Saj, I am not sure what you mean by "mutually exclusive", but I'll simply continue.
Consider the two most fundamental aspects of humanity which makes it superior to other species, which makes it special and great, and also which gives it its essence. The first, most basic aspect is empathy, giving humanity the liberty to think freely and differently, then combining those difference in thoughts to paint a bigger picture, to connect with people with sheer kindness, to enjoy the company with one another. Human beings are social in nature, and simply keeping a person alone will make it easier to break them. The second aspect, coming next in line but at a higher priority, is intelligence: our ability to think logically, calculate and choose paths, create and master tools, and providing means to progress. Both empathy and intelligence are two legs for humanity to stand on; take away one and it might lose its balance.
But there have been instances when one indirectly, and negatively, affects the other. Consider the growth of social bonding, or when society grows rapidly, despite the availability of knowledge source, responsibility is negated from individuals so much that intelligence does not matter. Yet, growth of intelligence also has psychologically negative effects on the mind where empathy is concerned. Of course, that does not mean a person
can't prevent these negative reactions, and it takes a good amount of willpower and open mind to do it. Fortunately you have that, but unfortunately, not many do. Even when it comes to the debate over preference, despite the necessity of both, the dominant aspect will forever be empathy and human bond, because without intelligence humanity will merely cease to progress, but without empathy it will cease to survive. Without intelligence, empathy is lame. Without empathy, intelligence is blind.
Now consider where Charlie Chaplin comes from. XD He's one of the great pioneers of filmmaking! A
legend! Hardly ignorant; the guy was a
genius, so he should have the benefit of doubt, at least, as he actually knows what he's talking about. If you're looking for evidence on how intelligence affects empathy, I haven't any at the moment so you'll either have to search university journals or wait till I provide them to you. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Makes you a minority?
I'm the one who feels like an outcast here, someone who probably just doesn't belong here. Often I try to blend in as much as I can, only to fail. Maybe I'm selfish, or somehow rude, or I'm just different, I don't know. Sometimes I it makes me happy when people agree with me, not because of narcissistic reasons, but because it makes me feel glad that I'm not the only person to think that way. But all I know is that I'm a humanitarian, just like my grampa. If it makes me a hypocrite, I don't care. I'll stick to those philanthropist dreams till the very end.