
What's next for the Chrono Compendium?

Aggressive research and campaign to show support for and request Chrono Break
16 (37.2%)
Focus on Temporal Flux and rom hacking tutorials to make it accessible to regular fans
17 (39.5%)
Things like fanart / fanfiction contests based around the community
9 (20.9%)
Other (Please state what exactly by replying)
1 (2.3%)

Total Members Voted: 41

Voting closed: March 05, 2006, 05:17:00 pm

Author Topic: 3/18/06 - What's next for the Chrono Compendium?  (Read 8129 times)


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3/18/06 - What's next for the Chrono Compendium?
« on: March 05, 2006, 05:17:00 pm »
What's next for the Chrono Compendium? The encyclopedia is done, affording the largest collection and indulgence of Chrono series information ever achieved. Similarly, analysis is also finished for six months, at the end of which a review shall take place and the theory section shall be updated. Now that these are out of the way, what ideas should the site pursue next?

Please note that some options already addressed and taken under review include

-Appearance update
-Spreading the news of the site and our completion

Also, when I say "regular fans" and Temporal Flux, I mean to speak of people who are interested in making a modification but otherwise do not have the time and drive to simply learn the program. Temporal Flux really isn't that hard, but tutorials might open it up to a wider range of fans.


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3/18/06 - What's next for the Chrono Compendium?
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2006, 06:20:33 pm »
A robust Rom Hacking community is the key to our success.


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3/18/06 - What's next for the Chrono Compendium?
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2006, 06:58:29 pm »
Everything we can do to expand and nurture the community. Fan art, fan fiction, rom hacking. We need to become the hub for fan projects.


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3/18/06 - What's next for the Chrono Compendium?
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2006, 07:39:40 pm »
Rom hacking all the way.

Also, it would be probably really difficult and slow to do but "bridging the gap" between the English and Japanese fandoms would be awesome. I bet the Japanese fans know a hell lot of things that we don't about the series. And they're the ones with 90% of all the fanarts... I guess it's just unfeasable though, there just aren't enough "spokemans" and bilinguals.


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3/18/06 - What's next for the Chrono Compendium?
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2006, 07:55:40 pm »
...well, I may be overgeneralizing here, but Japanse people on the Internet tend to transform into reactionary militarist who constantly whine about how US "disturbed Japan's isolationism" and how foreigners don't surrender their human rights to the superior Japanese race. (Example: 2ch.) Most of the encoutner between English-speaking fandoms and Japanese fandoms have led to "omgwtf English!! That must be American, because only Americans are people that matter who speak English!!!1 GTFO WARMONGERERS JAPANESE ONLY."

I know this may not be true to every Japanese people, but records and expriences tell me this is very, very likely. Some people might have a good reason to not like foreigners on their websites (such as bandwidth and etc.) but I don't think most of those people have a good reason >_>.

Apologies if this post offended you... but this is a sad reality for now.


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3/18/06 - What's next for the Chrono Compendium?
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2006, 08:16:41 pm »
I did fanart and whatnot, because I like seeing other people's interpretations of various things.

Although, I think the main page should be remade.  Everything could be a hell of a lot easier to navigate through, right now it seems to be too much of a random mess.


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3/18/06 - What's next for the Chrono Compendium?
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2006, 09:38:45 pm »
Yeah, that's in progress right now.

I can probably compose more Temporal Flux tutorials that will cover easy stuff. I an incapable of writing one on making a Gate, however; perhaps DivineDragoonKain can help with that.

I think the Chrono Break option can become a possibility once we have a definitive, large increase in popularity. It'd be better to start a campaign with thousands ready to help rather than try to keep it going right now.


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Re: 3/18/06 - What's next for the Chrono Compendium?
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2006, 11:07:49 pm »
Quote from: ZeaLitY

Also, when I say "regular fans" and Temporal Flux, I mean to speak of people who are interested in making a modification but otherwise do not have the time and drive to simply learn the program. Temporal Flux really isn't that hard, but tutorials might open it up to a wider range of fans.

I would like to see some Temporal Flux stuff and some rom hackz.   I have some ideas that I would like to put in the game, but I do not know where to start.


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3/18/06 - What's next for the Chrono Compendium?
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2006, 03:36:03 am »
Quote from: sssssz
...well, I may be overgeneralizing here, but Japanse people on the Internet tend to transform into reactionary militarist who constantly whine about how US "disturbed Japan's isolationism" and how foreigners don't surrender their human rights to the superior Japanese race. (Example: 2ch.) Most of the encoutner between English-speaking fandoms and Japanese fandoms have led to "omgwtf English!! That must be American, because only Americans are people that matter who speak English!!!1 GTFO WARMONGERERS JAPANESE ONLY."

I know this may not be true to every Japanese people, but records and expriences tell me this is very, very likely. Some people might have a good reason to not like foreigners on their websites (such as bandwidth and etc.) but I don't think most of those people have a good reason >_>.

Apologies if this post offended you... but this is a sad reality for now.

No offense taken (I'm French so...). I was thinking something like that anyway, since there must be a reason how no experience was successful in 10 years.

Burning Zeppelin

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3/18/06 - What's next for the Chrono Compendium?
« Reply #9 on: March 06, 2006, 05:03:00 am »
We need a military coup. Yeah. A coup. A military coup. We'll take over Square. Yeah. Square Enix. Then we'll *makes chopping actions* hack into the rom, and we'll do, um, do crazy, no CRAZY STUFF with the rom.

Nah, seriously, more community work. Fan art, fanfics (oh god, no more Lucca/Marle lemons, please!) fanmusic and home made swords. And even MORE analysis.


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3/18/06 - What's next for the Chrono Compendium?
« Reply #10 on: March 06, 2006, 05:42:45 am »
Chrono Break is the best I can think of.


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3/18/06 - What's next for the Chrono Compendium?
« Reply #11 on: March 06, 2006, 05:51:59 am »
I think tutorials would be great for TF but also simple explanations of what everything is and what those things can do.  Just looking at it and trying to understand what everything does is kind of confusing for me since I don't have any background with anything like that.

Another problem I have is a lack of ideas.  Maybe a short list of ideas that would be cool but also semi easy for the newer TF users.

Perhaps a program with all the information we've gotten so far would be useful?


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3/18/06 - What's next for the Chrono Compendium?
« Reply #12 on: March 06, 2006, 11:17:40 am »
About the foreign community stuff:
Since most members of these fanbases are still kids(in their behavior), there will always be these kind of experience. It's all because of this childish prejudices, but there is nearly no way to prevent them except thinking.
 But there are also many people who want to share the game with other people, and some, for example me, find nearly no fora or whatever else in their mother language, so they try looking for some in "more popular" languages(with success, as you see).
I bet there are many Japanese fans who would want to work with an english community, but it's not always possible.

As for the topic, why just working in one part? I mean the people skilled with TF can make more TF Tutorials(maybe easier ones), and some may take the fanstuff section or whatever.
Giving people a bigger range of possibilities makes them want to be part of the community, but even without this range, who doesn't want to be?


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3/18/06 - What's next for the Chrono Compendium?
« Reply #13 on: March 06, 2006, 01:26:31 pm »
I voted TF and rom hacking (mwaha!), but I would love to see Fanart/Fanfiction contests also! As stated in other replys, the Chrono Break idea is good, but I doubt this site, at it's present size, is big enough for such an endevour quite yet. Perhaps when we've amassed zee hoards! :evil:

Burning Zeppelin

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3/18/06 - What's next for the Chrono Compendium?
« Reply #14 on: March 06, 2006, 03:51:07 pm »
I think we need a Wikipedia entry. I can't believe we don't even have one yet!