Licawolf, that quote really resonates me, though I AM definitely in league with the adventurers. That's what my poetry teachers tried to teach me to do, and sometimes what I try to do when I meditate, and I'm so bad at it. I am the product of 21st century techno-glitz ADD and a youth spent playing RPGs, and I want adventure, dammit. But awareness like that is deeply rewarding.
While cannabis is not the all encompassing villain that it is sometimes made out to be, it would be a mistake to assume that it is innocent. Use increases ones risk for psychosis and prolongs expression of that psychosis:
That's interesting, though of course cannibis has also been studied medicinally and proved to be very beneficial etc. etc. I'm just amazed that weed is outlawed when drugs like xanax or adderall are prescribed -- the effects of Xanax withdrawal, for instance, are awful, worse than any negative effect of cannabis...
That's hilarious about Nixon, at any rate. The man really seemed to think he could dictate reality by his random ass whims!
... those which are more perfect in their kind are always inferior to those which are, in their nature, liable to more faults and shortcomings. For the finer the nature, the more flaws it will show through the clearness of it; and it is a law of this universe, that the best things shall be seldomest seen in their best form.
vibrant individuality > stale notions of "perfection." At least me and my boy John think so.