Author Topic: Kingdom Hearts II!  (Read 4343 times)


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Kingdom Hearts II!
« Reply #15 on: January 19, 2006, 12:24:48 am »
Silvercry in 1995:

“Enix and Square are working together to make a game?  That will never work! The companies are too different!"

Enter Chrono Trigger.

"Well don’t I look stupid..."

Silvercry in 2002:

“Square and Disney are working together to make a game? That will never work! The companies are too different!"

Enter Kingdom Hearts.

"You know, I'm just going to shut up now..."

I cant wait to play this game either.  I didn’t t really expect the first one to be as fun as it was, and was pleasantly surprised.  Although I wonder why I like it so much at times.  Its not like the story was all that, and the game play was nothing I haven’t seen before.  Maybe it appealed to the Final Fantasy fan boy in me.  Or perhaps it was because it made Disney palatable again.  Whatever the reason, it’s a franchise I plan on following for a while yet.


…unless they pull another Chain of Memories.   I cannot stand card-based combat games.  Or card games in general for that matter.  I struggled through the game for the story's sake, but I’ll never play it again.  Reverse/Rebirth went a long way to redeeming Riku in my eyes; I had writen him off as another “Anakain Skywalker” type charater.  You know, the self-confident 'bad-boy' wiling to do anything to save the girl he loves -- even if it means doing something horrible (in Anakin's case, becoming a Sith Lord, in Riku's case, turning to the Darkness, and aligning himself with Malfesecnt(sp?) and later Ansem). Characters like that always wind up losing that which they sought to save as a direct result of that choice (Anakin's actions caused Padme's death, Riku lost his body to Ansem and was "trapped" within Kingdom Hearts, "forever" separated from Kairi). Fear of loss is a tragic flaw that has been done to death, and I personally see it as a sign of weakness.

However in the Reverse/Rebirth portion of CoM, Riku not only showed remorse for his choices, but tried his up most to confront, defeat, and atone for what darkness he had wrought in the first game. This actually makes him a stronger character for the journey. It easy to always do the "right thing" (like Sora), but to start down a wrong path, realize your errors, face your mistakes and seek to correct them on your way back to the right path (or the twilight road to dawn, if you will) takes true strength, and I cant wait to see where the twilight road will take Riku and Mickey in KH2.


Quote from: Sentenal
Has anyone seen the Intro movie to KH2?  They uploaded it to, I think.  In the intro, it has a scene where Sora is fighting Marluxia.

Marluxia was a pansy.  Yeah, he had a wicked scythe, but what was that crap he was throwing at me in the last fight?  Sakura petals??  WTF???  He needed to die just on principle.


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« Reply #16 on: January 19, 2006, 01:23:52 am »
Marluxia was a pansy. Yeah, he had a wicked scythe, but what was that crap he was throwing at me in the last fight? Sakura petals?? WTF??? He needed to die just on principle.

I wouldn't call him a pansy, although that might suit him pretty good, since he attacks with... flowers...  Anyway, I just thought it was cool that they included that fight.

Btw, Silvercry, I never did Riku's story in CoM, could you give a plot summary of just what exactly happend?  I don't care about spoilers, I've already done Sora's story.


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« Reply #17 on: January 19, 2006, 01:50:31 am »
Oh, you were talking about the new Kairi. I'd never seen her in schoolgirl clothes before now. Hmm. Yeah, she looks better in the intro. The intro is amazing. Seeing Donald and Goofy in full CG graphics was...just...gaaaaawwwwwhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...soooooo awesome!!

A CT world would be awesome. They could make it a huge world including the time traveling to a small extent. Maybe the base of the world would be the End of Time, then they could go to a few places in specific time periods. Crono would be part of the team, he and Sora would tag up for X-Strike, and on his own he could cast Luminaire. With him in the party, they could open the special chests.

God that would be awesome. At least to have some of the characters in the game somewhere somehow, maybe in Hollow Bastion or something (since Hollow Bastion will serve as the Traverse Town for KH2).

And I agree that they need FF characters before 7. I'm getting so sick of Nomura's characters. I'm glad they brought in Vivi, but...others! Others! Fighter! Cecil! Rydia! Bartz! Galuf! Black Mage! Terra! Locke! Celes! Gah!


...alright, breathing...


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Kingdom Hearts II!
« Reply #18 on: January 19, 2006, 02:10:29 am »
Quote from: Mystik3eb
A CT world would be awesome. They could make it a huge world including the time traveling to a small extent. Maybe the base of the world would be the End of Time, then they could go to a few places in specific time periods. Crono would be part of the team, he and Sora would tag up for X-Strike, and on his own he could cast Luminaire. With him in the party, they could open the special chests.

My thoughts exactly.

Another question though. I havent been watching the status on KH2 recently, are u going to be able to go back to Neverland? Cause it pissed me off we couldnt actually go to Neverland at all...we were stuck on a crappy pirate ship...that sucked.


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« Reply #19 on: January 19, 2006, 03:09:16 am »
Quote from: Lordchander
Another question though. I havent been watching the status on KH2 recently, are u going to be able to go back to Neverland? Cause it pissed me off we couldnt actually go to Neverland at all...we were stuck on a crappy pirate ship...that sucked.


Best site I can find about KH2. I haven't looked my absolute hardest, but it's a kick-ass site that seems pretty credible. Plus they have music and videos. Nice.

I'm still stuck on Sora's story in CoM...I really hate the gameplay. But I'm enjoying the story, except for going through all the worlds again...augh. I'm looking forward to Riku's, though.

...and personally, I don't really like the XIII Organization...I guess it's just me, though. Or I haven't given them a proper chance, yet...who knows. Time will tell with KH2 and finishing CoM and all.

And I know I've been repeating myself. But I guess I feel it deserves such repetition and...I dunno, stuff.

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« Reply #20 on: January 19, 2006, 09:26:21 am »
Yes, I have seen the Sora vs. Marluxia battle in the intro. It actually flashes between Riku vs. Ansem and Sora vs. Marluxia, though they kind of mixed up the ending of the intro, as in not being totally in sync with the actual CoM ending.


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« Reply #21 on: January 19, 2006, 08:45:20 pm »
God that would be awesome. At least to have some of the characters in the game somewhere somehow, maybe in Hollow Bastion or something (since Hollow Bastion will serve as the Traverse Town for KH2).

Hollow Bastion won't be the "Traverse Town" of KH2, from what I've heard.  I heard it was going to be a place called "Twilight Town", or something.

Legend of the Past

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« Reply #22 on: January 20, 2006, 01:06:45 am »
Yeah, the BHK comes from there... I wonder if Traverse Town will appear there regardless, and if you will meet once again the characters that inhabited the town.


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Kingdom Hearts II!
« Reply #23 on: January 20, 2006, 03:46:32 am »
Quote from: Sentanel
Hollow Bastion won't be the "Traverse Town" of KH2, from what I've heard. I heard it was going to be a place called "Twilight Town", or something.

Hollow Bastion will be playing a major role though I think. It always was my favourite world. I think it was because it wasnt Disney and the fact that it was massive castle which you could actually scale in a way that made its height clear to the player.

Quote from: Mystik3eb
I'm still stuck on Sora's story in CoM...I really hate the gameplay. But I'm enjoying the story, except for going through all the worlds again...augh. I'm looking forward to Riku's, though.

I hated CoM so much I gave it to a friend for free. I could not stand the gameplay to a point where I would have called it "hard". I know the general storyline so I mean I dont feel any need to play it.


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« Reply #24 on: January 20, 2006, 05:30:29 am »
From what I read, Traverse Town is nowhere to be seen, and Twilight Town will only be played as the other keyblade-bearing character. Sora and co are there, but not as playable characters...I'm kinda confused by that. It's like that character runs around doing mini-games and such...whatever. Time wil tell.

But in either case, that site is explicit that Hollow Bastion is the base, what with Leon, Yuffie and Aerith fixing it up back to normal and making it more homely.

Check out that site. It's good.

I finished CoM. Admittedly, I cheated. I don't have a problem cheating on a game you've either A) already beaten normally, or B) aren't enjoying playing normally, and will not finish without cheating. Like how I've been after playing through FFX the first time. Guh...

The story is fantastic. The script is brilliant, the characters are great, and I've come to grow an appreciation for the Organization after that...except that I can't keep the names straight.

But you're right, the KH2 intro is a bit misleading on the CoM events...but still wicked cool none-the-less!


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« Reply #25 on: January 20, 2006, 04:46:12 pm »
How exactly did you cheat?  Because for me to beat Marluxia, I need to cheat to beat it.


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« Reply #26 on: January 21, 2006, 02:59:00 am »
Quote from: Sentanel
How exactly did you cheat? Because for me to beat Marluxia, I need to cheat to beat it.

This is just what i didnt like about CoM, it was just too difficult for its own good. And I think that may have turned a lot of people away from it.

And I guess Mystik used a cheating device, I dunno...


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« Reply #27 on: January 21, 2006, 11:00:06 pm »
I'd have to agree with you there.  The first game was so easily approachable by hardcore and casual gamers alike.  Even my wife played it all the way though.  When she was done, she liked it so much she re-played again on Expert.  To give you a frame of refence on how impressive this is, the last game she played of her own free will was Mario Kart.  On the SNES.  When it first came out.

But she say down with CoM for five minutes before throwing my GBA(SP) to the ground in disgust.  Can't say I blame her.  

I refused to let that damn card system beat me, though.  I must have spent more time on the card screen than the actual game.  Arranging, shuffling, re-shuffling.  What I've learned from all that is this:

Never use slights.  Ever.  In fact, when you level up,  spend all your points on increasing your card capacity.  Hit points are almost secondary in importance.  The only exception is Trinity Limit, and even that one should only be use in your swamped and desperate.  NEVER on bosses.

The Zero card is your God.  Worship it.  There shalt be no card in your deck before Zero.  Show your devotion by using at much as possible to card break your foe.  Especially bosses.  It really loves that.

The best time to heal is when your foe is recharging his deck.  Getting card-broke while healing sucks a level of ass never before seen on this mortal coil.

I almost threw the GBA myself when i started Riku's story and discovered I could ht re-arrange my deck.  But in the end, it was almost better that way, as I spent less time in the sub-screen and more time using the power of Darkness to kick Heartless ass.  I get why Ansem was so ga-ga about Darkness now.  It rocks.


Speaking of which, believe it or not, I already sumerised Riku’s story in my last post, Sentenal.  Basically Riku is warped to the basement of Castle Oblivion by a man known as DiZ, a being of neither of Darkness nor Light.  About the same time Sora and co. are heading for the top floor, losing more memories with every step, Riku is heading up to the ground floor, charged by DiZ to face the darkness -- and the shadow of Ansem within is own heart.  He re-visits all the Disney Worlds (AGAIN), only the bosses of each serve as representations of his own weakness and fear of the darkness (correct me if I'm wrong, Mystik3eb, its been a while since I beat it)  All the while, Ansem is whispering in his ear to give in to him again, to allow the Darkness overwhelm, him, which would enable Ansem to reclaim Riku's body.  King Mickey aids Riku in resisting said temptations, and can also be summoned by way of the Mickey card in battle.  Niame also offers to help him seal away the darkness in his heart (after the death of Marluxia, at Sora’s hands) but by now Riku knows that this is something he must do himself

Long story short, the constant temptation eventually backfires on Ansem, as Riku grows more confident through his travels on the lower levels of the Castle.  Riku, no linger afraid of the Darkness, can know use it liberally -- but no longer allows it to use him.  Beholden to neither the light or the darkness, he faces Ansem one final time, and defeats him, freeing himself.  Mickey, inspired and impressed  by Riku actions, says something along the lines of:  "Until now, I though that darkness was always bad.  But you’ve shown me a new path.  I want to walk this path with you, and see where it leads."  

As the game closes, Riku and Mickey are seen leaving Castle Oblivion, wearing the same cloaks as those worn by the Organization, when they are met by DiZ.  DiZ asks Riku if would take the path to darkness, or to light, to which Rikue opts to take the middle path:  The Twilight Road to Dawn.

It is worth mentioning that in the course of all that, Riku comes across two other Organization members, whom he defeats handily.  It also bear mentioning that Mickey is sure he has met DiZ before, but cant remember where.  I think there is a connection between Ansem and DiZ, but I'm not sure what it is.  And until the KH2 comes out in the US, I don’t want to know.  


Whew, i think that's my longest post here thus far...


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Kingdom Hearts II!
« Reply #28 on: January 22, 2006, 12:27:30 am »
Final Fantasy charecters and disney do not work.  Disney Charecters are just stupid.


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Kingdom Hearts II!
« Reply #29 on: January 22, 2006, 12:32:13 am »
Quote from: Anonymous
Final Fantasy charecters and disney do not work.  Disney Charecters are just stupid.

Another voice of reason has alighted our forums!