Okay, I'll explain it in further detail from the beginning.
In the Lavos timeline, the gate was never there. Marle would have gone through the telepod A-OK and then they would have gone on being teens and then whatever they did in the Lavos timeline. Also, Leene was saved by someone. By who we do not know. It could have been Frog, it could have been the knights, hell it could have even been Toma. All that matters is that someone besides Crono and Lucca saved the Queen.
In Keystone 1 the Entity made that gate, and gave Crono and Lucca the perception that the pendant reacted with the telepod. Crono followed Marle in, but the pendadnt stayed. Once Crono found Marle and knew she was okay the Entity sent her to the DBT. It did so because it needed Crono and Lucca to meet Frog.
Think about it, what would have happened if they had never met Frog? It would have been nearly impossible for the group to reach and fight Magus. I doubt they would have been able to get by the Magic Cave without Frog's showmanistic approach to opening to cave door. Without Crono and Lucca meeting Frog then the whole adventure is nil. Sure they didn't need the Masamune for anything else, but they would have been spending lots of time and effort trying to find a way into Magus's Castle.
When the Queen was saved and everyone was back where they were supposed to be, Crono returned to the Queens room and Marle instantly appeared. Then Marle says something:
Marle: It was awful...
I can't recall it all...
I was somewhere cold, dark...and
Is that what it's like to...die?
This quote to me means something important. It means that Marle was consious during her "trip" and she was fully aware of her surroundings. Now I am not trying to say what death is like in the Chronoverse, but if Marle could feel the effects of her surroundings I really doubt she was dead. By dead I mean dead, not the "dead" that she experienced. The DBT is the next logical explination for where she ended up.
Thank you Aura, at least someone likes it.
I'll let you slide with the Lavos gate creation stuff. I work in baby steps.
JR that is all well and good, but its a singularity in the series. When at any other time does that happen? It doesn't to my knowledge.
But since everyone thinks that the Entity is dreaming this, then even the gate should have been an accident of it thinking back to what it could have changed. Since it's dreaming, it can't really take Marle out. Besides, where would it get so much energy to place her in and out. It doesn't matter about the mass, or how much power you have, the game has shown that only quasi dimensional beings can be in the DBT but be in the outside world at the same time, and that only the DBT's time laws release people from there naturally, if you get there in an irregular way - you can probably leave with that same method (time egg situation). But the fact was that Marle was sent there because the timeline had caught up to the future with the chance that Leene was never saved. If the entity had that much power, it'd send Lavos in there.
Also, look at Lavos. Lavos is stronger than the entity since it absorbed all its power, but even it could not escape, but Schala almost managed to, maybe tapping into Lavos' energy.
I am incredibly confused here. Are you saying that nothing that happens is actually happening? That the Entity is dreaming this scenario up but it actually is going to die regardless of the outcome? Why would it need a ton of energy to put a tiny being in the DBT for a short amount of time? Only quasi-dimesional beings can be in the DBT?? Last time I checked neither Schala nor Lavos were quasi-dimensional until after the TD was formed. I wouldn't go so far as to say that Lavos is more powerful than the Entity. There is no way of measuring the capabilites of the Entity, heck we are arguing right now if it has control over beings that live on its planet. Lavos couldn't have escaped the DBT because it was killed. Only time eggs can save dead things from being permanently dead. As for Schala, let me say a quote from an old teacher of mine:
"Almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades."