do we even need to invoke such things as the entity? the only thing that realy solidly points to such a thing as the entity was lucca's statment, surely a long time ago lightning was explained by "god did it" but after much study we found that the explination is much more solid and reproducable then the "god" factor
~~ conservation of time~~~
that being said obviously i dont quite understand what you can mean by entity-gate, i suppose what you mean is a "perminant" gate(in the terms that the gates work independantly of anyone's control)
that being said i will agree that the gates the party used and the "distortation" at magus's castle which was thought of as a gate can be different in ways that can negate the conservation of time therom, the magus castle incident and the ocean palace incident share one thing in commen, they involve "temprary" gates made by some agent weather accidently or purposfuly. prehaps it takes energy to power the gates, and the "perminant" gates although also taking energy are left with "its own source of energy" and the energy taken to accomadate more then 3 life-forms means that the gate itself would compensate by sending the beings to a spot on a "blank timeline"(the end of time) this would mean that "gasper's gate" was one "under powered" temprary gate anomalie prehaps a resualt of the massive amounts of energy involved with the ocean palace incident.
~~ changes in time ~~
we see in chrono trigger three events that call this into question. so i will regard the three accordingly in the order that they are revealed during the plot
---event one: marle's dissappearence; here we obvously see the effects of time travel causing the being's existance to be called into question if the grand father paradox remains true then at the end marle
must exist(she is the reason crono and herself went back in time)
if the existance can not be throwen into question by the paradox then there must be some explination for this event. i present to the forum my buffer theory. prehaps marle's dissappearence is only the first stage of her existance being called into question. allowing the beings in the present time as well as fellow travelers to alter events to the point that the existance is no longer in question(in this case marle taking the place of her mother before she is born) we know that the true queen is still alive and we know that if marle's existance is in question the queen at the present chances will die if something is not done. heres where the buffer theory is fleshed out: if the queen dies during your stay in 600AD "true-time"(by defination: the passage from one event to the another) would "snap back agenst itself" resualting in the only foreseeable way to prevent the paradox eraseing the recent events causing a "rewind" to the nearest event that dosnt throw marle's existance into question
---event two: ocean palace incident; the main theme of this event as it relates to time is the appearence of the black omen in all era's after the events in ocean palace. my own views on this is that either the party or magus caused such a change in the era that lead up to the forming of the black omen, prehaps it was the energy exchange during the fight with lovas that in some way effected the mammon mechine, which was made to draw energy from lovas. or the events on mt. woe, or even interaction between the prohet(magus in desguise) and the upper class of zeal. these enteractions don't throw the existance of any individual into question, crono is killed he is not removed from existance through "the breaking of ancestral chains" there fore the grandfather paradox's most disasterous parts are not expearenced
--- event three: lessons of shareing; here we see the secound most questionable event regarding the ability to change the past, again i call on my buffer theory and say so long as the changed events dont drasticly alter the future to the point where the existance of a person is called into question , or the reworking of future eras to an extreme degree (effecting a majority of the beings) the "buffer" between the traveler and events from his orignal time, will hold
~~~~~~ time travel destination~~~~~
my explination dosn't rely on any complex ideas of flowing time but rather simple math, the gates as well as the epoch sent the player back and foward through time only to arrive at the same realtive time that they started their travel through the gate, meaning that you dont show up and meet the cave girl again for the first time and you certainly dont meet yourself. what if the gates and the epoch is vague in its destinations, as i type its 9:30AM if i had a time mechine and desided to travel back in time exactly 24 hours(-00:24:00:00) and look at a clock in that time it would still be 9:30AM, what if the gates simply send the users back a number of years, for example the first gate you encounter(destination 600ad) sends you back 400 years it would still be the same month day hour minute, just a different year
~~~relativistic time flow~~~~
im not entirely sure where your going with this nor what questions about it arise from CT+CC
~~~discarded timelines~~~~
i thought the reason for the dead sea reflecting the ruined future in the off shoot deminsion(serge lives) was because crono lived and died before the deminsional split there fore he wasnt copied, and he only knew about one deminsion's future and saved that one.
anyway timelines are discarded when their entire existance is nullified(anti-serge deminsion's ruined future for example)
ill comment more later im already late for class