I certainly prefer the loyal knight Frog over the overused badass outlaw Frog. Frog saying something like stupid bastard and etc. while shunning himself from the glory and honor, fighting against a god-like being in his friend's name and stuff reminds me too much of Kunio. (Not that he isn't a cool character. He's totally cool because he was the progenitor of the species.) The only possible problem with Woosley's creative translation would be themetic inconsistency, but I didn't find anything out of place while playing CT. Biblical allusions of Zeal came off to me as "whoa, that's like, totally aweso--Wait. omg, the Mammon Machine is an Angel!!" Kudos to Woosley for that. What he did, in my humble opinion, is a masterful feat...
However Frog being a badass neatly fits the identity change idea... Glenn used to be a spineless coward, however his physical change grotesquely twisted his mind--into a hot-blooded daredevil.... or something... Bleh.