Author Topic: The Fall of Guardia  (Read 17415 times)


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Re: The Fall of Guardia
« Reply #60 on: September 19, 2006, 03:42:57 pm »
That's the thing.

We could work with this plot idea though but I wish I could submit this plot to Square.

It is possible that Dalton travelled forwards in time, after Crono and co. were involved with the Zeal disaster, to try and capture a Lavos Spawn. Here's the catch . . . ready? Our original heroes defeated a Lavos Spawn on Death Peak. However, to advance further up the mountain, they used its shell to climb above to a cliff. Dalton may have known the Lavos parasites may be in this time line and location, or he might've followed Crono's party after the Zeal disaster and events, and when he searched the area after Crono was revived, he took a sample of the shell back with him.

How is this sounding overall?


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Re: The Fall of Guardia
« Reply #61 on: September 19, 2006, 05:46:51 pm »
Hm, is there a chance he already had a sample?  :lee:


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Re: The Fall of Guardia
« Reply #62 on: September 19, 2006, 07:22:15 pm »
Yea, but Dalton didn't fall into a time gate. Dur.


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Re: The Fall of Guardia
« Reply #63 on: September 19, 2006, 11:06:41 pm »
Yeah, but where he went could have led him to a time gate or lavos spawn.


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Re: The Fall of Guardia
« Reply #64 on: September 20, 2006, 01:08:30 am »
I have documented my posts on this subject matter. Maybe I should start a new topic and have an open discussion in which everyones ideas are welcome. I want to somehow petition this to Square, but chances of them reading this are slim and my idea will likely be tossed out the window. However, I want reinforcement to the plot.

To summarize what I have stated;

There was a hidden agenda behind Porre that Crono/Marle/Company found out about. A mysterious Porre dictator appeared one day with rumored motive and means for the Guardia line to cease. This individual was Dalton of Zeal. His role in taking out Guardia suggests he wanted to take Crono and Marle out of the picture since they were his first and foremost threat in the timeline. Please note that the following CT characters are dead and pose no threat to Dalton's new reign . . . Ayla, Glenn, Robo, and Lucca-who is believed to have died in 1015AD from the attack on the orphanage. Also, Magus is currently MIA at the current moment. Now, Guardia fell in 1005AD and as soon as intel confirmed Crono and Marle were believed to have perished in the attack, the victory of Porre over Guardia would be guaranteed.
It’s believed, before the events from which Guardia fell, that Dalton traveled forward in time after the events of Zeal in 12,000BC and the involvement of Crono and co. Craving the awesome power of the parasite known as Lavos and fueled by revenge, he retraced the steps of Crono's allies after the Ocean Palace disaster and followed them to Death Peak in the future. After finding out Lavos existed in this time and its offspring, he had a sick and twisted idea where he would soon return atop Death Peak again. After Lavos was destroyed, he returned to Death Peak, searched, and found but one crucial mistake left behind by our band of heroes. Marle and co. who were determined to bring Crono back, killed a Lavos Spawn in a box canyon, and in order to advance further up the mountain, they used the shell of the Lavos Spawn to climb higher where they would reach there goal. Dalton examined the shell and collected a sample of its DNA from the shell and or inner layer. His plan was now set into motion.

To recap again, Dalton overthrew Guardia so that there would be no from our heroes. His master plan and operation is to create another Lavos parasite, raise it, and then control it so that he can conquer the many different parts of the Chrono world.

The one thing he did not account for was the Prophet in his time, who we know as Magus prince of Zeal. Dalton’s magic is strong, and the only person with superior magic ability is Magus. Magus may possibly be allied with Crono and Marle once again from CT, awaiting the opportunity to stop Dalton and put an end to Porre’s rein. For all we know, Crono and Marle are in hiding awaiting the return of "someone". The play by play context on how Magus comes into the picture with Crono/Marle to stop Dalton is a mystery, but perhaps his mind is guided by the return of Schala who will join with Magus to stop this insurrection. They might even team up with Serge, or the other important characters of CC. That’s for you to decide…

*The opening FMV to the next Chrono game would begin with Marle, Lucca, Frog, Robo, Ayla, and Magus pushing the Lavos Spawn shell into a position against the box canyon where they could advance up the mountain. The camera pans on each character as you see the emotion and expressions on their faces as they one by one climb onto the shell and up the cliff. The camera then pans out and then back in on the stationary Lavos Spawn shell. A change in time, perhaps months or years, takes place and just as little by little, snow covers the shell. A mysterious silhouette of a figure then stands in front of the shell.* -us Chrono fans would identify the complexture and shape of the mystery person to be Dalton.

This is the jist of it for anyone just reading up about my theory on the Fall of Guardia and next Chrono game.

Should I start a new topic about this? does it have potential? or should I drop it here?
« Last Edit: September 20, 2006, 01:27:33 am by Magus22 »


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Re: The Fall of Guardia
« Reply #65 on: September 21, 2006, 12:31:31 am »
and I defeat your theory with....

Occam's Razor.

Nothing implies Dalton did any timetraveling, much less going to 2300 AD, to 1000 AD, etc. The only real piece of evidence for the entire arguement is that Dalton has long hair.


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Re: The Fall of Guardia
« Reply #66 on: September 21, 2006, 08:00:56 am »
Nobody said it had to be the complete truth. I'm sure Magus22's question was more like "Could this be possible?" rather than "Is this the official, only truth??". To those 2 questions, I would probably answer "yes" and "of course not" respectively.

Also, Occam's Razor would slaughter the entire plot of Chrono Cross and the Project Kid if it had to be applied there...


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Re: The Fall of Guardia
« Reply #67 on: September 21, 2006, 02:20:48 pm »
Nobody said it had to be the complete truth. I'm sure Magus22's question was more like "Could this be possible?" rather than "Is this the official, only truth??". To those 2 questions, I would probably answer "yes" and "of course not" respectively.

It has to be. Dig up any speculation anyone made about the sequel of CC after CT, before it was released.

Also, Occam's Razor would slaughter the entire plot of Chrono Cross and the Project Kid if it had to be applied there...

I always spelled it Ockham in Astro class . . . and yes, his principle would destroy CC's plot.

I will holdd off on my Fall of Guardia/Dalton/Chrono Break idea and write up on it in the future. Who knows, I might get an e-mail from GameSpot or Square about Writing a Plot for the next Chrono game. In that time, I will submit this idea for them to review and build off of. If I get picked, 50% goes to the Compendium and its dedicated users :D


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Re: The Fall of Guardia
« Reply #68 on: September 21, 2006, 03:27:24 pm »
Occam's Razor deals with possibilities. Since we know Chrono Cross to be fact, it can't "destroy" it. It can make Belthasar look like an idiot for creating his own paradise and engineering a hopelessly complex plan, but we know this to be true. And the split of the dimensions may have been required to create the unique Chrono Cross, so at least that much may have been warranted. But creating El Nido and controlling thousands of inhabitants' minds for thousands of years is a little crazy. It's part of the reason Belthasar is so morally ambiguous.


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Re: The Fall of Guardia
« Reply #69 on: September 21, 2006, 10:50:58 pm »
I recently thought of something...

I checked out the very last FMV to the PS version of CT and the man who cuts down the first person has the same look and features as Dalton. Also, in the CT sprite of him, it matches the glove of the man who took the Masamune.

Now, did we ever come to an exact conclusion as to who the individual taking the sword was in the Fall of Guardia ending? Was it Lynx?


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Re: The Fall of Guardia
« Reply #70 on: September 21, 2006, 11:33:02 pm »
That's a common misconception. Lynx didn't exist until 1006 A.D., and didn't truly exist until 1010 A.D. He totally predates it. But the Dalton's glove thing is damn interesting.


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Re: The Fall of Guardia
« Reply #71 on: September 22, 2006, 01:59:48 pm »
Dalton could be a swordsman, did Dalton have a special title in Zeal? He might be the one that took the Masamune and put everything in motion for CC.

I don't remember, but was he present when the Ruby Knife was used on the Mammon Machine? He may have traced it back to any era. This all fits into my idea somehow. But why would he want the Masamune...

I have been checking out the last FMV in more detail in WMP with stop action and zoom. The man who cuts down the other guy seems to have that look of a bulge over his face (side profile), sort of like an eye patch.

Can this be confirmed?


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Re: The Fall of Guardia
« Reply #72 on: September 22, 2006, 04:24:29 pm »
The reason why he would want the masamune is the same reason why Dalton would want Epoch. its becuase he wants to have everything that is powerful so the masamune would be one of those powerfull things. By any means Dalton is still a big butthead no matter what anyone says or thinks.


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Re: The Fall of Guardia
« Reply #73 on: October 10, 2006, 09:04:59 am »
Well, actually I noticed some similarities between Dalton and the silhouette in CT FMV as well.Anyway, I read somewhere in this site that Masato Kato itself stated in some interview that Porre's victory over Guardia happened because an "intervention from a force outside the regular flow of time" or something like that, which would fit quite well with the Dalton theory-at least more than anyone I've read so far...Besides, it is not said that Porre's new ruler and Dalton have to be the same person.They could just be cooperating with each other in order to defeat a common enemy-Guardia.

Q:But why should Porre should consider Guardia an enemy?
A:Guardia possess the Epoch, not to mention the three most powerful warriors of their time (Chrono, Marle and Lucca) and the genius of Melchior at his side.Considering this, Guardia is by far the most powerful nation existing.Porre's leader would be simply worried about Guardia's egemony over the entire world, and thus decide to ally himself with Dalton, who is returned who-knows-how from wherever he was finished after his defeat in CT.Porre's leader would be a very interesting villain-besides that "butthead" of Dalton-to appear in a future CT game.


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Re: The Fall of Guardia
« Reply #74 on: October 10, 2006, 03:41:47 pm »
Q: Why would Dalton consider Guardia an enemy?