Temporal Flux 2.00 allows the importing and exporting of data, including maps and events / strings. I just got back from exporting a big map as a file, reducing it to 256x256 and importing that big map, and sure enough, the big map had returned! And the maps immediately before and after that did not have any adverse effects on them.
Chickenlump has suggested a great idea. Every time we complete a map and finish a set of events, we should export the relevant data to create a library of our work. No more .ips or worrying about a corrupted ROM; if the ROM is fried, we simply import all our work before whatever fried it and we're right back up to speed.
Now, allow me to strongly suggest something. The current Crimson Echoes ROM has a defunct Epoch screen, and also has had problems with the event disappearing bug. I suggest that before moving on, we accordingly transfer the demo to a new ROM by using the import / export feature. This will be painless, and will also get us on solid footing. After that, our next objective should be rereleasing the demo with perhaps Magus's chapter involved. Temporal Flux 2.00 is a walk in the park to map with, meaning we could assist jsondag (who needs a mapper) and finish up that sidequest and perhaps the tour of Chronopolis.
Then Crimson Echoes will have a solid foundation off which to grow.
This also lets us plug the Coliseum right in...