Author Topic: Chrono Cross Resolutions Discussion  (Read 11449 times)


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Re: Chrono Cross Resolutions Discussion
« Reply #15 on: June 03, 2006, 09:36:19 pm »
As for Kid/Schala, All that's clear is that Schala adopted Kid's characteristics or vice versa, and Kid doesn't exist anymore due to my theory. Her continued existence in the unified timeline would make a plothole, and since I don't want her to just poof, I'll give her a happy ending by merging her with Schala to share in on the whole Transcendant Nirvana Godhood thing Schala has going on.

I know what you mean.

Though, I sometimes think that Kid married Serge and stays with him, as the picture implied. But Schala goes out to find Janus, in a vice versa position. He was looking for her, now it's her turn to look for him through time and space.


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Re: Chrono Cross Resolutions Discussion
« Reply #16 on: June 14, 2006, 03:44:43 pm »
Well, I'm not too fond about the theory wich states that the countless time-loops that CC would create are not erased some way.Lucca's ghost statement creates an unbelievable confusion about CC resolution, and one big question:if the event of Kid travelling in time to save Serge from drowning happens anyway, what about all of the other events?If Chronopolis is created, Linx exists, the Time Crash happens and so on, then what events in the Unified Timeline are "fixed" by Schala in the end?There is a very big contradiction in all of this, and I don't really know how it can be solved.


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Re: Chrono Cross Resolutions Discussion
« Reply #17 on: June 14, 2006, 10:40:45 pm »
But it won't. Because Serge never becomes the Arbiter, never drowns, Kid is never born, etc.

The entirety of CC and it's backstory, minus that provided by Chrono Trigger and the birth of El Nido, is pretty much overwritten.


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Re: Chrono Cross Resolutions Discussion
« Reply #18 on: June 16, 2006, 03:36:59 pm »
That would be my favourite theory as well, but Lucca's ghost statement (see ResurrectedIce post) says the opposite by taking account of the Unified Timeline theory.That's the contraddiction I (and ResurrectedIce as well, hopefully...) am talking about.If not for that statement, then everything would be clear.


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Re: Chrono Cross Resolutions Discussion
« Reply #19 on: June 16, 2006, 03:41:11 pm »
That statement doesn't APPLY anymore. Kid only went back into the past because Serge was drowning. But after The Time Devourer is defeated, the entire timeline changes. There's no more Kid, no more Arbiter, no more FATE, no more Dead Sea, etc. Because history was changed in BOTH directions, there's no longer a need for Kid to go back in time, which is fine since there's no more Kid anyway.


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Re: Chrono Cross Resolutions Discussion
« Reply #20 on: June 16, 2006, 04:20:25 pm »
I personally think that Kid still exists. I just don't see any real evidence that she doesn't anyway.


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Re: Chrono Cross Resolutions Discussion
« Reply #21 on: June 16, 2006, 09:23:43 pm »
I personally think that Kid still exists. I just don't see any real evidence that she doesn't anyway.

Yeah, Kid marries Serge, but Schala goes off on her own thing. My own belief would be that both dimensions remerge at 1020AD. Anyone who is alive in either dimensions would be alive in both. FATE is dead in both, the Dragon God is dead in both. Main problem solved hence. So the rest is for them to live peacefully. Even Lucca is a live, since she didn't get killed in Home (most likely).


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Re: Chrono Cross Resolutions Discussion
« Reply #22 on: June 17, 2006, 12:09:42 am »
As for Kid/Schala, All that's clear is that Schala adopted Kid's characteristics or vice versa, and Kid doesn't exist anymore due to my theory. Her continued existence in the unified timeline would make a plothole, and since I don't want her to just poof, I'll give her a happy ending by merging her with Schala to share in on the whole Transcendant Nirvana Godhood thing Schala has going on.
or, she could have just been given free regeign on herself as an completely independent being, and being so close to schala started the two to merge, but was later discarded by schala to keep kid as a single person, rather then a fusion that never wanted to be >.> just my two cents though.


  • Radical Dreamer (+2000)
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Re: Chrono Cross Resolutions Discussion
« Reply #23 on: June 17, 2006, 04:57:36 am »
Personally, maybe Kid merged back with Schala after Kid and Serge got married and lived a life. That picture looks pretty old, and Schala is still young even after all of that time. What? Has she become immortal aswell? The fact that she says "fleeting dreams go off into the distance, and all that i have left is me and my memories" kind of implies to me that she's been living a long time now, and all she has left of someone or something are the memories. Personally, I think her whole last journal entry refers to Janus. And that it's her turn to look for him.


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Re: Chrono Cross Resolutions Discussion
« Reply #24 on: June 21, 2006, 08:13:51 am »
General observation:It would be really helpful to have a reliable game script of CC at hand.This would give us a great chance to understand the plot.Does someone of you know a link/website wich have something like that?
C. Schala and Kid
I still don't get some statements:
1.Kid/Serge marriage:First, we don't even know exactly who the charachters on the portrait really,Second:how can we that is a marriage?There's not a single statement about a marriage in all the game.


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Re: Chrono Cross Resolutions Discussion
« Reply #25 on: June 21, 2006, 09:31:57 am »
General observation:It would be really helpful to have a reliable game script of CC at hand.This would give us a great chance to understand the plot.Does someone of you know a link/website wich have something like that?
C. Schala and Kid
I still don't get some statements:
1.Kid/Serge marriage:First, we don't even know exactly who the charachters on the portrait really,Second:how can we that is a marriage?There's not a single statement about a marriage in all the game.
that's indian wedding cloths, and the creators said they did.


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Re: Chrono Cross Resolutions Discussion
« Reply #26 on: June 21, 2006, 09:43:54 am »
General observation:It would be really helpful to have a reliable game script of CC at hand.This would give us a great chance to understand the plot.Does someone of you know a link/website wich have something like that?
This website has all the scripts from the series dumped straight from the ROMs and ISOs, on the Quick Reference page.


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Re: Chrono Cross Resolutions Discussion
« Reply #27 on: June 24, 2006, 12:06:15 pm »
I. The Ideal Timeline
A. Dimensional Unification
Let's try to settle this once and for all:which events of CC plot, in your opinion, will happen anyway after CC's ending, and why?

II. Character Fates
D. The Search for Serge
Let me try to summarize what happens after CC in this issue, according to some statements I've read around:
1)CC ends; Serge goes back to Opassa Beach in Home World to live a normal life with Leena;Kid and Schala merge and are sent into an unknown place in space and time;
2)Sometime/somehow/somewhere Serge and Kid/Schala meet again.They marry each other and live together;
3)Sometime Serge dies/is separated from Kid/Schala.Several years later the scene with the portrait and  the journal occurs, in wich Kid/Schala makes the entry in the journal remembering the days spent with Serge.
4)Kid/Schala decides to travel space and time to find Serge again (theory:she's not searching for Magus/Janus because she knows that he was always "behind the scene" during CC according to the speculations about Magus's shadow during Lucca's letter;it's also possible that the two met again between the events outlined above); the scene with Kid/Schala holding a pendant in a modern city occurs.
In my opinions, points 3) and 4) are quite weak:
3)What happens to Leena?Why Serge ends up marrying with Kid/Schala (...with Indian clothes!?)?When/how do they meet again?
4)Why Kid/Schala , after marrying and living with Serge decides to search for him again through space and time?
I'd really like to know the theories of you guys!!
P.S.:Thanks for the info.I knew already about the scripts, but I totally forgot... :(


  • Radical Dreamer (+2000)
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Re: Chrono Cross Resolutions Discussion
« Reply #28 on: June 24, 2006, 09:26:38 pm »
General observation:It would be really helpful to have a reliable game script of CC at hand.This would give us a great chance to understand the plot.Does someone of you know a link/website wich have something like that?
C. Schala and Kid
I still don't get some statements:
1.Kid/Serge marriage:First, we don't even know exactly who the charachters on the portrait really,Second:how can we that is a marriage?There's not a single statement about a marriage in all the game.
that's indian wedding cloths, and the creators said they did.
No, it's just a Wedding Dress that the character creators thought looked good, with Masatos imput.

Also, Masato didn't state that they got married. He said that the whole Serge and Kid thing was supposed to be a story like how Boy meet Girl, Girl meets Boy etc. etc. There was never any hint on marriage, but he said that their true journey would start after the end of the game. So I guess if thats true, it rules out the Schala/Kid merger, but Schala can go on her own adventure, as we see in the end, if Kid is left with Serge.


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Re: Chrono Cross Resolutions Discussion
« Reply #29 on: June 24, 2006, 10:23:18 pm »
Serge is dressed in an Indian wedding saris.

Emphasis on wedding.