That doesn't seem like a very valid argument to me, seeing as no human being is omniscient...
I still stand by what I said. Bring me truthful pain; don't feed me sweet lies. I do not shrink away from knowledge, and it infuriates me when people shrink away from less-than-pleasant experiences they've heard about. My ex-best friend's roommate overheard a conversation I was having with my ex-best friend about some of the things I've gone through. The roommate later told EBF (because it's a pain in the ass to keep writing "ex-best friend") that he didn't want to know any more of what I had been through. He didn't want to hear about it. He didn't want to think about it. He wanted to remain ignorant, and ignorant of awful things that happen in the US.
Well, he can sit in his comfy chair of ignorance, but I say fuck that.
Perhaps that makes me sound cruel, but I actually had to live through it, so don't shrink away from just hearing about it.
I've gone through horrible things and I've been exposed to pain and death and terrible poverty from infancy on, but I haven't faltered in the face of knowledge. I saw friends starve to death as a child. I've seen policemen shoot people in the head because some Hot Shot Rich Person told them to do so. I lost my best friend when I was 13 to suicide, a friend when I was 16 to a heart failure, and I lost my daughter when I was 15.
Even still, I'd always choose knowledge over ignorance. I've always chosen knowledge.
Believe me, my mind should have been numbed a long time ago due to all the things I've been through. But I won't let it. I don't want it to be numbed. I would never refuse to think.