FF9 was perfect. It was wonderful even up to the end. But why did Zidane have to live dammnit! I read somewhere that Zidane died (I think it was someone complaining about the lack of FF9 characters in KH, but then he said, well Zidane died. Stupid GameFAQs guy, doesn't even play the game til finish) and when I saw him, I'm like, shit, Garnet won't sleep with me now. Damn, Steiner has Beatrix! Well, its either Eiko, or Freya...I'll go with Eiko...damn, she has Vivi! Oh well...
FF8 was way more wavey, with Sorcereceseses, more of them, and more. And maybe add a dreamworld. It was very akward, but gameplay was perfect. It just felt...so good, being able to use *techniques* and not just magic. And Diablos kicked ass. FFX kind of got weird, but I think it is underrated, even by me. It was enjoyable, but so was Big Rigs, and we know how much that sucks.
But anyways, Tifa is overrated like hell. Yuna, and I don't care what you say, was beyond hot when she was getting married. It was like, Rikku...plus Yuna! Oh my god! Rinoa was good, but she was piss annoying. And yeah, I guess the love in all the games were stupid. The only good love in any game was...umm...Panzer Dragoon? I dunno. You know if FFs had MORE lesbians it would be awesome. And yes, the orphanage twist ripped my heart out, shitted on it, and at it. And the whole GF Forgetfulness thing was the biggest cop out since and all female cast in the upcoming Macbeth play we have to watch.