are you saying that the gates that we see in the game where orignaly formed in the ocean palace incident? i myself have never thought about that idea, but this only accounts for the 100ad gate in the eastern contenant, and one of the two gates in the future, the gate in 600ad appears to be in a different location then where janus ended up, as we know of none of the characters where sent to the prehistoric era... nevermind im rambeling i think... anyways you say that their are four gates created during the incident, there are a total of 9 gates to choose from at the end of time... how would you explain the aditional 5? (although i will admit the four gates being a resualt of ocean palace incident are fairly possable and i have no problem with excepting that as the origins of those gates)
what i ment by the whole buffer theory is that the time travelers are capable of distinguishing between the history that they "know" and the new history that is being formed by their actions so long as their existance or major changes take place they are "immune" to what they change. flimsy? maybe, but it is an explination as to how the party is able to change the past.
as far as the killing of lovas is concerned the existance of the black oman only comes into question when you choose one of the "non standard" endings, and from what i remember with out going through the black omen you can only kill lovas in ocean palace, the bucket, and the epoch, right? the only action that brings the existance of the black omen into question is in the ocean palace, and this is before the actions of crono cause the existance of the black omen. killing lovas in 1999ad would not cause the black omen to not exist it would simply sever the power source assuming its lovas the omen draws its power from. so the black omen would simply crash to the ground.
when taking the black omen route you go through the omen then the queen wakes lovas, or sends the omen too lovas, i dont see how this calls the omens existance into question
now the question about the pendent, in CT one of the people in zeal make a comment that marle's pendent looks like schala's pendent, in CC does it specificaly say that the pendent given to kid is schala's?(i dont remember)