Author Topic: JP $39B18A / US $3F5860 Enhasa, Zeal  (Read 2932 times)

Darth Mongoose

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JP $39B18A / US $3F5860 Enhasa, Zeal
« on: January 31, 2006, 03:42:01 am »
I'll update this as I go along with what I've done so far...Oh yeah, I refuse to write 'Zeal' as 'Jiil' it looks bloody stupid. The other names I will render as their original Katakana forms, but, I just can't, it'd be almost sacreligious! ^_^'

JP $39B18A / US $3F5860

Welcome to Enhaasa.
This is the Magical Kingdom of Zeal's city of dreams.

(I know it says 'machi' but 'city of dreams' is cooler than town of dreams)

We search for truth in pleasant sleep...

...Ohh? But you seem different... [end]

This is the enlightened magical kingdom, Zeal.
Where every desire is fulfilled.
...But how high must one reach to grasp that wish...? [end]

((It's only a little chunk of text, but this dialogue is pretty tough, so I'm just doing that as a taster. Hope it's ok.))

Darth Mongoose

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JP $39B18A / US $3F5860 Enhasa, Zeal
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2006, 07:14:02 am »
JP $39B18A / US $3F5860

Welcome to Enhaasa.
This is the Magical Kingdom of Zeal's city of dreams.

We search for truth in pleasant sleep...

...Ohh? But you seem different... [end]

This is the enlightened magical kingdom, Zeal.
Where every desire is fulfilled.
...But how high must one reach to grasp that wish...? [end]

The world you see through your eyes,
and the world I see through my eyes,
could be completely different.

The universe is filled with infinite existance.
One cannot simply consider the things we see and
touch to be 'reality'. [end]

I am Doriin.
Seek out the sealed passage.
The correct order can open it,
the door to great knowledge. [end]

How might I serve? [end]

((A bit more done. Yep, I'm sure it doesn't look like much, but seriously, translating people discussing the nature of the universe and talking in riddles isn't easy. I've tried to keep the dreamlike and contemplative, yet slightly sinister atmosphere of Zeal as well as I can.))

Darth Mongoose

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JP $39B18A / US $3F5860 Enhasa, Zeal
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2006, 08:34:43 pm »
Okay, some more stuff added here. I'm pretty sure it's ok. But I am translating one of the wierder parts of the game here. Please have a look and tell me if you think something is a little wierd. I've left the code there so you can check the script yourself.

JP $39B18A / US $3F5860

Welcome to Enhaasa.
This is the Magical Kingdom of Zeal's city of dreams.

We search for truth in pleasant sleep...

...Ohh? But you seem different... [end]

This is the enlightened magical kingdom, Zeal.
Where every desire is fulfilled.
...But how high must one reach to grasp that wish...? [end]

The world you see through your eyes,
and the world I see through my eyes,
could be completely different.

The universe is filled infinite existance.
One cannot simply consider the things we see and
touch to be 'reality'. [end]

I am Doriin.
Seek out the sealed passage.
The correct order can open it,
the door to great knowledge. [end]

How might I serve? [end]

The weapons and armour of heaven, darkness, fire and water, born from the stars, were, by order of Her Majesty, sealed in the structure to the north.

That great northern pyramid's seals have never been breached once. [end]

The sealed pyramid to the north, was created with such powerful magic, that even we, the Enlightened, cannot undo. [end]

Oh? Mysterious travellers!
...Are you merely a part of my dream, continued in waking...?
Welcome to Zeal. [end]

We, the Magical Kingdom of Zeal, are under the guidance of the Queen. Her greatness is such, that we require no other in this land. [end]

The Zeal Kingdom we inhabit today, owes it's greatness to Her Majesty.

Upon her sucession, it was the Queen who raised the magical power of the whole Kingdom...zzzzzzz....[end]