
What's next for the Chrono Compendium?

Aggressive research and campaign to show support for and request Chrono Break
16 (37.2%)
Focus on Temporal Flux and rom hacking tutorials to make it accessible to regular fans
17 (39.5%)
Things like fanart / fanfiction contests based around the community
9 (20.9%)
Other (Please state what exactly by replying)
1 (2.3%)

Total Members Voted: 41

Voting closed: March 05, 2006, 05:17:00 pm

Author Topic: 3/18/06 - What's next for the Chrono Compendium?  (Read 8130 times)


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3/18/06 - What's next for the Chrono Compendium?
« Reply #15 on: March 06, 2006, 04:32:57 pm »
There is a Lucca`s porn alternative missing in that poll...


Burning Zeppelin

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3/18/06 - What's next for the Chrono Compendium?
« Reply #16 on: March 06, 2006, 04:52:25 pm »
Its coming man. Its coming.


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wikipedia entry
« Reply #17 on: March 07, 2006, 03:50:40 am »
This is probably the single BEST thing to do in terms of accomplishing the first option as to the issue of your "next big thing." So many people, even professors that I've had in the past, are refering others to wikipedia to introduce a new interest. Homestarrunner.com has a whole wikipedia to itself. There is no reason why, what with all the information on this website, the people who run this site should not be able to convince the wikipedia people (or whatever it takes to make one of those) to make a "CHRONO WIKI" or "CHRONO COMPENDIUM WIKI" or whatever would make sense.

In any case, I would cast my vote for this alternative.  Good luck!


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3/18/06 - What's next for the Chrono Compendium?
« Reply #18 on: March 07, 2006, 07:05:25 am »
Fanart/Fanfiction since there is no chance for CB by simply mustering out forces. Square Enix has turned into a money hungry corperation, and doesn't really care about their consumers anymore. Aslong as they're stupid enough to buy Dragon Quest XXXXX or FF XXXXX, they'll keep making them and ignore other stuff.


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3/18/06 - What's next for the Chrono Compendium?
« Reply #19 on: March 07, 2006, 07:28:51 am »
Quote from: Zaperking
Aslong as they're stupid enough to buy Dragon Quest XXXXX or FF XXXXX, they'll keep making them and ignore other stuff.

That's precisely the kind of statements that I think is non-sense. What's the problem with DQ and FF, Square and Enix have always produced new episodes for those 2 franchises, there's nothing different about this fact now than before (before what?). Why do you focus your critics on DQ and FF? How is Square Enix "ignoring other stuff" when it produced all the following games that aren't DQ and FF-related:

Grandia III
Star Ocean 3
Front Mission 4 and 5
Valkyrie Profile 2 and DS
Seiken Densetsu 4 and DS
Drakengard 1 and 2
Romancing SaGa Minstrel Song (even though we all know that the SaGa series is crap)
Musashi Samurai Legend
Radiata Stories
Itadaki Street whatever (even though this series is Japanese-only)


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3/18/06 - What's next for the Chrono Compendium?
« Reply #20 on: March 07, 2006, 02:05:33 pm »
Plus "ignoring" may be a good thing, in the long run.  Square-Enix is more than aware of how popular the Chrono Series is (moreso in the states, but whatever).  However, I don't want a new one every two years.  Dishing them out that fast would completly destroy the entire series.  However, tere is somewhat of a limit.  There's no news of a third game yet, and something this massive would take at LEAST 3 years after announcement of it.  So, its entirely possible that even IF we do get one, it won't be until about 10 years after Cross was released.


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3/18/06 - What's next for the Chrono Compendium?
« Reply #21 on: March 07, 2006, 02:15:00 pm »
Yes, this evil corporation talk is bogus. Fans want Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest, ESPECIALLY in Japan. So Square Enix dishes out Final Fantasy and DQ. To those games' fans, we are comparatively a minority.


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Site Emphasis
« Reply #22 on: March 10, 2006, 12:00:09 am »
Yeah, and there's really nothing "evil" about a corporation that's out to make money.  Sorry to burst any bubbles, but money is the bottom line, always has been the bottom line, and will always continue to be the bottom line.  When they made Chrono Trigger, believe it or not, they did it to make money.  That's the existence of a corporation for ya.  The sooner you can live with that reality, the more at peace ye shall be.  :D

Anyway, I think the focus of the Compendium should be the total revival of the series.  Look at the Novel Project and the CT Remake Petition and other great projects like these and tell me what you see.  Personally, I see efforts centered around the desire to revive this series and keep its legacy and story alive.

So, if you ask me what the emphasis should be on, it should be on whatever it takes to revive the series--not just with those of us who have stayed with it over the years, but also with those who have moved on to newer titles.


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Re: Site Emphasis
« Reply #23 on: March 10, 2006, 01:31:02 pm »
Quote from: ctnovelist
Yeah, and there's really nothing "evil" about a corporation that's out to make money.  Sorry to burst any bubbles, but money is the bottom line, always has been the bottom line, and will always continue to be the bottom line.  When they made Chrono Trigger, believe it or not, they did it to make money.  That's the existence of a corporation for ya.  The sooner you can live with that reality, the more at peace ye shall be.  :D

Sad but true...  :roll:


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3/18/06 - What's next for the Chrono Compendium?
« Reply #24 on: March 11, 2006, 12:00:54 am »
I think Square-Enix has enough on their hands. I highly doubt that we will ever get a Chrono Break. We've already been waiting for years for any word. To say that they don't listen to their fans is bogus. The Chrono community I would think isn't NEARLY as large as Final Fantasy communities. That's why there's so many FF games - because the fans like them more then Chrono.

The only way we can get a CB is to expand the community vastly. Right now, I'd like to see much more ROM hacking content. Tutorials would be wonderful. I think fan fiction and art is the second most important, followed by Chrono Break buisness. Wikipedia could certaintly help the community grow, too. :)


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3/18/06 - What's next for the Chrono Compendium?
« Reply #25 on: March 12, 2006, 05:44:49 am »
I believe we are going to see Chrono Break some day. They are releasing a lot of games that I'm sure they have smallest communities.


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3/18/06 - What's next for the Chrono Compendium?
« Reply #26 on: March 12, 2006, 01:18:35 pm »
Quote from: fxar99
They are releasing a lot of games that I'm sure they have smallest communities.

Yeah that's true as well...

I mean, by simply having "Chrono" on its name a new Chrono game would most likely sell more than like Drakengard, FMA and other today's SE titles....

So even if we keep a comercial-only view of the subject, still it would be good for SE...

And well, SE is likely to gather all it can in order to make the game not only a comercial one, but a success in all aspects and this way gaining a lot more money  :lol:

Burning Zeppelin

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3/18/06 - What's next for the Chrono Compendium?
« Reply #27 on: March 13, 2006, 03:41:23 am »
Quote from: VinceIP
I think Square-Enix has enough on their hands.

Umm, sorry about the ignorace...but what? Most of their games they can finish quickly, since it will definetely sell on name. Chrono, no matter what people think, is quite niche, due to the lack of Squeenix support. Well, I personally like it that way, and I hope that CB is the last of the Chronos.


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3/18/06 - What's next for the Chrono Compendium?
« Reply #28 on: March 13, 2006, 10:56:30 am »
if they even make CB

which I hope they do . . . they could do so much

i wish not to stir up rumors, but i heard something about the new Chrono game released on PS3

don't get me wrong, it's hard to believe . . . but i am not giving up hope

Burning Zeppelin

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3/18/06 - What's next for the Chrono Compendium?
« Reply #29 on: March 13, 2006, 04:19:39 pm »
Don't worry dude, I believe you! Oh, and bye the way *starts whispering* I heard, and you didn't hear this from me, that Square Enix are moving Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest to Xbox 360!