Author Topic: A New "Entity" Theory In Progress  (Read 16822 times)


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A New "Entity" Theory In Progress
« Reply #120 on: December 21, 2005, 11:55:14 pm »
Quote from: AuraTwilight
I will say this, though. I have to agree about the Pendent staying behind. What the hell was up with that? Very inexplicable.

Well, earlier in the thread a hypothesis has been proposed that the Pendant might have a soul. If there's any weight to that, it may have stayed behind on purpose so that Crono would use it to save Marle.

This is very explainable, and maybe I didn't do a good enough job explaining it before.  We can infer that the pendant came loose from Marle as she was being drawn into the gate by the fact that Lucca told Crono to hold onto the pendant (inference: she didn't want him to let it loose) in this quote:
Lucca: This is our only hope!
   That pendant seems to be the key, so
   hang on to it Crono, and brace

Why did Lavos not send Schala off to another time period like he did Janus and the Gurus?

Who said he gated everyone else on purpose?

It sure looked like he did.   After all, Lavos is a being that can transcend time, can affect an entire planet's evolutionary process (see quotes from "The Final Battle" if you don't believe me), can control nearly and entire civilization, and can create space-time distortions.  Lavos was obviously in control of what happened in his pocket dimension during the Ocean Palace disaster in the original timeline.    

For all we know, the Mammon Machine could have overloaded it, and the energy leaked out and formed gates.

Except in Magus' flashback you see Lavos' head actually doing something and then the gate forming.  Furthermore, we have quotes from both the Guru of Reason and Magus supporting that Lavos created the gates during the Ocean Palace disaster.


Quote from: Zaperking
My reasoning is simple: What can an old man do? He is frail, what? Is he just going to go back to Zeal, and stop the Queen? Him and what army. He'd probably be banished or killed or something. They may think he's an imposter, especially if he arrived as a Nu. And he would have wasted the invention for nothing.

That's definitely good reasoning for why he couldn't return to Zeal, but he could have easily found another time period to live in by using his invention - anything between the end of the ice age and 1000 A.D. (and probably even past 1000 A.D, but not too close to the Day of Lavos) would be better than continuing life in 2300 A.D.


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A New "Entity" Theory In Progress
« Reply #121 on: December 22, 2005, 04:01:57 pm »
I think he stayed in 2400AD for one good reason.  If I wanted to make a time machine, or finish one, which time periods in CT would have the best resources.  2400AD


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A New "Entity" Theory In Progress
« Reply #122 on: December 22, 2005, 04:11:38 pm »
You bring up a good point about the Epoch in 12,000. He must have started working on it before being ported away. Then when he got to 2300, decided to start over and build it there. Where he got the needed parts is beyond me, though, unless the Epoch was finished enough to indeed follow him through time. Hmm...


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A New "Entity" Theory In Progress
« Reply #123 on: December 22, 2005, 04:23:40 pm »
It sure looked like he did. After all, Lavos is a being that can transcend time, can affect an entire planet's evolutionary process (see quotes from "The Final Battle" if you don't believe me), can control nearly and entire civilization, and can create space-time distortions. Lavos was obviously in control of what happened in his pocket dimension during the Ocean Palace disaster in the original timeline.

I guess you're right. It still doesn't mean he didn't just underestimate them, though. Perhaps he just wanted to get back to sleep, so he just warped them to some place where they wouldn't bother him.

I think he stayed in 2400AD for one good reason. If I wanted to make a time machine, or finish one, which time periods in CT would have the best resources. 2400AD

1) it's 2300 AD.
2) There's absolutely jack squat to work with there. He might as well have gone to 65,000,000 BC where they have all that Dreamstone to work with.


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A New "Entity" Theory In Progress
« Reply #124 on: December 22, 2005, 05:11:55 pm »
Quote from: AuraTwilight
I think he stayed in 2400AD for one good reason. If I wanted to make a time machine, or finish one, which time periods in CT would have the best resources. 2400AD

1) it's 2300 AD.
2) There's absolutely jack squat to work with there. He might as well have gone to 65,000,000 BC where they have all that Dreamstone to work with.

There was plenty for him to work with! At that point, the entire world was filled with various machines and computers that no one was using. The Epoch clearly has hydraulic systems. Probably taken from the abundant unused parts in the era. Do you really think there were solenoids just lying around in 65,000,000BC?


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A New "Entity" Theory In Progress
« Reply #125 on: December 22, 2005, 09:21:17 pm »
Quote from: Radical_Dreamer
Quote from: AuraTwilight
I think he stayed in 2400AD for one good reason. If I wanted to make a time machine, or finish one, which time periods in CT would have the best resources. 2400AD

1) it's 2300 AD.
2) There's absolutely jack squat to work with there. He might as well have gone to 65,000,000 BC where they have all that Dreamstone to work with.

There was plenty for him to work with! At that point, the entire world was filled with various machines and computers that no one was using. The Epoch clearly has hydraulic systems. Probably taken from the abundant unused parts in the era. Do you really think there were solenoids just lying around in 65,000,000BC?

Abundant parts, yes.  Raw Resources?  No.  Its a waste land, with broken parts, and only one surviving power plan that was failing.


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A New "Entity" Theory In Progress
« Reply #126 on: December 23, 2005, 01:09:14 am »
So you are telling me that he gets transported into the future, but there is no resources for him to complete the Epoch.  So either he finished it in Zeal, or the unfinished Epoch and all the equipment, tools, parts follwed him through the portal?  Come on!!  He is in the future.  We don't even know what the Epoch looked like before the OP incedent.  I mean he is around futuristic computers, gadgets.  Where the hell did he get the forklift from?  He would need some serious technology to transfer his brain into a NU don't you think?


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A New "Entity" Theory In Progress
« Reply #127 on: December 23, 2005, 01:26:34 am »
I didn't mean that there would be no resources at all for him to finish it, but just to say that the destroyed future isn't a promised land of resources.  He was probably able to scrap up enough in the future.  The Epoch was never finished in 12000bc, therefore it couldn't have followed him.


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A New "Entity" Theory In Progress
« Reply #128 on: December 23, 2005, 02:38:15 am »
Yeah, but didn't someone say that Belthasar arrived with a timelab in 2300AD?


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A New "Entity" Theory In Progress
« Reply #129 on: December 23, 2005, 06:04:12 am »
Quote from: Zaperking
Yeah, but didn't someone say that Belthasar arrived with a timelab in 2300AD? I dunno. Never heard that before.


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A New "Entity" Theory In Progress
« Reply #130 on: December 23, 2005, 07:32:24 am »
Quote from: Mystik3eb
Quote from: Zaperking
Yeah, but didn't someone say that Belthasar arrived with a timelab in 2300AD? I dunno. Never heard that before.

Yeah, I never heard it either. But I think Chrono'99 once brought it up Oo.


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A New "Entity" Theory In Progress
« Reply #131 on: December 23, 2005, 07:54:16 am »
Quote from: Zaperking
Quote from: Mystik3eb
Quote from: Zaperking
Yeah, but didn't someone say that Belthasar arrived with a timelab in 2300AD? I dunno. Never heard that before.

Yeah, I never heard it either. But I think Chrono'99 once brought it up Oo.

I've heard it, but it's not mine. I think it was Zeality's theory >_> As far as I remember, it concerns CC and refers to someone in Chronopolis who says something like "one day Belthasar just appeared out of nowhere with his time lab". If it's true for CC it would probably have been true for CT as well.

But I believe the actual quote is less precise, like it could mean that Belthasar came up with good time theories quite quickly contrary to the other scientists (for example in a few months, instead of precisely in one day, litterally popping out of nowhere).


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A New "Entity" Theory In Progress
« Reply #132 on: December 23, 2005, 10:44:15 am »
Quote from: Zaperking
Yeah, but didn't someone say that Belthasar arrived with a timelab in 2300AD?

The "Chief" mentioned this in Chronopolis.

The Time Research Lab, which
   served as the foundation of
   this research center,
   appeared out of nowhere in the
   year 2300 and was headed up
   by the scientific genius,
   However, at the peak of his
   career, he simply vanished.
   We've continued his work
   and have come this far.
   Our work is almost complete.
   Well, it's about time
   I headed back...
   The experiment's about
   to begin...


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A New "Entity" Theory In Progress
« Reply #133 on: December 23, 2005, 08:31:06 pm »
Quote from: GrayLensman
Quote from: Zaperking
Yeah, but didn't someone say that Belthasar arrived with a timelab in 2300AD?

The "Chief" mentioned this in Chronopolis.

The Time Research Lab, which
   served as the foundation of
   this research center,
   appeared out of nowhere in the
   year 2300 and was headed up
   by the scientific genius,
   However, at the peak of his
   career, he simply vanished.
   We've continued his work
   and have come this far.
   Our work is almost complete.
   Well, it's about time
   I headed back...
   The experiment's about
   to begin...

Looks as if it didn't come with Belthasar, but he found it and used it to make the facility.

Hey you know, the Neo-Epoch may actually be the Epoch from Zeal, if it arrived in that Lab.


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A New "Entity" Theory In Progress
« Reply #134 on: December 24, 2005, 12:32:01 am »
Yeah, I assume he just built it on his own without anyone knowing, and when they found him, they found the time lab at the same time.