Author Topic: Well, it isn't much but here's a few Enemy AI Listings  (Read 4627 times)


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Well, it isn't much but here's a few Enemy AI Listings
« on: January 08, 2006, 09:56:47 pm »
I have a few Enemy AI Listings right here.  But there's still more to come.  There was one enemy ai animation that somehow made heroes perform double and/or triple techs without the other person actually in battle but i can't figure it out anymore :(.  My friend helped me with some #'s as well.  Gave me some and i broke off with other numbers in it.

38910 - Marle Invisible Monster's transform

34341/33345/59108/42312/34523/34112/32198/33333/35312/35464/34921/32421/35353/(44217/45217)(Counter Attack) - Enemy Melee

45629 - Weird Attack by enemy (almost like golem's)

43212 - Robot/Dragon Tank Moves?

46645/43217 - robot move

54332 - Span Death/ Arm Revives Body (Kills Hero and 2 Enemies)

54512/54651/54325 - Barrier Change Message Repeating

56654 - Hexagon Mist/Water Message Repeating

45333 - Zeal (Hands/Head Moves)

51652 - (Magus Moves)

42217 - Low Life

48217 - Automatic Win

59217 - Area Change?/Hero's Attack Themselves?

52217 - Area Bomb Message Appears

12341/12741 - Strange Win?

23411/15297/59231/12347/23409/23421/958/951/14512 - Freezes Game

43123 - Copy Cat Ability/Copies Phycics message repeating

38764 - 1 hit win

42978 - Dragon Tank

55789/54129/54213/53451/54643/53750 - Barrier Change Message Repeating

49876/50000 - Unfinished Double techs

29873 - Gaia Magnade/Fire Message Repeating

39065 - Absorbs More Elemental Damage

19824/24312 - Slows Game

48971 - Strange Effects...

49441 - The Parts on the Right Store Energy...Message Repeating

43298/43291 - Automatic win/Apart Masa and Mune Are Powerless Msg..

42831 - 1 Yakra Move

12478 - Double Part Attack/Dark Plasma Message Repeating

45123 - hero takes over enemy

42312/38312(Close Range) - Enemy Steals Life

12973 - Defense Down Message Appears and Freezes Game

47819 - Dragon Tank Missles

5309 - Grand Stone/ Ultimnate physical attack (Freezes game)

61470 - Dark Gear/ Shadow Message Repeating

40395 - Enemy Uses weird move (Screen turns red and rocks fall)

24341 - Either Slows game or Slows Battle Stances

45432 - Counter Attack/ Life Shaver

51312 - Counter Attack: Flare

52312 - Gives weird mana drains all items and Barrier Change/Ding-Aling-Chaos message

49312 - Lavos Moves/Yakra Move?

47312 - Steals life/ Shakes the Ground/Tornado Energy Neutralized message

44312 - Destroy's Graphics/ Bad Impulse ---- (Couldn't read rest of message)

43312 - Attacks Hero, but when attacked, Apart Masa and Mune Are Powerless (Ends Battle)

36312 - Shoots a Bunch of Flames

51112 - Area Bomb on Enemy

51012 - Go ahead...Try and attack (Shoot's Flame)

51002 - Lavos Core is Defended! (Shoot's Flame)

51119 - Area Bomb On Hero's

51149 - Golem Boss Run Away Move

56512 - Removes third party menu over and over

34523 - Walk Around and Attack

57298/12451/41931 - destroys graphics (does many things)

32489 - Freezes game

40000 - Shoots Laser

47800 - Shoots Missles

57212 - Hero's attack themselves and Reprogramming/Chaos Message Appears

----------------*January 8th 2006********************

57212 - Hero's attack themselves and Reprogramming/Chaos Message Appears

3561 - Span Death/Arm Revives Main Body.. Message Repeats

10294 - After any attack game screen goes black and dissappears

9931 - Kills enemy after 3 turns and constantly plays enemy death sound then game freezes

16528/15460 - Enemy tries to run then game freezes

13256 - Attack/will attack with no center bit.

15555 - Double-Part Attack/Dark-Plasma

43216 - Copy Cat Ability/Copies Phycics message repeating (Does Missle Attack, Laser Beam, and Time Stop)

49216 - Blue scout fights all mag but "water".

46216 - Eats hero for life and uses some strange fire attack that hits everything

10896 - 1st person in slot shakes head and game freezes

59230 - Lavos Core is Defended! message repeats

42190 - Makes game skippy

42956 - Shoots yellow laser beam

43956 - Slashes's Attacks

45956 - Robo's Heal Beam?

47956 - Missles

50956 - Lavos Bit Attacks?

51956 - Fire 2, Lightning 2, Ice 2

57956 - Js theot ththingver: Th Message appears (automatic win) But drains life

61956 - Mutant Gas/Poison Message Repeats

39956 - Blue scout fights all mag but "lightning". Then does MP Buster

37956 - Shoots Dirt at Heroes and Melee attacks

16956 - Napalm Message Repeats (hero Attacks enemy but then attacks a hero)

12956 - Shadow Slay Message Repeats

5956 - Freeze/stop message repeats

61258 - ♪-- ♪- ♪♪--/chaos message repeats


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Well, it isn't much but here's a few Enemy AI Listings
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2006, 01:29:06 pm »
Good work, instead of changing the AI pointer of monsters, this might eventually help people to understand how the AI works, and tweak the existing AI to fit their monsters better. On top of improving and changing existing monsters that is. :)


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Well, it isn't much but here's a few Enemy AI Listings
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2006, 04:45:15 pm »
I'll be posting more later otnight mos tlikely so yeah keep a watch on it.

***********************January 9th**********************

45874 - Sand Breath/Darkness (Def powered up when attack) Steals Life

41874 - If hero attack Enemy runs away (Attack pwr up) Message repeats

39874 - 10,000 Hz/sleep strike from the heavens above

38874 - Physical defense on If attacked Magical Defense on if Magic

37874 - If attacked does hallation

36874 - If attacked uses Cure 2?

40874 - Does slash and slow

24874 - Crying Heavens/Hidden Below message repeats

16874 - Double-Part Attack/Dark-Plasma Message repeats If hero lands a strike, Hero attacks him/herself

15874 - Obstacle message repeats

11523 - Counter-Attack

10523 - Plays enemy death sound when enemy is defeated over and over.  Then says destruction zone, screws up the graphics,  anything other then that turns into a robot laser.

9523 - Plays enemy death sound when enemy is defeated over and over.  Then says Mortal Blow, screws up the graphics,  anything other then that turns into a robot laser.

45523 - Doom, Doom Doom Doom... - Screws up Graphics and does some odd attack.

****Another update****
59632 - Attacks enemy then shakes head left to right

10203 - hero dissappears enemy dissappears turns into a "nu" or so they say and screws up graphics on hero

50314 - Shoots flames and eats hero

13620 - Counter attacks during battle message repeats

60340 - Pain... Message appears at the beginning of the battle

32056 - Counter-Attacks

16450 - Life Shaver/ Hp goes to 1 - If successful hit hero attacks themselves and takes no dmg

63190 - Waltz of the wind (insert heart symbol here)/chaos

40210 - Barghest's shield destroyed... message appears after the first attack