
Who would win? Crono or Frog?

16 (66.7%)
Frog (Not human form)
8 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 22

Voting closed: February 01, 2006, 01:15:25 pm

Author Topic: Crono vs. Frog  (Read 3768 times)


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Crono vs. Frog
« on: February 01, 2006, 01:15:25 pm »
Heres an idea that'll stir up some trouble. Who would win in a climactic duel between Crono and Frog? Yes yes, I know, theres no reason for them to fight... but hell, I've never been much for reason.

No magic (too many complications there with lightning and water and whatnot)

Heres the specs. They both have their final weapons, the Masamune II and the Rainbow Blade. Completly secluded level plain with moderate raised and lovered areas (small hills and peaks, trenches and dips) and a deep pond somewhere in the arena. Take your pick! Choose your side and debate why. On with the show!


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Crono vs. Frog
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2006, 11:54:01 pm »
Frog. He's the superior swordsman.


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Crono vs. Frog
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2006, 05:02:24 am »
But Chrono has the best sword ever to exist, and rippling muscles.
He would choppa froggies sword in half.


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Crono vs. Frog
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2006, 10:24:43 am »
Hmmm, Dreamstone blade amplified by the power of the Mammon Machine (and by extension, Lavos) vs.  an alloy of Sun Stone and Rainbow Shell.  A physical manifestation of the age-old conflict between the Planet an The Destroyer.  Stat wise, The Rainbow might be stronger, but plot-wise, I belive the swords to be evenly matched.

I'm going to say Frog as well.  Even Cyrus recognized Glenn's skill with the blade as being greater than his own.  And living in a war-torn time doubtlessly gave him ample opportunity to hone said skills.

Frog wins.  But it would be a hell of a battle.

*starts humming Duel Of the Fates*


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Crono vs. Frog
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2006, 10:59:40 am »
Crono's strength is that he has a balance of physical and magical abilities.  Glenn excels at physical combat and uses mostly uses magic for support.

Although Crono could do more damage, gameplay-wise, I think Glenn would win in a realistic fight.

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Crono vs. Frog
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2006, 11:37:29 am »
Yeah, realisticly, Frog could get injured, summon that Frog Drop attack, and pwnzer Crono.

Physically wise, Frog would beat Crono. Having the Masamune 2 could most probably beat Crono, has the sword has the highest damage rating and, unless I'm mistaken, Frog has the better damage ranking.


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Crono vs. Frog
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2006, 12:56:54 pm »
No magic gives Frog a definitive advantage, but I don't think he would defintely win.

Gray, your point is off. Glenn said he never could hurt anyone, hence why he never joined the KotST. He wouldn't have had the war time experience you are giving him until after he was transformed.

Crono while less experienced, might have a tactical advantage due to the length of his sword compared to Frog's. I am no swordfighting expert, but I would think that that would play to Crono's advantage. Althought Frog's buckler would be extremely helpful.

Personally I think its too close to call, but I'll vote Crono anyways  8)


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Crono vs. Frog
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2006, 01:49:45 pm »
Crono would win. Even physically, he's better. He rules.  :D


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Crono vs. Frog
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2006, 05:54:03 pm »
gameplaywise(ya, my terretory) Crono would win. More speed= more  hits, and even if it's not always critical one, it should be enough to kill Frog before he kills Crono. And without magic (I think it also means no techs/MP at all) Frog can't summon the frogy squascher.


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Crono vs. Frog
« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2006, 02:20:46 am »
Crono. Luminaire would kill Frog so fast. And the Rainbow deals critical hits 75% of the time, ultimately dealing more damage. Crono's also faster. And a bit careless and ruthless against foes.

Plus, we don't know that Crono isn't some incredibly gifted swordsman that could even outrank Glenn. Even Glenn noted it on their first encounter. Sure, then it was potential. But after all the shit they went through, who's to say Crono isn't the best ever?

For the sake of my undying fanboyism, I will say he is ^_^

Realistically? Who knows, they both kick ass. I'd probably still bet on Crono.


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Crono vs. Frog
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2006, 10:06:23 am »
I voted for Crono, but it would be such a close battle.  It's probably impossible to tell.

Darth Mongoose

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Crono vs. Frog
« Reply #11 on: February 03, 2006, 10:21:41 am »
Hmmm, I think Frog. Disregarding their game stats, I think he has a few advantages:

1. Frog is a trained knight, trained from a young age, it seems, and regarded as one of the greatest swordsmen in history. He's the 'Legendary Hero' and the only one who can wield the legendary 'Masamune', which he can use to split a cliff in half! Crono on the other hand, is a young man who still lives with his mum, and who, it seems has had no formal training. Though he's a naturally talented swordsman, I think Frog's experience would give the amphibian the upper hand.
2. Katanas are really great for cutting through flesh, but the truth is that (despite many myths) they are not very good at all against armoured targets due to the fact that the sharp blade notches easily and doesn't have the weight needed to bash through armour. trying to parry Frog's broadsword would also probably break Crono's katana, and so Frog has the upper hand in defence too.
3. Frog is extremely agile, and also small and wierdly shaped. Iaido (training with the katana) focuses on how to fight against a human oponent, not a humanoid frog! Frog then has the advantage over Crono because he knows the limitations and weak points of a human body better than Crono will know his own physiology!


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Crono vs. Frog
« Reply #12 on: February 03, 2006, 03:56:06 pm »
I wouldn't agree with you on all those points.

1. He isn't a trained knight, he is just naturally gifted with a sword. If you remember, he chose not to enlist because he didn't want to hurt people. And technically, he isn't the only one who wielded the sword (Serge and Cyrus). Hell he didn't even earn the other half of the sword that was protected, Crono did! Crono obviously has had some training, or he wouldn't start with a wooden sword. I don't know many people who carry around a wooden katana just for looks.

2. I don't see why it would break due to a parry, the Masamune isn't that big. Frog wields it with one hand and he isn't a big guy, which you pointed out. It certainly has a higher density and most likely a higher sheer stress (I couldn't say exactly since the sword is processed using a fictional mineral), but I don't think it is a huge difference. Especailly with Rainbow being made from two products that are also fictional.

3. I don't see how you can disregard the game stast then say that Frog is more agile. Crono has a higher speed, which in turn should make him more agile than Frog. And I doubt that Frog's anatomy would affect Crono to the point where his training would be useless, he kills all sorts of different monsters.

Darth Mongoose

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Crono vs. Frog
« Reply #13 on: February 03, 2006, 08:29:42 pm »
I said 'Disregarding game stats'!  In real life, a giant frog WOULD be more agile than a teenage boy, a katana would get smashed to pieces if used to parry or to cut through a big metal breastplate, and a guy who is labelled 'legendary' as a swordsman and who is better than the best knight in the kingdom, would totally own some random kid who turns up!


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Crono vs. Frog
« Reply #14 on: February 03, 2006, 08:36:08 pm »
Frog swam the chasam between two continents. Clearly, he has the brute strength advantage. This, coupled with his legendary skill, and yes, a sword that could break his opponents, his victory is pretty much assured.