Just in time for Christmas, I have a ton of good news. Geiger, JLukas, and Chickenlump have finished beta testing and bug fixing Temporal Flux 2.00, and it has been released! The advantages over 1.07 are innumerable. Every single aspect of the program has been evaluated and expanded upon, and new features have been integrated for wider freedom of editing. You'll just have to open it for yourself to experience the new content! And if you aren't sure what Temporal Flux is, it allows the editing of Chrono Trigger's locations, events, music, maps, and more. Check it out:
Temporal Flux 2.00 Download:
[7-zip] -
[Zip]Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0:
DownloadTemporal Flux 2.00 Changes & Screenshots:
ViewTemporal Flux 2.00 Interviews:
ReadI hope that keeps you busy; good luck hacking! Secondly, we have another phenomenal piece of news for you: all Chrono Trigger sections and entries in the Chrono Compendium Encyclopedia are complete! It took a little under a year, but the largest database on Chrono Trigger ever to be written is done and awaits your perusing eyes! Whether you wish to learn about weapon stats, armor locations, character histories and art, location details or event chronologies, you can find it all neatly organized and complete in the encyclopedia. Additionally, Phoenix1911 has allowed us to host his expansive guide and walkthrough, which rounds out the collection! Have fun sating your Chrono curiosities!