A. Dimensional Unification
Man, this is a juicy piece to attempt to sink my teeth into....
Anyway, as stated on the site, we know that Serge gets to continue living after the adventure. However, if the Chrono Cross didn't rewind time to redo the events from 1010-1020 and somehow make a new history of those ten years, then I would have to think that primarily the events of Another World would stand in a melded world. Mainly, I think this because Crono's ghost states that the Home World is the false reality. Mind you, there's probably a good amount of things that stay in the Home World.
Riddel, if she's in your party at the end, thanks you for giving her one last memory of Dario - almost an implication that if the dimensions unify, Home World's Dario will no longer exist.
This could be true, but of course, keep in mind that Schala states that Serge will lose all memory of the adventure so it would probably also apply to Serge's teammates too. In this manner, this could just be Riddel's last statement to Serge before she loses memory of the adventure and when she awakes, Dario might be there in the unified dimension.
Now a better backup to Dario not existing in the unified dimension would be if you had Glenn in your party as he says he will continue to follow in his brother's footsteps. While that alone isn't enough, the fact that Glenn succeeded the Einlanzer (both of them, but would probably become one after the unification) could imply that Dario may not be around in the unified timeline. Because after Dario recovered from isolation and/or any lingering injuries, don't you think he'd want the sword back being that he was the top knight?
Of course, we could go off all of that and just assume that during his reconstruction of Viper Manor (H), that he would retire as a knight after that and Glenn would eventually become the next Grandmaster with the Einlanzer in hand. Even just the theory that Another's Viper Manor is the dominant one, but Viper may develop a soft spot anyway and open the doors to any orphans in a unified dimension.
Also, what becomes of other characters who are dead in one world and alive in the other such as Direa?
I would think that Direa would be alive just basing off that Another World is supposed to be the true reality of the world. Unfortunately, that's all I have to work with on that one.
Tia and Orhla, just because their split was an anomaly?
Personally, I don't think that they were ever really lost in a dimensional split. When Orlha tells her story to Lynx (Serge), she says that one of her parents and Tia moved away when she was young. Being that she's nowhere to be found in Another World, we could assume that they maybe moved to the main continent (although, this might mess with FATE's manipulation of El Nido being that they were both born in that area). What's to say that Orlha in the Home World didn't follow that path instead? Maybe she found the Tia in the Home World because she would be easier to find than have to search the main continent (pending she could leave El Nido)? I guess you can say that there might be a Tia somewhere in Another World but nobody knows for sure...
I always figured that the Unification of the Timelines was merely the prevention of the Split from ever happening by not letting Serge become the Arbiter.
To me, this couldn't have happened mainly because it would erase a lot of events that happened revolving around Serge's contact with the Frozen Flame.
Probably the best statement to back this up is that Lucca's ghost states that after the events of CC are done, Kid is meant to travel back 10 years to rescue Serge from drowning. If Serge never became the Arbiter, then Lynx would never have a reason to go after Serge and drown him, thus eliminating what Kid was ever meant to do post-CC.
Right now, that's all I can think of to work with at this time....
Moving on....
B. Time Crash Theory
Not much to go with on this one, but obviously, this event still has to happen in the timeline even after a dimensional unification. Otherwise, El Nido would have never come into existence, making everything that happened in the past a major paradox.
Now being that Chronopolis was originally in 2400 and got sent back to 7600 BC, It will need to be able to do that again once the time loop comes up. So for me three possibilities come to mind regarding that....
1. After the events of CC, someone eventually destroyed Chronopolis inbetween 1020 and 2300. Therefore making it somewhere to still be established by the time Belthasar arrives in the future originally.
2. The remains of Chronopolis eventually just wither away into nothing making it somewhere to be (re)established.
3. When Belthasar founded Chronopolis, it could have originally just an abandoned building and he made his central research lab there. This would work out since Chronopolis was made abandoned after Serge and company visited there and took out FATE. Thus staying abandoned until Belthasar found it and started all the actions over again.
On another note regarding the Time Crash, being as it states crash, maybe this is also where time ended and the End of Time started. Of course, in the original future of CT, it would make you wonder how this could have happened. I guess the only thing I can really say on the original future is that either the world wore out due to the amount of destruction on it or someone just really screwed up hard.
A. Belthasar
Who knows what really happened to him....After you talk with him in Terra Tower, he's also gone from Viper Manor and his secret room is sealed shut. To me, he could have done one of three things....
1. Stayed in 1020, but decided to move elsewhere. Maybe the main continent?
2. Headed back to somewhere between 2300-2400 (Whatever year he disappeared from the future).
3. This one is really reaching, but maybe he even headed back to the remains of Zeal.
Now while I don't remember seeing if the Neo-Epoch had wings on it or not, it's obviously a mobile device. Mainly because even if he did create it somewhere like Chronopolis, it's not going to magically move to Viper Manor in 1020, so at the minimum, it had to act as a boat (although it probably could fly). If it could fly, it could definitely support him going to the main continent as he can easily fly over the dangerous tides of El Nido.
B. Serge and the Team
The Serge part is probably not too hard to think about but with 42 playable characters, I would probably be all day attempting to describe each person's fate (although so far this thread seems like an all day thing).
Probably the best way to divide this up is through locations and then state a possible character theory....
I. Arni
A. Serge gets to live his life out. Maybe he ends up eventually having an official relationship for a while with Leena. However, Schala/Kid eventually finds Serge and his true feelings for her finally come out and he ends up with her in the long run (as the photo on Schala's desk refers to this). Maybe Serge also ended up becoming a dragoon in reference to Viper's ending statement.
B. Leena's pretty much described above. But of course referring to this, maybe she eventually finds someone else to be with, or should I dare say possibly becoming an old maid?
C. Radius could have either come back as the chief, retired away to Hermit's Hideaway, or as he briefly stated in the Dario event, came out of retirement and became a dragoon once again.
D. Poshul probably just stayed as the same lisping pig of a pooch that she is.
E. Mojo....Uh....Who knows? Maybe in the dimension unification, Kiki's father remained a fisherman and maybe he became an assistant to that or just a decoration?
II. Fossil Valley
A. Draggy most likely gets to live his life out but being the last of his kind (that we know of), he will eventually die and his race will become extinct.
III. Termina
A. Glenn continues to train as a great dragoon. Depending what Dario's situation becomes in a unified dimension, Glenn may or may not continue to wield the Einlanzer. However, in either case, if Glenn does continue wielding the sword, he would most likely become the newest Deva and Grandmaster based on the rule of the best knight in the dragoons gets to wield the sword.
B. Hard to say with Pierre, but maybe realizing that he's a phony, made him train to where he actually had power and maybe made him to drop the fake French accent and the fruitcake look. Who knows, maybe he did become a worthy fighter in which he could join the dragoons.
C. Skelly probably lived with his grandmother until she passed away or he passed away (again).
D. Greco probably continued to live in the shrine shack working for the higher purpose.
E. Karsh probably didn't change much after everything, but depending on the Dario situation, he may have ended up having a relationship with Riddel.
F. Zappa now with the ability to forge rainbow weapons and armor, probably continued to run his shop, and possibly made the dragoons a near invincible force.
G. It's near impossible to say what happened with Van considering each world had an extremely different situation regarding him....
H. Guile....Hmmm....Maybe he decided to venture out for other enigma as he stated to do. Either that, or just decided to hang out at the bar all the time getting drunk since he had nothing else to do.
III. Shadow Forest
A. Funguy most likely stays in his mushroom form (as depicted by the ending). However, being that Another World is the dominant world, maybe his human counterpart overruled his form. Definitely something debatable....
IV. Viper Manor
A. Viper continues to be the El Nido lord and general until the end of his days. As stated in his final statement, maybe he does recruit Serge as a top notch dragoon. Or in the case where Dario might be around in a unified dimension, maybe Viper develops a soft spot for the orphans and allows them to live in the manor along with the dragoons. This would definitely be a possibility in reference to the "Viper Kindergarten" ending of CC.
B. Riddel could go quite a few ways depending on the Dario situation post-CC. If Dario was around, they would probably get married eventually. If not, she could have possibly ended up getting into some kind of relationship with Karsh. Or as with what a lady in Termina said about beautiful women rarely finding happiness, she could have possibly lived alone for the rest of her life.
C. Uh....Maybe Zoah finally removed his mask and stopped yelling?
D. As far as Marcy goes, maybe she decided to keep forsaking/denying the family she knew existed. Or maybe she eventually made amends with Nikki and possibly down the line, even Fargo.
E. Orcha could have either returned back to the manor as the cook, or he could have even gone back to Guldove.
F. Luccia probably just continued to do her weird experiments...
G. Norris most likely returned to Porre. After that, who knows....Maybe he got promoted even higher? Maybe to a position where he could make peace with other nations/form allies with them?
H. Grobyc may have possibly stayed at the manor after everything happened. Being he has nobody to assasinate anymore, maybe he just became a more powerful guard for the manor? Or maybe he just became a gardener for the manor.
I. The dragoon who dreamt of being Turnip may have finally woken up and maybe if Turnip's influence was strong enough, maybe he ended up becoming a key fighter for the dragoons?
J. Uh...NeoFio....stayed a plant?
V. Guldove
A. Macha, Korcha, and Mel probably went back to the way they were before the adventure occured.
B. Doc, with the Medical Book in hand, may have gone on to become a top notch physician?
C. Depending on how you look at the dimensional split, maybe Orlha could have ended up finding the "other" Tia?
D. Depending on which world entity was stronger, Steena could have either kept serving Direa or ended up continuing as the village shaman.
VI. Water Dragon Isle
A. Uh...Maybe Razzly just lived out a "fairy" nice life?
Either that or the merging worlds brought Rosetta back with her?
VII. S.S. Invincible (or Zelbess)
A. Fargo could have gone a few ways....Maybe he stayed a pirate captain. Maybe the Home World entity made him eventually turn the Invincible into a cruise ship. Or he could have possibly retired as a pirate and maybe worked to bond with demi-humans (if the Marbule enitity from Another World was stronger). He could have possibly bonded with Nikki and/or Marcy as well. I don't know...Fargo is one of the harder characters to theorize on....
B. Pip may have finally gotten his full dream of seeing the world?
C. Nikki (if Another World Marbule was stronger) may have worked to bring the humans and demi-humans together? Maybe finally bonded with Marcy and/or Fargo? Could have maybe started a relationship with Miki?
D. See Nikki part for anything with Miki....
E. Too hard to determine anything for Sneff and Janice....
VIII. Marbule
A. Maybe Irenes (if Another World Marbule was stronger) worked to get humans and demi-humans together (again)? Possibly made amends with Fargo...
I think that's all I have energy for on this part.....Maybe more later on this....
C. Schala and Kid
To me, it's very possible that they may have merged into one being as after you use the Chrono Cross, you don't see Kid on the screen anymore. It's possible that if they merged, Kid may have been the dominant entity she took as Kid already made a key part of history both on the main continent and in El Nido. That and she had to go save Serge as well in the near future. Maybe Kid ended up getting part of Schala's personality though as well which would explain the way she was dressed in the final FMV. She could have also ended up staying as Kid because that's how everyone recognized her.
But as far as any far future, maybe she and Serge did have some sort of relationship down the road and/or got married as shown by the photo at the end of the game...
As far as the last two points, I probably gave my opinion somewhere in this post....
*looks up*
Wow, that was a long post, but hopefully it will be worth it as far as opening up any new theories/answers to any game questions, etc...