’s role is unfounded.  The active telepod, along with the pendant, served as catalysts for the gate to open.  You cannot get away from this.  


You are putting a large amount of emphasis on something that really isn't as big as you are making it out to be. By that time, he obviously knows that they are trying to defeat Lavos. He has been helping them out since they had first entered the EoT, so I don't see why it is such a large suprise that he did it here.

So, if it wasn’t that important, why did he say it?  The Guru of Time himself put a lot of emphasis on what he was saying.  Furthermore, there is reason why he was helping them out the whole time.  He very well could have sent them on their way home, or told them they should return to their own times.  He didn’t.  This is important.  

It is entirely possible that Gaspar could sense their potential. The Zealians did it to them at least once:

There’s a huge difference here.  When Crono & co. met the Guru of Time, they were not using magic.  When they arrived in Zeal, they were actively using magic.  This is comparing apples and oranges.  Furthermore, sensing potential and acting on sensing it are two different things.  The question as to why he acted the way he acted is not answered under your conclusions.

That bucket is closed because it leads to the destruction of the planet. You don't want to go in that gate unless you really know what you are doing.

This is a question I answered earlier when Sentenal made the same argument.  The thing is, 12,000 B.C. was a very dangerous time – the gate to that time period led to right before the Ocean Palace disaster, where Lavos acted in a similar fashion to that of 1999 A.D.  2300 A.D. is a very dangerous time as well – the world is in ruin, Lavos reigns above Death Peak, and he is reproducing.  By your reasoning, those times should have been closed off as well.  The thing is, they weren’t.  This is why I am paying so much attention to this.  

 I fail to recall when Melchior learns of the groups purpose.

The quote about the pendant at the fair covers the Guru of Life.  

As far as your objections to the timelines, the points you make are already answered under my theory.  You made the same arguments that Sentenal made earlier in the thread, and my responses to his argument were included in the writing of that part of the theory.  

Obviously they knew of the gates, they were the first gated people that we know about!

The gates they were sent through were made by Lavos.  Most of the gates that occurred in Chrono Trigger, are likely not to have been.  

 So your theory is pretty good, but there are a good amount of holes. I look forward to your response.

I’m glad you’ve found my theory an enjoyable read, but despite your efforts there are still only things my theory hinges on: 1) Did Marle have the pendant in the original timeline?  2) Did the pendant create the gate during the 400 Year Reunion, and if it did, what are the capabilities of Dreamstone in its sensitivity to human emotion?  Most of what you said were things I had considered and had found were not detrimental to my theory or were things I  had anticipated someone trying to use to argue against my theory.


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A New "Entity" Theory In Progress
« Reply #108 on: December 20, 2005, 09:13:25 pm »
To solve this question once and for all.. Lavos was responsible for gating everyone at the Ocean Palace.

   Well, that was up until the
   Queen of Zeal attempted to
   harness the power of Lavos...
   Let's just say, things got out
   of control and Lavos created a
   dimensional vortex that threw
   me far into the future!

I'm sure Belthasar knows what he's talking about.

We know the Mammon Machine extracted energy from Lavos - the exact mechanism isn't known or ever revealed, despite your conclusions. Schala's connection to the Mammon Machine was that she was the only one who could "operate" it because of her pendant and her ability to use the pendant in a special way. In other words, if she didn't have the pendant, which was made of the same material as the Mammon Machine and essentially served as a control for the Mammon Machine, she may not have been able to control the Mammon Machine at all. Furthermore, at the time of Zeal's downfall, Schala was not connected to the Frozen Flame because she was not being absorbed by Lavos, as result of the Keystone Timelines, yet.

It doesn't mean she can't control the flame. To have a link with Lavos, the flame has to choose you. Schala was the only one who could.
and by the way. I just realised. The Mammon Machine is nothing but a prototype handling cage thingy for the Flame. Look at that big cage thing the frozen flame is in Chronopolis. All of that is to constantly absorb the energy. But Zeal got greedy and wanted it to be closer to the being that provides that energy. And Schala tapping either into the machine and causing it to drain more energy from the flame caused the machine to go rouge from a power overload and awakened Lavos. Remember, the Flame is a link and if something happens with the link, then Lavos will know whats going on. Atleast I provide evidence of why the flame is in the mammon machine. Had it not been brought up in CT, not been a major part in CC and been stated in RD, which was like a year after CT came out, then I wouldn't be talking about this.

My point isn't based on whether she has lost her mind, my point is based on that she is connected to the Flame at that point.

If she was the arbiter, then she's connected no matter what. Serge is the arbiter of the flame, and he isn't merged/merging with Lavos. On the other hand, anyone who is not chosen by the flame will be frozen (looks at the Dead Sea situation).
Though, even if Schala wasn't the arbiter, she had to still control the mammon machine so that it absorbed the energy, and not to much of it.

And really, whats with people just thinking dreamstone will absorb the energy? There's heaps of dreamstone on the ground in 65,000,000BC. By your theory, it'd mean that all that dreamstone would be constantly absorbing the energy, no matter where it's from. Obviously, dreamstone is not the only key factor in the Mammon Machine's operation system.

And with Luccia's point, you need to read this:
There are those who believe
   that, 12 thousand years ago,
   the legendary ancient magical
   civilization known as Zeal
   came into contact with Lavos.
   That fateful encounter is
   said to have resulted in
   Zeal disappearing from the
   surface of the planet within
   the space of a single night.
   However, the very existence
   of the ancient civilization
   of Zeal has never been proven,
   so up till this day this
   theory cannot be confirmed.
   On some time lines, Lavos
   appeared on the surface of
   the planet in the year 1999
   and brought the world to

Luccia may have been one of the many who believed in it.

I've played Chrono Cross quite a few times, and I never saw such a figure. I just went back through the script for Chronopolis, and what is there is data about Lavos' possible interference in human evolution, although no exact time period or rate of enhancement is given.

Sorry, It wasn't Chronopolis that said the figure.
A brain that has developed abnormally
   to 3 times the original size in the
   span of 3 million years...

   We humans have evolved at an
   enormous rate because of our
   contact with Lavos's flame...

It's the face in Terra Tower.

While what you say about the Flame serving as a link to Lavos would make sense (and does sound like a good explanation), it still has yet to be proven that it was actually in the Mammon Machine.

*Points towards RD*. Do not disregard it. It ties a lot of things together. It's almost like a book of CT facts. And is probably more reasonable than Ultima Magazine on a few points.

Humans in the prehistoric era were mentally inferior to humans at a later date? Now, you claim that this is genetic, or natural stupidity, that they don't have the capability to grasp complex consepts. This goes back to the quote about the Frozen Flame accerating human evolution. Now here is a question to you: Why is it that you consider their stupidity as natural, rather than a result of their enviroment? They (prehistoric man) would have been raised in an enviroment where there was no school, no education, only hunting, gather, and other such parts of primative life. On the contrary, every other characters were raised in enviroments where there was some form of education, where higher learning was present. Even the Earthbound ones, although they probably lived primatively, it was forced upon them, and they also had the "enlightned" Zealians which they would have been raised in contact with. Even those in 2300 were marginally inteligent, because of the technology that surrounded them, and influence of inteligence that would have been passed down (educated person in 1999, has child after Lavos. Child is influenced by educated parent during raising, so is more inteligent than s/he would otherwise be. And it carries on to 2300).

So in short, their stupidity is not because they are naturally stupid, and less human because of that, but they are ignorant due to the enviroment they were raised in.

No, they're inferior to the ones in the later date. Basically, if Ayla and the humans had survived the reptites and Lavos never landed, by 2300ADm they would most likely still be under developed compared to the people who came in contact with the flame.
Sure, saying that because they had no education, the prehistoric people are inferior that way. But would they be able to comprehend physics, advanced maths? Even writing skills. The x3 in brain power would definetely make the Iokans and Lubarians inferior. That x3 in brain power may have been what caused those humans to actually finally understand maths, physics, magic etc.

...God, you're so ridiculous. -_- CC is a sequel BECAUSE it ties things together. Check out the definition of the word. Masato's opinions about his own work doesn't change anything if it's a sequel by definition.
RD ties a lot of things together, and a lot of people (WHO HAVEN'T EVEN PLAYED THE GAME YET) disregard it.

Oh, and Masato wasn't the one saying 'CC wasn't supposed to be a sequel to CT as much as game on it's own with direct ties to CT'. That was the producer or something, whatever his name was. Masato said nothing of the sort.

Oh really? Meh. I thought it was actually Masato who said that he wanted to create a new game (hence that was why they had new characters) but kind of wanted to keep it in touch with CT.


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A New "Entity" Theory In Progress
« Reply #109 on: December 20, 2005, 10:49:43 pm »
Zaperking, I'm starting to see that your conclusions about the Flame and the Mammon Machine have credit.  I  find it still questionable, however, as to whether or not Schala would have been the arbiter, although it would make some sense to a question that had been burning in my mind for some time - Why did Lavos not send Schala off to another time period like he did Janus and the Gurus?


*Points towards RD*. Do not disregard it. It ties a lot of things together. It's almost like a book of CT facts. And is probably more reasonable than Ultima Magazine on a few points.

The thing is, I have played through the main scenario of Radical Dreamers, and I have searched through the script for details about the Flame.  I couldn't find a whole lot - can you post the quotes that you've found relevant?

Sorry, It wasn't Chronopolis that said the figure.
A brain that has developed abnormally
to 3 times the original size in the
span of 3 million years...

We humans have evolved at an
enormous rate because of our
contact with Lavos's flame...

It's the face in Terra Tower.

Hmm, interesting.  Okay, here's my initial take on it - this triple development of brain size is what could be responsible for humans gaining the ability to use magic.  As far as cognitive abilities, Ayla still holds up as a genuine human being, so while cognitive abilities could have improved, it makes more sense to say that the ability to manipulate the four elements came from this growth.


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A New "Entity" Theory In Progress
« Reply #110 on: December 21, 2005, 12:16:46 am »
No, they're inferior to the ones in the later date. Basically, if Ayla and the humans had survived the reptites and Lavos never landed, by 2300ADm they would most likely still be under developed compared to the people who came in contact with the flame.
Sure, saying that because they had no education, the prehistoric people are inferior that way. But would they be able to comprehend physics, advanced maths? Even writing skills. The x3 in brain power would definetely make the Iokans and Lubarians inferior. That x3 in brain power may have been what caused those humans to actually finally understand maths, physics, magic etc.

Zaper, could you post the text that says humans after the Flame was found were 3 times smarter.

Also, the only difference we see between later humans and prehistoric ones is magic, and society level.  Obviously, Lavos' influenced magic.  If even our own human history has shown anything, humans are perfectly capable of advancing society without giant porkupines.


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A New "Entity" Theory In Progress
« Reply #111 on: December 21, 2005, 04:14:28 am »
Quote from: Sentenal
No, they're inferior to the ones in the later date. Basically, if Ayla and the humans had survived the reptites and Lavos never landed, by 2300ADm they would most likely still be under developed compared to the people who came in contact with the flame.
Sure, saying that because they had no education, the prehistoric people are inferior that way. But would they be able to comprehend physics, advanced maths? Even writing skills. The x3 in brain power would definetely make the Iokans and Lubarians inferior. That x3 in brain power may have been what caused those humans to actually finally understand maths, physics, magic etc.

Zaper, could you post the text that says humans after the Flame was found were 3 times smarter.

Also, the only difference we see between later humans and prehistoric ones is magic, and society level.  Obviously, Lavos' influenced magic.  If even our own human history has shown anything, humans are perfectly capable of advancing society without giant porkupines.

Hmm, I think i've sent the message in a wrong way. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to make Ayla look bad.
This was the actual quote:
A brain that has developed abnormally
to 3 times the original size in the
span of 3 million years...

We humans have evolved at an
enormous rate because of our
contact with Lavos's flame...

It was more of my inference that they would be x3 smarter. But really, if Chronopolis said that the humans advanced thanks to the brain development, then it should be creditable, right?

When you look at the other people in Ioka, don't they look stupid too? Like that guy whos like "You look different, You reptite? Me smash you with club" dude. It's kind of possible that they just can't comprehend things yet. But as Chronopolis also said, the Reptites were years way ahead of the humans to even catch up, and would have defeated them had Lavos not landed. It's also easy to see other differences. Estimating that Dinopolis is from 2400AD aswell in their dimension, the difference in power between Chronopolis and Dinopolis is huge. So the triple advancement in the human brain probably not only overtook the reptites, but also advanced themselves that of the humans of 65,000,000BC.

Why did Lavos not send Schala off to another time period like he did Janus and the Gurus?

I don't know, one may only guess. In the Crono timeline, it seems as if Zeal had some control over Lavos. He didn't gate her either, as he could have. Instead, true to her word, his power was greatly given to her so she could become immortal (well for the time anyway) and her power like quadrupled.

One possibility of why Schala wasn't gated is because Lavos may have wanted to merge with her then? Like Zeal had said, if you defy Lavos, you can become one with him for all eternity. So maybe a merge would have happened. And in the original timeline, and not just RD's, it is still possible that Schala did reincarnate herself. We don't truely know what happened, but if she died, how'd the pendant get out of the palace (that probably is at the bottom of the sea anyway).

I personally don't think Lavos just took Schala in the DBT for energy. I think he was intending to do it all along, even in the ocean palace. Just look at the TD and how strong it is, all thanks to Schala's energy. Now we see how powerful of a person she really is.
But something in the back of my mind keeps making me think that in the Crono timeline, Schala would have gone up to stand against Lavos after she teleported Crono and co out. As if to get revenge for her brother, mother, kingdom etc. But then she was gated into the DBT etc. So meh >.>


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A New "Entity" Theory In Progress
« Reply #112 on: December 21, 2005, 02:19:37 pm »
Quote from: DBoruta

DBoruta wrote:

I. The Guru of Reason, His Actions, and His Words
B. The Guru’s Actions
6. Questions arise from his actions:
a. Why did he make the Wings of Time in 2300 A.D.?

I don't really understand this question. he made it in 2300 because thats where he was gated to. It's not like he could pick an era to be sent to.

I was asking why he made the decision to build the Wings of Time when he was in 2300 A.D.

Because it followed him there. Belthasar had been working on it while he was in Zeal, this is confirmed by Dalton when he first sees the finished product.

DALTON: YOU! You're alive!?
   Ah! That vehicle outside must be

   It's just like the one Belthasar was

So he had to have at least had enough of the ship itself finished so that Dalton could recognize it upon sight. Since he had nothing else to do, why not finish the time machine that has the chance of getting you out of the desolate time you are stuck in?

Quote from: DBoruta
If you built the first time machine known to man, would you leave it on your front porch? I didn't think so. Okay, for some reason you fail to remember this man is the Guru of Reason. Crono, Marle, and Lucca all show up at this guys door. It really isn't that hard to figure out that they are not from that time. Belthasar knows first hand that time travel is possible, and seeing three healthy and vigorous teenagers is not something you come across at all in 2300. He easily could have assumed they knew of some form of time travel, and from there set up the rest based off of speculation. And we all know how well he speculates.

The sealed doors were in place before Crono & co. arrived.  

This proves nothing. He put those doors up so that no one else could gain access to them. Nowhere is it stated that the Pendant is the only way to open a sealed door, because if it was then Schala would have to play gatekeeper for everyone and anyone who had to go to the Ocean Palace.

Quote from: DBoruta
He probably didn't know for sure, but he couldn't have missed the pendant that was undoubtedly hanging from Crono's neck. Even if they never ended up getting to Zeal it was easily possible with thier obvious time traveling abilites.

Again, the action the Guru was taking when Crono & co. arrived was the transfer of his memory to the Nu – everything else was done already because the sealed door is in place.

And also again, it isn't possible that only the Pendant could open a sealed door.

Quote from: DBoruta
 He didn't leave because he was too weak once he finally completed it, he probably had enough energy to finish the mind transfer into the Nu and that would have about done it. He even says it himself:

So, he had enough energy to build the Epoch, but what about after the Epoch was finished?  He did have a chance to use the Epoch.  At the point he left the information for the time travelers, he realized that he was beginning to go insane and that he didn’t have long to live.  Hence the mention of his being frail and also the reason he transferred his memory to the Nu.  

Enough energy to finish Epoch yes. We don't know how long the effects of the insanity took, for all we know the first meeting he could have already been insane but not completely off his rocker. I am not saying that is what happened, but we don't know for sure to be able to put together a timeframe of what he did in between the two meetings he had with the group.

Quote from: DBoruta
Obviously he studied Lavos in detail, he was at the base of the mountain that Lavos resides over! It would have made less sense if he didn't know so much about the big guy. Also I don't see the relevance that he mentioned most of the time periods (didn't talk about Zeal in there) they went to. It's not like he stated that he knew they went to those said periods, or needed to. He was just giving a historical background of Lavos's actions on the planet up until that point.

1)   The fact of the matter is, he didn’t need or have to study Lavos in detail – he could have invested all of his time and energy in escaping the time period he was sent to.  Instead, he chose a different path.  

2)   He said he was from Zeal, so yes he did talk about Zeal.  

3)   In any case, the old saying “Know thy enemy” comes to mind.  What he spoke about was important information.  

You are dodging what you originally stated, that him knowing about Lavos and the time periods that the group traveled to was due to the fact that he was behind the events of the game. None of your responses dealt with that.

Quote from: DBoruta
 This easily can be attributed to the fact that the heroes are traveling throughout time. He knows this, because of what I stated earlier about him recognizing that the teens were not from the era.

Again, you’re assuming that all of this was a reaction to his first meeting with Crono & co. when we know that it was not a reaction to them at all.  

He did it because he knew that the only chance those teens he saw before had was if they had every available way to master time. He made the door before he met them, so it isn't like he knew that they were going to find him but that he wanted to protect his lifes work. From what you ask? Oh well maybe the human killng crazy robots that were scattered throughout the planet? He left the message in hopes that they would return, simple as that. And plus, he knew from making Epoch that it was possible to make it back to 12,000. How without the Epoch might have been past his thought process but he knew it could be done.

That’s some pretty big hoping.  Furthermore, it can be safely said that he had things set up following the sealed door since the sealed door was already in place.  What sense would it make to set up a door that is difficult to open when you don’t have everything finished that you want behind it yet?  

Big hoping? He didn't know everything they were going through for all he knew they got lost in the era and wanted to find a way home.  And again, you are assuming the sealed door cannot be reopened by Belthasar which just isn't the case.

Quote from: DBoruta
Try the trial of the century where the King of Guardia is being tried for stealing the Rainbow Shell. Seems like something that would get around the "newswire".

The shell was alleged to be sold off to a merchant.  Your point is moot.

You asked how Melchior could have found out about the rainbow shell. It doesn't matter what the details were, he would have heard that the King sold it off. Regardless he still now knows that it is around and not buried under layers of crust.

Quote from: DBoruta
He could easily be saying that because it is a priceless heirloom. I doubt he would really want or need the pendant, since it is of little value to him as a swordsmith in a peaceful era.

Wrong.  In 1000 A.D. the Guru of Life also dealt in and collected pendants, charms, and other rarities.  He had every reason to be interested in the pendant.

Yes at first, but when he sees that it is Schala's pendant, he has no interest in buying it for the purpose of selling it to someone else.

Quote from: DBoruta
This to me makes no sense to assume outside of. Think about it, what would have caused a change in Marle receiving the Pendant? None of the people that were gated from the original timeline would have had any chance of altering where the Pendant ended up. Melchior, Gaspar, and Belthasar were all in eras that make it impossible to change Marle being able to get the Pendant. Janus ended up in the custody of Ozzie and the Mystics. And probably something of such visual beauty (Pendant) was something that was handed down the Guardia line. A family heirloom of sorts. While that is purely specualtion, it isn't very wild of an idea especially since Marle guards the object basically above anything else (before she meets Crono).

The fact of the matter is that the pendant served as the catalyst for the gate at the fairgrounds to either form or open.  Either way, this makes it very important to know whether Marle had the pendant in the original timeline.

Form a gate and open a gate are two incredibly different things. You cannot assume it might have done one or the other. It either had the energy to make a gate, or the ability to open it. No halfsies or inbetweens.

Quote from: DBoruta
Okay, here is where I get a tad bit picky. Nowhere is it stated that Lavos has the ability to form a gate. It is my theory that the Entity (planet) made every single gate in the game. If you like I will explain it, but since I have already I'll spare everyone else who has already heard it until I can separate it from this rebuttle. Lavos did make the Pocket Dimension, but that again is not a gate that allows for time travel.

And you are going directly against in-game evidence in making your statements.  Lavos opened/created the gigantic gate in Magus’ castle.  Lavos sent the Gurus and Janus to the different time periods during the Ocean Palace disaster in Magus’ flashback.  Lavos has the power to create space-time distortions, and yes his pocket dimension is even more evidence supporting that, despite your claims.  

As far as the claims you are making about the pendant, a lot of the points you are making are either moot (such as the pendant being left behind – Crono had to hold onto it tightly so it wouldn’t be left behind when he left with it, implying it came loose from Marle when she was pulled through the gate) or simply try to refute the evidence I have provided about the pendant with no counter-evidence to support it (while the pendant wasn’t fully charged, it still had the ability to be energized by something like the telepod, and at one time it had been charged by Lavos’ power as well).  Furthermore, your diminishment of the telepod’s role is unfounded.  The active telepod, along with the pendant, served as catalysts for the gate to open.  You cannot get away from this.  

I would love for you to show me the in-game evidence that clearly states that Lavos was the cause of those gates. Think about it, why would Lavos gate these people away when he could just as easily kill them all right then and there? It's not like Lavos is getting rid of them permanently, they still retain all of thier incredible powers and magical knowledge. They are just in a different time period. Lavos gains absolutely zilch by doing this action, which is why I believe that it was the Entity saving them from imminent death for the later purpose of helping out the group.

As for the "gate" in Magus's Castle, you could go by the same terms as before. The Entity was saving them from instant death. Don't you find it odd that instead of going ot the End of Time like the Conservation of Time theorem explicitally states and is proven earlier in the game, they are sent to two different eras from the same gate? That sounds alot like bending the rules of time travel if you ask me. Something that only a Entity would be able to accomplish. And again I ask the same question about Lavos's motives, why send them to another era when it can just kill them right then and there? And especially when in the original timeline, Lavos did just that. It killed Magus, plain and simple.

Do you even remember the scene where they are first gated? It's not like Marle was sucked into the gate, she dematierialized. Broke up into balls of energy and reformed in the gate. Never does that ever happen with any other gate. And why wouldn't the Pendant stay with her when she was deformed when it clearly did with Crono? It should have happened the exact same way, but it didn't. Just because you have no rebuttle to a point doesn't make it a moot one.

How can you just blatently ignore this obvious counter evidence? The Pendant was not charged at all, as in not a single drop of energy was inside it. You tell me I have no actual evidence to back my claims yet it sits right there in front of you and you choose to ignore it. For your theory to be correct, according to how the gate formed, the Pendant must have started the reaction. There is no way around that. It sparkles before the telepod activates, so how would the inactive telepod have started the reaction when it wasn't activated yet?!? Without an energy source there is no way that the Pendant could have just made the gate, it makes absolutely zero sense.

Quote from: DBoruta

You are putting a large amount of emphasis on something that really isn't as big as you are making it out to be. By that time, he obviously knows that they are trying to defeat Lavos. He has been helping them out since they had first entered the EoT, so I don't see why it is such a large suprise that he did it here.

So, if it wasn’t that important, why did he say it?  The Guru of Time himself put a lot of emphasis on what he was saying.  Furthermore, there is reason why he was helping them out the whole time.  He very well could have sent them on their way home, or told them they should return to their own times.  He didn’t.  This is important.  

Okay so you are telling me that if Gaspar was unaware that the group already wanted to defeat Lavos wouldn't have helped them? This obviously is not the case, since he can see into any era and would have been interested in watching a group of people that time traveled twice in about a week. But regardless, with him knowing they had magical capabilities, fighting experience against tough foes, and a way to travel to most any era that they needed to get to, he would had just sent them home and hope that someone else would defeat Lavos? Riiiight.

And I never said it wasn't important, I merely stated that you were putting too much emphasis on it. I don't think then really was the point that he revealed his true intentions anyways. At the latest would have been when they first were expelled from Zeal and he informed them about the Wings of Time. Obviously he was helping them find a way back so that they could take on Lavos. Too bad he wasn't too quick on figuring out that they were nowhere near ready to face the guy.

Quote from: DBoruta
It is entirely possible that Gaspar could sense their potential. The Zealians did it to them at least once:

There’s a huge difference here.  When Crono & co. met the Guru of Time, they were not using magic.  When they arrived in Zeal, they were actively using magic.  This is comparing apples and oranges.  Furthermore, sensing potential and acting on sensing it are two different things.  The question as to why he acted the way he acted is not answered under your conclusions. Remember Aura? Or Slash? While they were not magic spells with the star next to thier names in the tech list, they dealt magic damage or healed like magic. Thus they had the potential already. Again this brings me to my earlier point, since he found such a talented group of people, he coudln't pass up on the opportunity to help them out. And it's not like people are visiting the EoT daily with potential. This was a limited time opportunity that Gaspar had to take advantage of.

Quote from: DBoruta
That bucket is closed because it leads to the destruction of the planet. You don't want to go in that gate unless you really know what you are doing.

This is a question I answered earlier when Sentenal made the same argument.  The thing is, 12,000 B.C. was a very dangerous time – the gate to that time period led to right before the Ocean Palace disaster, where Lavos acted in a similar fashion to that of 1999 A.D.  2300 A.D. is a very dangerous time as well – the world is in ruin, Lavos reigns above Death Peak, and he is reproducing.  By your reasoning, those times should have been closed off as well.  The thing is, they weren’t.  This is why I am paying so much attention to this.

Hey now guess what? They both were closed off. How did both of those eras first become accessable? Through an outside gate. Not through the EoT. Once they passed through those gates then the pillars opened up for them, not before.  

Quote from: DBoruta
 I fail to recall when Melchior learns of the groups purpose.

The quote about the pendant at the fair covers the Guru of Life.

Umm...what? He wouldn't had learned of their purpose there, he would have already known. Read before you type.


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« Reply #113 on: December 21, 2005, 02:38:58 pm »
Hmm, I think i've sent the message in a wrong way. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to make Ayla look bad.
This was the actual quote:
A brain that has developed abnormally
to 3 times the original size in the
span of 3 million years...

We humans have evolved at an
enormous rate because of our
contact with Lavos's flame...

It was more of my inference that they would be x3 smarter. But really, if Chronopolis said that the humans advanced thanks to the brain development, then it should be creditable, right?

When you look at the other people in Ioka, don't they look stupid too? Like that guy whos like "You look different, You reptite? Me smash you with club" dude. It's kind of possible that they just can't comprehend things yet. But as Chronopolis also said, the Reptites were years way ahead of the humans to even catch up, and would have defeated them had Lavos not landed. It's also easy to see other differences. Estimating that Dinopolis is from 2400AD aswell in their dimension, the difference in power between Chronopolis and Dinopolis is huge. So the triple advancement in the human brain probably not only overtook the reptites, but also advanced themselves that of the humans of 65,000,000BC.

Okay, I see your point.  I didn't remmeber that part from Chronopolis.  Seems your right about the brain developing thanks to the FF.


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« Reply #114 on: December 21, 2005, 05:06:28 pm »
Just to clarify (again and again...), this quote about the FF affecting the brain development is from the face in Terra Tower, not Chronopolis.


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« Reply #115 on: December 21, 2005, 05:07:02 pm »
Quote from: SilentMartyr
Because it followed him there. Belthasar had been working on it while he was in Zeal, this is confirmed by Dalton when he first sees the finished product.

Difference - the Epoch may not have been finished in Zeal, and since nobody states it was finished in Zeal, there's a good chance it may not have been.  You have absolutely no proof that the Epoch followed him there.  Your quotes from Dalton only prove that the Guru worked on the Wings of Time in Zeal.    

why not finish the time machine that has the chance of getting you out of the desolate time you are stuck in

Except he didn't get out of the time period he was stuck in.  Now the question is why?  If he had enough energy to finish the machine, he sure as hell had enough energy to operate it, especially since he had the energy to do everything else after finishing it.  

This proves nothing. He put those doors up so that no one else could gain access to them. Nowhere is it stated that the Pendant is the only way to open a sealed door, because if it was then Schala would have to play gatekeeper for everyone and anyone who had to go to the Ocean Palace.

And your statements are proving nothing and are getting this discussion absolutely nowhere if not taking it a few steps backwards.   We know that the pendant isn't the only way to open the sealed door because the Nu opens the sealed doors in 2300 A.D. to get into the same room Crono & co. are in so that they can actually launch the Epoch.  Do not put words in my mouth.  

You are dodging what you originally stated, that him knowing about Lavos and the time periods that the group traveled to was due to the fact that he was behind the events of the game. None of your responses dealt with that.

I wasn't dodging that and I didn't need to reiterate that point there.  You were saying he had no choice but to study Lavos, and I am saying he did have a choice even if he claimed he had no choice.  The only way he had absolutely, and I mean absolutely, no choice to study Lavos was if he was determined to do something about Lavos' destroying the future.   Furthermore, I was giving you the courtesy of answering a question that, in all honesty, I felt was a moot point because in-game evidence proved that the time periods Crono & co. went to were significant in some way to the Guru of Reason.  

Big hoping? He didn't know everything they were going through for all he knew they got lost in the era and wanted to find a way home. And again, you are assuming the sealed door cannot be reopened by Belthasar which just isn't the case.

Stop saying I'm making assumptions that I'm not.  Let's look at the other sealed doors the Guru of Reason made in 2300 A.D. (yes, I am assuming that because he made the sealed doors in the Keeper's dome as well) - there is something behind each door.  So, let me ask you this - what sense would it make to make a sealed door when there is nothing behind it yet?  In this case I'm talking about the information he left for whoever would open that first sealed door.  Now here I am making an assumption that the second sealed door with the Wings of Time behind it is in place.  But really, there's nothing behind that first door that needs protection yet that the second door isn't already protecting.  It would be utterly senseless for an old man who knows he is dying and going insane to use time and energy over and over again in opening a door that most likely takes a decent amount of energy or concentration (without the pendant) to open.    

You asked how Melchior could have found out about the rainbow shell. It doesn't matter what the details were, he would have heard that the King sold it off. Regardless he still now knows that it is around and not buried under layers of crust.

Then explain his going to Guardia Castle with the tools to make weapons and armor if he had already heard the shell had been sold off.  

Yes at first, but when he sees that it is Schala's pendant, he has no interest in buying it for the purpose of selling it to someone else.

And I have already answered this argument when Sentenal and I discussed it.  I'm not going to go around in circles arguing the same things over and over when they don't need to be argued over and over.  Even if we go through the motions again, we will come to the same point Sentenal and I came to.  

Form a gate and open a gate are two incredibly different things. You cannot assume it might have done one or the other. It either had the energy to make a gate, or the ability to open it. No halfsies or inbetweens.

Well, here's the thing - we don't know for sure - we know it catalyzed something - I'm simply stating what those two somethings could be.  We did not see the gate before the pendant and the telepod reacted with each other, so they did something.  That is the point.  Your talk about no halfsies or in-betweens is another moot point.  

I would love for you to show me the in-game evidence that clearly states that Lavos was the cause of those gates

Here you go:

Well, that was up until the
Queen of Zeal attempted to
harness the power of Lavos...
Let's just say, things got out
of control and Lavos created a
dimensional vortex that threw
me far into the future!

Furthermore, go back and play Chrono Trigger again.  Watch Magus' flashback scene.  It literally shows Lavos's head doing something as the gates are created.  Coincidence?  No.  

And more evidence...

Magus: Ever since Lavos's time
   portal stranded me in the Middle

   I have waited to even the score.

Just because you have no rebuttle to a point doesn't make it a moot one.

I gave in-game evidence to prove your whole point about the pendant not staying with Marle IS a moot one.  

How can you just blatently ignore this obvious counter evidence? The Pendant was not charged at all, as in not a single drop of energy was inside it. You tell me I have no actual evidence to back my claims yet it sits right there in front of you and you choose to ignore it.

Don't give me opinions and call it counter-evidence.  First off, we don't know if the pendant was completely drained as in not a single drop of energy was left in it.  Second, even if that was the case, and I have taken that into consideration, it still as the ability to react with power sources.  Third, Marle was on the telepod - properties of the telepod could have easily come into play with how she and Crono were both brought into the gate.  

In fact, the only good point I have seen you raise is the one about the gate not staying fully formed after its initial formation at the fairgrounds (when Marle was pulled through).  There could be explanations for this, but without enough information about the pendant, the power output capabilities of the telepod, and the properties of gates and how much energy it takes to sustain one, it can't be said for certain why that gate didn't stay fully formed initially.  

Okay so you are telling me that if Gaspar was unaware that the group already wanted to defeat Lavos wouldn't have helped them? This obviously is not the case, since he can see into any era and would have been interested in watching a group of people that time traveled twice in about a week. But regardless, with him knowing they had magical capabilities, fighting experience against tough foes, and a way to travel to most any era that they needed to get to, he would had just sent them home and hope that someone else would defeat Lavos? Riiiight.

And I never said it wasn't important, I merely stated that you were putting too much emphasis on it. I don't think then really was the point that he revealed his true intentions anyways. At the latest would have been when they first were expelled from Zeal and he informed them about the Wings of Time. Obviously he was helping them find a way back so that they could take on Lavos. Too bad he wasn't too quick on figuring out that they were nowhere near ready to face the guy.

He was obviously watching them, and that was a point I was trying to make in my theory as well.  All of his statements and actions prove that, but the point I was getting at was why he helped them right from the get-go.  He could have just directed them on their way home.  His statements have meaning.  

Quote Remember Aura? Or Slash? While they were not magic spells with the star next to thier names in the tech list, they dealt magic damage or healed like magic. Thus they had the potential already. Again this brings me to my earlier point, since he found such a talented group of people, he coudln't pass up on the opportunity to help them out. And it's not like people are visiting the EoT daily with potential. This was a limited time opportunity that Gaspar had to take advantage of.

Except, didn't a lot of people (as in a good portion of the human race) have this potential due to Lavos accelerating evolution?  Having the potential and actively using magic are two different things.  

Hey now guess what? They both were closed off. How did both of those eras first become accessable? Through an outside gate. Not through the EoT. Once they passed through those gates then the pillars opened up for them, not before.

They were still pillars of light.  There's a difference.  

Umm...what? He wouldn't had learned of their purpose there, he would have already known. Read before you type.

I do read before I type.  In fact, I considered this entire theory, arguments against it, and any other objections that could arise for over a month before I even decided to post it.  On top of it, there was only one thing that I did not consider in full that came up as a result of much discussion between Sentenal and I.  Again, my entire discourse on the Guru of Life and his statement about the pendant implies he had at least some knowledge of what was going to happen.

I have to say, this has been the most frustrating reply I have written so far - I shouldn't even have to be writing at least half of what I have written in this reply because it is either blatantly proven by in-game evidence, is something that has already been discussed and is useless in discussing again (especially when I'm seeing the exact same argument and I'm saying that it has already been addressed, but gave the courtesy of a response anyway), or it is something I have already gone through explaining in my theory and the answer to it is in the theory.  

Furthermore, to save me future frustration in this thread, I will not take opinion on a situation as in-game evidence. Ever.  The point of this thread is to take a scientific approach to explain the events of Chrono Trigger.  This means observations and conclusions based upon in-game evidence and in-game fact from any part of the Chrono series is welcome.  Opinion is welcome, but don't go calling it blatant evidence when it's not.


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« Reply #116 on: December 21, 2005, 05:42:55 pm »
I will say this, though. I have to agree about the Pendent staying behind. What the hell was up with that? Very inexplicable.

Well, earlier in the thread a hypothesis has been proposed that the Pendant might have a soul. If there's any weight to that, it may have stayed behind on purpose so that Crono would use it to save Marle.

OMG. New theory! The Entity is the PENDANT!

Why did Lavos not send Schala off to another time period like he did Janus and the Gurus?

Who said he gated everyone else on purpose?

I would love for you to show me the in-game evidence that clearly states that Lavos was the cause of those gates. Think about it, why would Lavos gate these people away when he could just as easily kill them all right then and there? It's not like Lavos is getting rid of them permanently, they still retain all of thier incredible powers and magical knowledge. They are just in a different time period. Lavos gains absolutely zilch by doing this action, which is why I believe that it was the Entity saving them from imminent death for the later purpose of helping out the group.

Again, who said Lavos did it on purpose? We know the energy was brought up into the Mammon Machine. For all we know, the Mammon Machine could have overloaded it, and the energy leaked out and formed gates.

Do you even remember the scene where they are first gated? It's not like Marle was sucked into the gate, she dematierialized. Broke up into balls of energy and reformed in the gate. Never does that ever happen with any other gate. And why wouldn't the Pendant stay with her when she was deformed when it clearly did with Crono? It should have happened the exact same way, but it didn't. Just because you have no rebuttle to a point doesn't make it a moot one.

How can you just blatently ignore this obvious counter evidence? The Pendant was not charged at all, as in not a single drop of energy was inside it. You tell me I have no actual evidence to back my claims yet it sits right there in front of you and you choose to ignore it. For your theory to be correct, according to how the gate formed, the Pendant must have started the reaction. There is no way around that. It sparkles before the telepod activates, so how would the inactive telepod have started the reaction when it wasn't activated yet?!? Without an energy source there is no way that the Pendant could have just made the gate, it makes absolutely zero sense.

Snap. That's a good argument. And a good plothole :O

The only explaination I can possibly think of is that the Pendant was charged inbetween 12,000 BC and 1000 AD, and used all it's energy in that incident.


And also again, it isn't possible that only the Pendant could open a sealed door.

Uh...yea it is.


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« Reply #117 on: December 21, 2005, 06:54:32 pm »
DBoruta is making some good points.  I have to agree with the making of the sealed doors.  Why would he seal the monitor with the recording of the Day of Lavos behind one of those doors.  The people that were trying to survive all know that Lavos is the reason for the planet dying.  I think he did it to show Crono and co. that the world would end.  He knows that whomever opened the sealed door would be strong enough or have the resources to change the future.


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« Reply #118 on: December 21, 2005, 09:17:55 pm »
Quote from: Theicedragon
DBoruta is making some good points.  I have to agree with the making of the sealed doors.  Why would he seal the monitor with the recording of the Day of Lavos behind one of those doors.  The people that were trying to survive all know that Lavos is the reason for the planet dying.  I think he did it to show Crono and co. that the world would end.  He knows that whomever opened the sealed door would be strong enough or have the resources to change the future.

I'd hardly think a person who knows the truth would have survived to 2300AD.. Like even the Arris dome director probably died, but had a son who survived or something so yeah.

Difference - the Epoch may not have been finished in Zeal, and since nobody states it was finished in Zeal, there's a good chance it may not have been. You have absolutely no proof that the Epoch followed him there. Your quotes from Dalton only prove that the Guru worked on the Wings of Time in Zeal.

The Epoch most likely did not follow him, as we see when he gets gated, he doesn't arrive at Keepers dome. Though, in the new timeline, somebody said that Belthasar arrived with a time research centre.. WTF.

Except he didn't get out of the time period he was stuck in. Now the question is why? If he had enough energy to finish the machine, he sure as hell had enough energy to operate it, especially since he had the energy to do everything else after finishing it.

My reasoning is simple: What can an old man do? He is frail, what? Is he just going to go back to Zeal, and stop the Queen? Him and what army. He'd probably be banished or killed or something. They may think he's an imposter, especially if he arrived as a Nu. And he would have wasted the invention for nothing.

Then explain his going to Guardia Castle with the tools to make weapons and armor if he had already heard the shell had been sold off.

Most blacksmiths do have a pouch with tools for crafting in it, usually carried on their belts (tells you to look at Zappa).

Except, didn't a lot of people (as in a good portion of the human race) have this potential due to Lavos accelerating evolution? Having the potential and actively using magic are two different things.

Aura and Slash for one are not magic in themselves. Slash's graphics may just make it look that way, but may just be a fancy sword-handling spell. As for heal, it could be like phoenix down or just getting some item that they have heaps of, and using it. Remember, battle system healing techniques rarely work outside of the battle system.

Just to clarify (again and again...), this quote about the FF affecting the brain development is from the face in Terra Tower, not Chronopolis.

Yeah, I corrected myself about that. But Chronopolis does also state how the flame changed the humans and such.


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« Reply #119 on: December 21, 2005, 10:18:34 pm »
Quote from: Theicedragon
DBoruta is making some good points.  I have to agree with the making of the sealed doors.  Why would he seal the monitor with the recording of the Day of Lavos behind one of those doors.  The people that were trying to survive all know that Lavos is the reason for the planet dying.  I think he did it to show Crono and co. that the world would end.  He knows that whomever opened the sealed door would be strong enough or have the resources to change the future.

The Arris Dome control room (where the Day of Lavos recording played) was not sealed behind one of the Zeal Doors.  It was unlocked using a modern pass-code.  There was a treasure room sealed with a Zeal Door in the same area.