Author Topic: How To.........  (Read 14596 times)

Agent 12

  • Zurvan Surfer (+2500)
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How To.........
« Reply #30 on: April 05, 2006, 10:10:32 pm »
How to:   make an enemy that walks around/fight

-load enemy (remember prm has to be 3--?)
-set coordinates
-move sprite
-move sprite
-go to (first move sprite)

Arbitrary 0
-explore mode off
-move party to right spot
-move enemy(s) to right spot
-scroll screen
-remove objects

Agent 12

  • Zurvan Surfer (+2500)
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How To.........
« Reply #31 on: April 08, 2006, 03:26:15 pm »
How to:  Get rid of Ozzies Fort Sprite (really any sprite but you have to do some trial and error)

1.  Open overworld events
2.  Look for LoadSprite(51) (this is Ozzies Fort fairly near the beginning), delete everything from this load sprite to the next load sprite
3.  Click write memory and make note of the lines that are now bad "GoTo's"
4.  Go delete those lines

Note:  Make a copy of the Rom before any overworld event editing

Remember if you are having problems doing something you want to do in TF feel free to request



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How To.........
« Reply #32 on: April 11, 2006, 07:40:36 pm »
How do you remove the ballon & seagull sequence without removing Crono's renaming screen?

Agent 12

  • Zurvan Surfer (+2500)
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How To.........
« Reply #33 on: April 11, 2006, 08:50:24 pm »
How to remove that opening sequence:

There's two ways:

Overworld event editing

Open up 1000 AD events
Scroll down till you see [2ab]
In the middle of that you'll see "init memory" and then Command 28
leave the command 28 but you can delete all other commands below that
leave AddObjects Mem.XXXXX='s, the Change location, and the end
Update and write to memory

Note: this method I think switches to 1000 AD for like a tenth of a second

Location Event editing:

Open up location {000}
Under if(mem.70061=00) is a change location to 1F0 (above it is the change Crono's name dialogue box)
Change that location to 10F (instead of changing to 1000 AD map we just skip to the "wake up crono" map)


Agent 12

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Re: How To.........
« Reply #34 on: April 28, 2006, 01:01:19 am »
Overworld Mapping

Mapping of overworlds is not intutive, particularly solidity and exits

The tiles of the overworld already have predetermined properties and though they can be changed this is not recommended unless your mapping from scratch.

Also they are determined by the lower level of the map (layer 2).  So if you want to make something solid or "exitable" take off the top layer of the map and look at a tile that you know is solid or "exitable" (this can easily be done by checking "tile properties" under map.  Then when you find the tile you want TURN TILE PROPERTIES OFF and then right click the tile you want and place it in the location that you want to be either solid or exitable.



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Re: How To.........
« Reply #35 on: June 26, 2006, 01:52:26 pm »
How to make an interruptable intro

Like this:
Change the Title Screen

Thank DDK for the new opening sequence

1.  Open up Location {1b1} Title Screen.
2.  Object 1 Arbitrary 1 has a "change Location at the end"
3.  Change that Location to the location that you will have your new Title screen be
4.  In the events of your new location make some sort of small intro, make sure at the end of the intro you have a change location {000} Load Screen
...but in the intro location events, add those commands in Object00 after the Return (delete the End):

-CheckButton (All, Type1)
--ChangeLocation {000}
-GoTo the checkbutton

Note that if you have some Pause or ScrollScreen in Object00 they will probably interfer with the Check Button, so move them to a new object.

Now if you push a button during your intro you will be teleported back to the load screen, just like in CT. Unfortunately this doesn't work for the Start button, but the other buttons are fine.


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Re: How To.........
« Reply #36 on: June 26, 2006, 05:37:37 pm »
And to prevent the Start button from pausing the game, you can put a Mem.000110 = 01 to disable the pause function.

Agent 12

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Re: How To.........
« Reply #37 on: June 26, 2006, 08:16:49 pm »
On that note I'm pretty sure that stops all the buttons (menu, change characters etc)


Agent 12

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Re: How To.........
« Reply #38 on: August 12, 2006, 02:58:18 pm »
Make a Conveyer Belt (I guess also can be how to make wind):

1.  Choose tileset with Coneyer belt
2.  Draw the belt
3.  Open up Tile properties (window-->location-->tile properties)
4.  turn on Movement (Map Movement (ctrl+7 to, if you are going to use TF alot learn the ctrl+??'s))
5.  Set direction of converybelt under Wind direction
6.  Set Speed (3 means you can't run against, 2 means it slows down if you run against)

Extra!  (this is actually why I made this)

1. To change the direction of the conveyer belt draw the opposite direction of the belt somewhere off the scroll screen of the map (remember to put it's wind movement/speed)
2.  Add the switch on the map and as an object
3.  Open up it's activate
4.  Put a copy tiles, make te source your new belt and it's destination your old belt (remember to drop the 3rd digit in coordinates)
5.  In the unknown put "B"

Ta da.

I belive the copy tile "layer properties" only copies solidity.  You need to set the unknown to something to change other tile properties (Z plane/wind direction etc).  Because I have had the problem before, I learned to set it to B by looking at blackbird events.

Note:  Mod's could you put all the non animation questions in the animation thread in this thread?

« Last Edit: August 12, 2006, 03:08:09 pm by jsondag2 »


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Re: How To.........
« Reply #39 on: September 21, 2006, 06:48:46 pm »
The return of the How To!

How to prevent Crono from talking:

In textboxes, the tags {PC1}, {PC2}, and {PC3} can be written to insert the name of each character from the party. This is useful to make the party members speak with their names (like {PC1}: text).

However, to make sure that Crono doesn't speak one of those generic sentences, a small trick must be used. There are many different way to do it but this one is simple: Mem7e2980 is PC1 and is equal to 0 if it's Crono. So:

- Assign Mem7e2980 to some other free Mem
- If the other free Mem == 00
    - Textbox ("{PC2}: the text")
    - Go To (the rest of the code)
- Textbox ("{PC1}: the same text")
- (the rest of the code)

Thus, if Crono is in the first position in the party, the second character will speak for him. If Crono is not first (he may be second, third, or not in the active party at all) then the first character will speak normally.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2006, 06:51:28 pm by Chrono'99 »


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Re: How To.........
« Reply #40 on: October 02, 2006, 08:40:52 am »
To make doors: put the door tiles on layer 1, and in the tile propriety of the bottom door tiles, set the "door trigger" option to yes (simple, but the thing to remember is that there's no need to put the opened door tiles on the map and no need for CopyTile events).
« Last Edit: October 02, 2006, 08:42:34 am by Chrono'99 »

Agent 12

  • Zurvan Surfer (+2500)
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Re: How To.........
« Reply #41 on: October 03, 2006, 03:08:16 am »
Ah, I never thought to put how to not make Crono talk in here, nice addition.    It gets alot worse if you have another party member just sitting there (think how your talking to magus in CE), then you have to check PC1 and PC2 to make sure that it's not Magus OR chrono there.....

There was another thing I wanted to point out with doors though, I'm 90% sure the don't work for ALL doors, but i was wondering if maybe you knew for sure, I dont think they work for those big doors in the future (with the lights).



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Re: How To.........
« Reply #42 on: October 19, 2006, 12:26:03 am »
Sounds that get louder when you get closer(ambient?) using music ...sort of. Works good for "Running Water", "Hail Magus", or Dungeon Drip sound, even "Lavos Breath"

** represtents == <= >= and such
set volume louder when getting closer

GetObjCoord(PC00, Xvalue, Yvalue)

If(Xpos or Ypos ** char_coordinates)   
Soundcmd(SongVol, duration, volume)   

If(Xpos or Ypos ** char_coordinates)   
Soundcmd(SongVol, duration, volume)

If(Xpos or Ypos ** char_coordinates)   
Soundcmd(SongVol, duration, volume)


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Re: How To.........
« Reply #43 on: March 21, 2007, 07:49:06 am »
How to change location with fade in/out effects:

In the first location, put:

- Pause(0.250)
- Darken(06)
- FadeOutScreen
- SoundCmd(SongVol, 18, 00)
- WaitForSilence
- Pause(0.250)
- ChangeLocation (variant DF)

In the second one, put in Object00 after the Return:

- Pause(0.875)
- Darken(F6)
- Pause(3.125)

Of course, the pauses are optional and can be adjusted to your liking.


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Re: How To.........
« Reply #44 on: March 21, 2007, 09:16:43 am »
I believe variant E0 will automatically do a fade in/out, though it may not do it at the speed you like.  It may also not handle sound the same way.
