Author Topic: Top 10 RPGs of all time  (Read 16919 times)


  • Iokan (+1)
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« Reply #45 on: March 04, 2006, 10:49:12 pm »
Quote from: Burning Zeppelin
You think FF8 is cheesy, but you like FF9 when it had a far more, albeit less realistic, love story? At least FF8 had it placed in a more realistic context. And I hate FFX because it was just plain stupid.

I like 9 for the rest of the game, I detest Zidane and Garnet but liked the game a lot anyway. At least it had decent gameplay and a magic system that made sense, unlike the train wreck of ff8's junction system.

Burning Zeppelin

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« Reply #46 on: March 04, 2006, 10:49:17 pm »
Probably because of this huge fanbase that needed to mastrubate but couldn't find a book with every single character.


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« Reply #47 on: March 05, 2006, 02:28:50 am »
Quote from: Burning Zeppelin
You think FF8 is cheesy, but you like FF9 when it had a far more, albeit less realistic, love story? At least FF8 had it placed in a more realistic context. And I hate FFX because it was just plain stupid.

Characters in FF9 were tons better than FF8, and it just wasn't near as awkward in FF9.

FF8 characters sucked.  They replaced character development with personality disorders.  Take out the shitty forced love story, and you have a barely decent plot.  FF9's plot does nicely without it.

And quiet, Daniel, Revan was my favorite Jedi!


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« Reply #48 on: March 05, 2006, 03:36:26 am »
9 was awesome. It flowed wonderfully. And I'm still hot for Garnet (obviously).

8 was like pulling us into a world with people as fucked up and imperfect as ours. I appreciated it, alot. And I appreciated the love story, I dunno what you guys are upset about. Opinion. Oh well.

I have to say Legend of Dragoon kicked ass, surprisingly. Sure, imperfect and some things sucked, but a surprisingly great game. Fantastic story and just overall feel to it.

And I really like the third Star Ocean...don't tell me it has a bad ending...agh!

But I agree, FFX is a piece of shit. I once again tried picking it up a week ago, and I couldn't do it. It was so painful and annoying to play through it, it was just poorly put together. They focused on the graphics, clearly.

...damn, I'm really opinionated.


  • Iokan (+1)
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« Reply #49 on: March 05, 2006, 03:06:25 pm »
Quote from: Mystik3eb
9 was awesome. It flowed wonderfully. And I'm still hot for Garnet (obviously).

8 was like pulling us into a world with people as fucked up and imperfect as ours. I appreciated it, alot. And I appreciated the love story, I dunno what you guys are upset about. Opinion. Oh well.

I have to say Legend of Dragoon kicked ass, surprisingly. Sure, imperfect and some things sucked, but a surprisingly great game. Fantastic story and just overall feel to it.

And I really like the third Star Ocean...don't tell me it has a bad ending...agh!

But I agree, FFX is a piece of shit. I once again tried picking it up a week ago, and I couldn't do it. It was so painful and annoying to play through it, it was just poorly put together. They focused on the graphics, clearly.

...damn, I'm really opinionated.

You're telling me you actually enjoyed the plot twist near the end when you enter 4d space or whatever? That was horrible. Up till then I was really enjoying it, and the villains of the story were total badasses. But after that point it just seemed very weak, in my opinion of course.

Legend of Dragoon was bad because it was so cliche and the translation was the worst I had ever seen, other than that it was alright I guess, the combat system was pretty fun at first. I did however like the backgrounds and the music a whole lot.

The only part about ffx that I like is lulu, for obvious reasons :P


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« Reply #50 on: March 06, 2006, 12:55:20 am »
To be fair, FFX has lots of hot chicks.  I actually quite like its storyline; the characters themselves were none too intriguing, with the possible exceptions of Auron and Jecht, but their interactions were done quite well.  And, at least in comparison to FFVIII, its love story was actually believable.  VIII started out as a rip-roaring, action-packed story with what's probably the best opening sequence in any game ever, and then it just...devolves.  It's hard to describe how that happens, so I'll attempt to condense it:

Orphanage syndrome.


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« Reply #51 on: March 06, 2006, 01:14:09 am »
Quote from: Hadriel
To be fair, FFX has lots of hot chicks.  I actually quite like its storyline; the characters themselves were none too intriguing, with the possible exceptions of Auron and Jecht, but their interactions were done quite well.  And, at least in comparison to FFVIII, its love story was actually believable.  VIII started out as a rip-roaring, action-packed story with what's probably the best opening sequence in any game ever, and then it just...devolves.  It's hard to describe how that happens, so I'll attempt to condense it:

Orphanage syndrome.

Ditto.  FF8 started out great, but then its like, they decided to stop trying.

I liked FF10's overall storyline, I liked the gameplay, I could deal with Tidus and Yuna (at least they were better than Squall and Rinoa), had Auron.


  • Iokan (+1)
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« Reply #52 on: March 06, 2006, 01:31:31 am »
Quote from: Sentenal
Quote from: Hadriel
To be fair, FFX has lots of hot chicks.  I actually quite like its storyline; the characters themselves were none too intriguing, with the possible exceptions of Auron and Jecht, but their interactions were done quite well.  And, at least in comparison to FFVIII, its love story was actually believable.  VIII started out as a rip-roaring, action-packed story with what's probably the best opening sequence in any game ever, and then it just...devolves.  It's hard to describe how that happens, so I'll attempt to condense it:

Orphanage syndrome.

Ditto.  FF8 started out great, but then its like, they decided to stop trying.

I liked FF10's overall storyline, I liked the gameplay, I could deal with Tidus and Yuna (at least they were better than Squall and Rinoa), had Auron.

Not to mention Lulu, I LOVE LULU, did I mention how much I adore Lulu? Yeah.

FF10's problem was the total linear structure thing it had going on, and man, that kissing scene combined with the music they chose damn near killed me. But Auron and LULU made it bearable.

As far as ff8, the entrance scene was insanely awesome when I first saw it, I was so pumped to play the game afterwards. But once I reached the Ragnarok and saw that whole scene what little fun I was having just flew out the window, and then they had to throw on the whole time compression bit for a little extra punishment. But hey, I liked Laguna at least, his leg cramps were the ownage.


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« Reply #53 on: March 06, 2006, 02:27:30 am »
Now Laguna was an awesome character, and he's a lot more likable than Squall.  Squall's a lot more of a badass, but badassness is nothing if the character isn't likable.  I think Cloud avoids this flaw by demonstrating a range of behaviors; some would disagree, but I think we'd all agree that it takes, or should take, more than a cool weapon to win the hearts of the fans.

Princess Marle

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« Reply #54 on: March 06, 2006, 02:28:22 am »
Quote from: Julian
Quote from: Sentenal
Quote from: Hadriel

Orphanage syndrome.

Ditto.  FF8 started out great, but then its like, they decided to stop trying.

I liked FF10's overall storyline, I liked the gameplay, I could deal with Tidus and Yuna (at least they were better than Squall and Rinoa), had Auron.

I thought Final Fantasy 8 got better as it went along and The Ending is one of the Best Final Fantasy Endings I have Seen..i mean the start to FF8 was plain Boring..Whoo You failed to do a Test..Whoo  :roll: But Then Squall sees Rinoa fall into a Coma and He would do Enything to get her Back..Guess I am a sucker for love stories but then I hate Final Fantasy 10 with a Passion..Tidus 's voice pisses me off and he so Selfish..This MY story when really it's Yuna's and I do not like Yuna either and in 10-2 which I played Fisbee With she turns into some kind of a slut.. :evil:

Squall and Rinoa for life..That's what I think.. :D

Burning Zeppelin

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« Reply #55 on: March 06, 2006, 02:57:03 am »
FF9 was perfect. It was wonderful even up to the end. But why did Zidane have to live dammnit! I read somewhere that Zidane died (I think it was someone complaining about the lack of FF9 characters in KH, but then he said, well Zidane died. Stupid GameFAQs guy, doesn't even play the game til finish) and when I saw him, I'm like, shit, Garnet won't sleep with me now. Damn, Steiner has Beatrix! Well, its either Eiko, or Freya...I'll go with Eiko...damn, she has Vivi! Oh well...
FF8 was way more wavey, with Sorcereceseses, more of them, and more. And maybe add a dreamworld. It was very akward, but gameplay was perfect. It just good, being able to use *techniques* and not just magic. And Diablos kicked ass. FFX kind of got weird, but I think it is underrated, even by me. It was enjoyable, but so was Big Rigs, and we know how much that sucks.
But anyways, Tifa is overrated like hell. Yuna, and I don't care what you say, was beyond hot when she was getting married. It was like, Yuna! Oh my god! Rinoa was good, but she was piss annoying. And yeah, I guess the love in all the games were stupid. The only good love in any game was...umm...Panzer Dragoon? I dunno. You know if FFs had MORE lesbians it would be awesome. And yes, the orphanage twist ripped my heart out, shitted on it, and at it. And the whole GF Forgetfulness thing was the biggest cop out since and all female cast in the upcoming Macbeth play we have to watch.


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« Reply #56 on: March 06, 2006, 03:56:12 am »
Quote from: Princess Marle
Quote from: Julian
Quote from: Sentenal
Quote from: Hadriel

Orphanage syndrome.

Ditto.  FF8 started out great, but then its like, they decided to stop trying.

I liked FF10's overall storyline, I liked the gameplay, I could deal with Tidus and Yuna (at least they were better than Squall and Rinoa), had Auron.

I thought Final Fantasy 8 got better as it went along and The Ending is one of the Best Final Fantasy Endings I have Seen..i mean the start to FF8 was plain Boring..Whoo You failed to do a Test..Whoo  :roll: But Then Squall sees Rinoa fall into a Coma and He would do Enything to get her Back..Guess I am a sucker for love stories but then I hate Final Fantasy 10 with a Passion..Tidus 's voice pisses me off and he so Selfish..This MY story when really it's Yuna's and I do not like Yuna either and in 10-2 which I played Fisbee With she turns into some kind of a slut.. :evil:

Squall and Rinoa for life..That's what I think.. :D

Okay, I think were a bit backwards here.  Your part of a Mercenary army.  You get into a boat, and do D-Day at breakneck speed, fighting through a city, and finally have to flee.  Thats high adrenaline stuff.  The personality disorders of the characters havn't drowned the game yet.  Then you get sent on a mission to assassinate an evil sorcerress.  And it starts going down hill there.  It falls flat on its face when you get to the whole "Wow, we all grew up in the same orphanage, but we forgot because of GFs!"  Squall not caring about Rinoa, then becoming super-obsessed with her when she fell into a coma was one of the biggest/most drastic change in a character I've ever seen.  The love story was CRAP.

You know if FFs had MORE lesbians it would be awesome.

Thats sig material.

Burning Zeppelin

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« Reply #57 on: March 06, 2006, 04:17:59 am »
He had a secret crush on her, obviously.
And I don't call " away" high adrenaline.


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« Reply #58 on: March 06, 2006, 04:55:31 am »
I agree. The Dollet mission kicked ass. That was awesome.

But I guess that point was where our interests split. I LOVED the plot twist, and it was a perfectly reasonable explanation. It made sense that being able to use such powerful GFs actually COST something. And it was countered well with Selphie writing a journal to keep their memories safe. KH: CoM, anyone?

And I personally thought it was obvious that Squall didn't not-care about her before even the attack of the Gardens. The change wasn't really quite that drastic.

Plus we know he liked her deep down, anyway. Remember the dance scene? That didn't just disappear. That dude liked her, he was just forcing it down, the way he did with everything. Fucking asshole.

Maybe I would've liked it less if Squall and Rinoa had as terrible voice acting as Tidus and Yuna.

...oh Julian. What are you talking about, the ending of the third Star Ocean? I was saying that cuz I haven't finished it yet! GAH!!!


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« Reply #59 on: March 06, 2006, 06:23:42 am »
It was a reasonable explanation, but it was very unimaginative, dull, and kind of lame.  They could have come up with something a hell of a lot better.