
Well, which is it?

Aeris, of course.
11 (55%)
Aerith. Jerk.
5 (25%)
I live in Japan. It really is Aerith.
2 (10%)
Thtop making fun of my lithp!
2 (10%)

Total Members Voted: 19

Voting closed: January 16, 2006, 01:28:32 pm

Author Topic: "Aerith" is only for people with a lisp.  (Read 4765 times)


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"Aerith" is only for people with a lisp.
« Reply #15 on: January 17, 2006, 01:46:47 am »
Aerith bugs me. I like Aeris better. But frankly I don't care. I'll say it however it's spelt in whatever game I'm playing.

I'm cool with the ra/aga spell names, too. Doesn't bother me. I like it better than Fire 3 or Life 2 anyway. Those are stupid.

...god I love Kingdom Hearts. I don't care if it's canonical, it's so much better than any of the Final Fantasys.


  • Enlightened One (+200)
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"Aerith" is only for people with a lisp.
« Reply #16 on: January 17, 2006, 01:51:41 am »
Quote from: Leebot
First, in the Japanese version: They'd originally came up with the name as Aerith, not some kana spelling (likely based off of Erith (meaning "flower") or Earth). However, once translated into kana, it used the su kana at the end (as is used for S and soft Th normally). But when spoken, it's always pronounced like an S (making the pronounciation of the word identical to "heiress").

So, here we come to the problem with retranslating it back into English. On one hand, we could go with the symbolic references in Aerith, or we could match the Japanese pronounciation with Aeris.

Unfortunately, this leaves us with the only sufficient solution being to spell it Aerith, but pronounce it as Aeris. The verdict: Damn Japanese and their inferior spelling system.

Amazing how everyone overlooked this post.  If Leebot is correct the answer to the poll is "both".  Spelled Aerith, pronounced Aeris.  

Me, I call her Aeris simply because I'm used to it.  If the US release of Advent Children pronounces her name ‘Aerith‘, and thereby officially retcon the name, then I'll adjust as well.  Not before.

Kingdom Hearts doesn’t count. It has its own canon, which is inspired by Final Fantasy and Disney, but not is beholden to the canon of said sources.  

Quote from: Sentenal

The original FF7 is the corner-stone of your "Compilation of FFVII".  I'd take something from that game over something released later on anyday.

By that logic, we can ignore Radical Dreamers and Chrono Cross in favor of Chrono Trigger.  Or even better, ignore the other five movies and countless Expanded Universe novels in favor of Star Wars: A New Hope.  Simply because something is "released later" does not invalidate what it adds, takes away form, or yes, even retcons from the original work.  So long as it is dubbed to be canon by the creators of said work (and they don’t get stupid with it), that is good enough for me.


  • Radical Dreamer (+2000)
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"Aerith" is only for people with a lisp.
« Reply #17 on: January 17, 2006, 03:57:39 am »
Aeris actually gives her a better feel as a character and her design. Aerith makes her sound like some retard groupie.

Son of Sun

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"Aerith" is only for people with a lisp.
« Reply #18 on: February 05, 2006, 01:06:55 am »
Aeris totally pwns Aerith


  • Mystical Knight (+700)
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"Aerith" is only for people with a lisp.
« Reply #19 on: February 05, 2006, 04:25:39 am »
Quote from: Sentenal
These Otaku are the type that says all dubed anime sucks, because they hate their native language.

id just like to point out that thats because 95% of all anime that are dubbed whatever company dubbs them usually cannot find or cannot be screwed to find a voice actor whose voice actually fits the character.

after watching animes that come out here with the american voice actors and to have watched the original japanese version most actors are purly shit and people off the street would do just a good a gob voice wise.

while some companys take the time to find good actors (e.g Hellsing where they used english voice actors who most if the actually fitted the character they were instead of a bunch of crap sounding american ones) most of them dont.

nad while unrelated voice wise american dubbing companys also like to change the script because they feel a line may confuse american watchers because it doesn't have to do with somthing from their country instead of the japanese culture refrence where the friggen anime is most likely set.

no offence but if heard so many whiners going on about "oh noes its in a language i dont understand its shit adn it must have crappy voice actors cause i suck so much i cant read subs!!!!!".
i just hate ppl who think anythig sucks because its another language and the ppl who bitch because fans and ppl who know when a voice actor is shit and complain about it and bitch more about them because they like hearing crappy english voice actors.

ive been watching anime since i can remember and after seeing so many i know what the fuck im talking about


  • Errare Explorer (+1500)
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"Aerith" is only for people with a lisp.
« Reply #20 on: February 05, 2006, 03:41:57 pm »
I speak English.  How bout you?  I'd rather watch something in my own language, than watch something, and have to read at the same time.  Diverts your eye's attention from the action to the subtitles.  You say that dubbed anime sucks.  I can name plenty that don't.  Robotech, Berserk, Escaflowne, Cowboy Bebop, Full Metal Alchemist, Inuyasha.  I could go on.  I only prefer subbed anime in extreme circumstances.  Like Naruto.  They screwed up dubbing that.

Son of Sun

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"Aerith" is only for people with a lisp.
« Reply #21 on: February 05, 2006, 03:50:12 pm »
Reading subtitles takes away from the movies. You cant fully pay attention to whats going on if you have to focus on one part of the screen reading subtitles.


  • Radical Dreamer (+2000)
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"Aerith" is only for people with a lisp.
« Reply #22 on: February 05, 2006, 04:11:32 pm »
Quote from: Sentenal
I speak English.  How bout you?  I'd rather watch something in my own language, than watch something, and have to read at the same time.  Diverts your eye's attention from the action to the subtitles.  You say that dubbed anime sucks.  I can name plenty that don't.  Robotech, Berserk, Escaflowne, Cowboy Bebop, Full Metal Alchemist, Inuyasha.  I could go on.  I only prefer subbed anime in extreme circumstances.  Like Naruto.  They screwed up dubbing that.

Inuyasha was okay. But it got annoying with their voiced of how they always shouted "Inuyasha!" or "Kagome!".
FMA... that's a totally other story. It was so shit. Like that quote on equivilant exchange sounds so newbish "in order to gain something, something of equal value must be exchanged". It sounds so much better in the jap version and in the sub.


  • Mystical Knight (+700)
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"Aerith" is only for people with a lisp.
« Reply #23 on: February 05, 2006, 08:27:30 pm »
Quote from: Sentenal
I speak English.  How bout you?  I'd rather watch something in my own language, than watch something, and have to read at the same time.  Diverts your eye's attention from the action to the subtitles.  You say that dubbed anime sucks.  I can name plenty that don't.  Robotech, Berserk, Escaflowne, Cowboy Bebop, Full Metal Alchemist, Inuyasha.  I could go on.  I only prefer subbed anime in extreme circumstances.  Like Naruto.  They screwed up dubbing that.

um if you watch subbed anime it takes very little time to learn to read the subs while not adverting your eyes.

yes i speak english and while there are a few animes that dont have bad dubbed voices almost all of them do and cowboy bebob as a good dubb lol it has tolerable voice actors but thats it its not good in any way its just not bad either and FMA had very bad voice acting.

plus the fact that the dubbing companys get pissed about what they say in a anime thinking its not sutible for whatever age group they want to show it to they re=write what they say eventually screwing up by cutting out some important point.

id rather watch a anime in japanese with good voice actors and the proper diolouge rather than not spending a day learning to read subs without adverting your eyes which you only ever have to do if you have got a projector.

americans just cant do voice acting for anime for shit they cant pull off half the voice tones and have no idea how to do all the minor tone variations.


  • Errare Explorer (+1500)
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"Aerith" is only for people with a lisp.
« Reply #24 on: February 05, 2006, 09:38:41 pm »
Quote from: saridon
um if you watch subbed anime it takes very little time to learn to read the subs while not adverting your eyes.

yes i speak english and while there are a few animes that dont have bad dubbed voices almost all of them do and cowboy bebob as a good dubb lol it has tolerable voice actors but thats it its not good in any way its just not bad either and FMA had very bad voice acting.

plus the fact that the dubbing companys get pissed about what they say in a anime thinking its not sutible for whatever age group they want to show it to they re=write what they say eventually screwing up by cutting out some important point.

id rather watch a anime in japanese with good voice actors and the proper diolouge rather than not spending a day learning to read subs without adverting your eyes which you only ever have to do if you have got a projector.

americans just cant do voice acting for anime for shit they cant pull off half the voice tones and have no idea how to do all the minor tone variations.

um I do watch subbed anime.  But the fact of the matter is, it diverts your eyes attention to the bottem of the screen, rather than where ever the action is.

And you prove that your a Voice Actor Nazi by your comments on Coyboy Bebop and FMA.  There is nothing wrong with either of them.  You act like all english voice actors suck, and are unwatchable.  Thats very rarely true.  Get over the hate for you own language.


  • Mystical Knight (+700)
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"Aerith" is only for people with a lisp.
« Reply #25 on: February 05, 2006, 10:36:43 pm »
i never said the FMA or bebop voice actors sucked they were simply tolerable though fma had some bad ones.

and you musnt watch much subbed anime because i know lots of ppl who watch it and they all agree after watching it subbed for awhile you no longer have to divert your eyes.

and i never said i hated my language just american voice actors the english actors for hellsing did a great job on it so much as it was on par with the jap voice acting hell i even watched it dubbed cause the english accent gave it more feeling since thats where it was based.

what im mainly saying is that the majority of american voice actors suck at dubbing anime and the american dubbing companys are to godamn lazy to find someone with a voice that fits the roll of the person the're doing voice acting for.


  • Errare Explorer (+1500)
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"Aerith" is only for people with a lisp.
« Reply #26 on: February 05, 2006, 10:54:58 pm »
I've trained myself after watching 150 episodes of Naruto in 2 weeks to read and watch at the same time, but I'd still rather not have to do both.

For me, there is only one reason I would prefer a subbed anime to a dubbed one.  And thats if it was overly-edited (all blood taken out, etc), the script was overly-edited (like replacing the word "die" with "destroyed", or "kill" with "destroy"), or if the VAs sound horrible.  For example, lets take an example of what I'm talking about with a dubbed anime.  Lets take Naruto.  I refuse to watch Naruto dubbed it sucks so much.  They overly-edited it by taking out virtually all the blood, though they thankfully left in some.  They overly-edited the script, replacing the word "kill" with "destroy" many a time.  For example, when they were talking about Zabuza killing all his peers when he was becoming a Ninja, they used the word "destroy", and completely killed the effect.  And thats a common occurance.  And as for bad voice actors, Naruto sounds like a little bitch.  This is reason #1.

Early DBZ suffered from that, but later on they stop taking out the blood.  Hopefully they will stop screwing up the Naruto dub.

There is a difference between getting an english voice actor who sounds like the japanese voice, and getting an english voice actor who sounds the part of the character.  English voice actors don't need to sound like their japanese counterparts.  They just need to sound the part of their character.  Some japanese voices don't sound good in english, and visa versa.  VAN (Voice Actor Nazis) don't understand that.


  • Mystical Knight (+700)
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"Aerith" is only for people with a lisp.
« Reply #27 on: February 05, 2006, 11:22:13 pm »
i acctualy do know what you mean. adn gettign a english voice actor to sound like teh japanese on is stupid getting one that sounds like the character is rarly done.

and 150 eps of naruto for you to not advert you eyes thats pretty bad i did it after watching about 3-4 episodes of evangelion and that was the first anime i saw.

and yes some jap voices dont soudn good in english dubs but thats mainly cause they have to drag out what there saying because they can have more meaning in fewer words with jap to english dubbing the only have to simplify what there saying.

and most of the animes you listed before were the more popular/wellknown ones so obviously there gonna do a better dub (most of the time) when you watch less well known animes the voice acting sucks and in most of the avaragly known ones it sucks to.

one thing dubbing companys could do to make all their dubbs better is also find ppl who at least do not have a massivly strong american accent or sound like sluts/assholes from the crappy american drama shows.

and dont act like im some rabid fanboy anyone with ears and who is not overly racist can tell the diffrence between when a sub is better than a dub or not


  • Errare Explorer (+1500)
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"Aerith" is only for people with a lisp.
« Reply #28 on: February 05, 2006, 11:30:46 pm »
and 150 eps of naruto for you to not advert you eyes thats pretty bad i did it after watching about 3-4 episodes of evangelion and that was the first anime i saw.

I ment during the course of that Naruto watching spree, I trained myself.

I have ears, and I'm not racist at all, and I can tell you that subs are not nessisarly better than dubs.  All of my favorite anime (except Naruto) are good dubs.  Nothing wrong with any of them.


  • Mystical Knight (+700)
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"Aerith" is only for people with a lisp.
« Reply #29 on: February 05, 2006, 11:44:34 pm »
Quote from: Sentenal
and 150 eps of naruto for you to not advert you eyes thats pretty bad i did it after watching about 3-4 episodes of evangelion and that was the first anime i saw.

I ment during the course of that Naruto watching spree, I trained myself.

I have ears, and I'm not racist at all, and I can tell you that subs are not nessisarly better than dubs.  All of my favorite anime (except Naruto) are good dubs.  Nothing wrong with any of them.

what i mean is most of the non really popular animes suffer from terrible dubs while no all most the reason otaku bitch about dubs is most of the time they're right about them.

ive watched good dubs from when we only saw subbed anime on tapes that my sister borrowed its just annoying when ppl think because the animes they've seen are good dubs ppl saying dubs suck must be idiots, once youve seen a decent amount of anime from the not very well know to the widly known you will see the horrer of the majority of dubbed anime.