Author Topic: The Amalgamated Weapons, Techs, Items, and Enemies Thread  (Read 16357 times)


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Re: The Amalgamated Weapons, Techs, Items, and Enemies Thread
« Reply #15 on: November 30, 2006, 12:33:32 pm »
Glenn (10) - room for a few more, and a joke one.

Weren’t there more listed before? Hmm... I suppose not. Anyway, this is good, except I’m not sure which way the ‘penultimate/ultimate’ is structured.

ArmingEdge (Start)
Gilt Sword
PaxGuardia (Penultimate)
Maximus (Ultimate, PaxGuardia EX)
Masamune (Super-ultimate)

I have two names for Glenn, Nirvana and Grandleon(or Grandlion)

Daniel Krispin

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Re: The Amalgamated Weapons, Techs, Items, and Enemies Thread
« Reply #16 on: December 01, 2006, 05:40:33 pm »
Okay, now. So I’ve heard there are 66 open weapons slots aside from Ayla’s fists. That means 11 for each character. I suppose we don’t really need joke weapons, so we can cut those right now. I’ll look over the list now and set the weapons into a more finalized 11 for each. That’s a starting weapon, a penultimate, an ultimate, and 8 others. The order, however, will be pliable to account for the eras. So, the ‘finalized’ weapons lists... and armour and helms. By the way, red is still unnamed, blue is something I've changed since before (as in a name, not mere order). Oh, and green is for the ones ZeaLitY just thought of.


11 for each character (9 normal; 1 penultimate; 1 ultimate)
1 Extra

Lead Sword (Start)
Jade Hilt
Truesilver Extra Speed like a swallow (Truesilver is, after all, Mithril, which is very light)
Geistrand Extra damage to magic enemies (much like the DemonHit)
Arco Iris (Penultimate)
Ara Dei (Ultimate; Arco Iris EX)

Changes... I took out Khrusaor. That wasn’t really neccessary anyway. I didn’t like BurningCut either. Personally, I’m not a fan of all the Japanese names, but they’re staying anyway. However, as one more name needed to be cut I chose Onibocho. The others all remain.

Flintlock (Start)
AtashBlast (Penultimate)
Sunspot (Ultimate; AtashBlast EX)

Nothing changed here save for if you need to alter the order.

YewBow (Start)
Ivory Bow
Belly Shot
Fay Arrow
Parthian Increases evasion.
Alkanost (Penultimate)
Naveed (Ultimate; Alkanost EX)

Marle was rather unrepresented. I had to add a weapon, and changed some others about. Ice Pierce I replaced with Hoarfrost, for one. Naveed is a beautiful name, but I didn’t like the Valhalla before, nor do I like the Freya I changed it to. As such, Naveed is now the ultimate, and Alkanost the second. That required two other middle weapons. Belly shot, alluding to how certain crossbows were used; and Parthian, the desert archers who were Rome’s nemesis.

Strainer (Start)
Impax (Penultimate)
Imperator (Ultimate; Impax EX)

Robo worked through and through, but needed one more arm. I thought Goldfinger might be kind of funny.

ArmingEdge (Start)
Gilt Sword
Grandleon Nightmare's suggestion.
PaxGuardia (Penultimate)
Maximus (Ultimate, PaxGuardia EX)
Masamune (Super-ultimate)

In addition to needing one more name, certain ones for Glenn were... not that great. I removed DwarfSword and instead added Grandleon. Also, I added Stinger - alluding to ‘Sting’ in the Hobbit - as an early sword. Thus there are 11 swords. Though one less intermediate than the others, because of the Masamune.

Erebos (Start)
Totentanz (Penultimate) Found with the Furies.
Kronian (Ultimate, Totentanz EX)

The only problem was DoomSickle. That was from Trigger. So I removed it, and put ‘Erebos’ there instead. I also played around with the order (I figured Beguile should be nearer the end). I did leave one weapon out, however - his total only comes to 10 - as Janus classically should have less weapons. This means we can still implement a joke like the broom or something for one of the characters, if we wish.


As it’s set up...
12 General,
4 Male
4 Female
4 Elemental
7 Ultimate
1 Defends-against-all


Lamellar X (lamellar scales are those like on ancient armour)
LodeArmor (I'd have taken shield, but since these are all pieces of armour)

Here there were the greatest problems, I think. The names weren’t really compelling, so I tried to do better. If you have any issues, tell me. Okay, I added Brigandine. Added Dendron, LamellarX. And I kept ForceField, DreamGuard, PrismGuard, and Eidolon. That made the total 7, needing 3 more.



Hmmm... HeatPlate? Demonhide? ShogunSuit is good, to be sure, but I figured the others needed changing.


Gaia Heart

Sure, these are good.


Cyan Cover

I liked these, and didn’t change a bit.


Crono - JeetKuneDo
Marle - Camilline
Lucca - Electra
Robo - Spark Suit
Glenn - CrestPlate
Ayla - NemeanHide
Magus - CrimseHood

I changed Ayla’s LifeSarong to NemeanHide. A hide fits Ayla very well... and can’t you just see her outfitted in Herakles’ lion-skin? LifeSarong can be an accessory, like the Sarongs were in Cross.


(Still Unnamed)


From the counting, I figured we had what, 24 total slots for helmets? Here’s how it’s split up now:
13 General
2 Male
2 Female
7 Ultimate


Skull Cap
WingedHelm (prevents slow and stop)
Aidoneus (evasion)
MedeaCrown (inflicts berserk)
HermesCap (automatic haste)
Pearl Cap
Uncle Fez (new Ozzie pants?)

Okay, removed Numitor as it’s now a weapon for Janus. Made the helm for berserk ‘MedeaCrown.’ Added TopEnd.



Removed Lion Head in favour of it being Ayla’s.



This is fine.


Crono - Lee Band (this one’s for you, ZeaLitY: isn’t that character from Naruto called Rock Lee?)
Marle - Scythian (not too sure on this one...)
Lucca - MadScience
Glenn - Oneiros
Robo - Funnel X17 (hey, why not?)
Ayla - Lion Head
Magus - Guile Mask

So, what do you think? A few things still missing, but it's getting there.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2006, 07:42:05 pm by Daniel Krispin »


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Re: The Amalgamated Weapons, Techs, Items, and Enemies Thread
« Reply #17 on: December 01, 2006, 06:52:31 pm »
General armor suggestions:

Aeon Vest
Golem Skin
Cabrakan (Mayan god of earthquakes)
Nacon Cape (Mayan god of war)
XocotlSuit (Aztec star / fire god)
LodeShield (right from Chrono Trigger)

Male perhaps:

EnkiduHide (okay, can't get much more male than Enkidu)


For some backstory, the two pieces of the ultimate armor come from the Entity dungeon and the Khrusaor. The Entity's gift is luminous but there's simply not enough of it; some foundation substance has to be applied. That's where the Khrusaor's initially-worthless shell splinter comes in. Melchior will combine the two with Rainbow Shell to create...

Well, that's the issue. I want it to be something unbelievable. Otherworldly, even. Something indisputably on top.


And for Glenn's helm...


Daniel Krispin

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Re: The Amalgamated Weapons, Techs, Items, and Enemies Thread
« Reply #18 on: December 01, 2006, 07:35:14 pm »
General armor suggestions:

Aeon Vest
Golem Skin
Cabrakan (Mayan god of earthquakes)
Nacon Cape (Mayan god of war)
XocotlSuit (Aztec star / fire god)
LodeShield (right from Chrono Trigger)

Male perhaps:

EnkiduHide (okay, can't get much more male than Enkidu)


For some backstory, the two pieces of the ultimate armor come from the Entity dungeon and the Khrusaor. The Entity's gift is luminous but there's simply not enough of it; some foundation substance has to be applied. That's where the Khrusaor's initially-worthless shell splinter comes in. Melchior will combine the two with Rainbow Shell to create...

Well, that's the issue. I want it to be something unbelievable. Otherworldly, even. Something indisputably on top.


And for Glenn's helm...


Those are some bloody good names. I'll see to editing that last post.
As for the ultimate... well, Ouranos in myth has this overtone of being overthrown. The reason the Titans are called the Titans is because that's what Ouranos called them: the Stretchers, because they over-stretched their power, and overthrew him. Anyway, Ouranos is not an original god in Greek myth anyway. The four first are Chaos, Tartaros, Gaia, and Eros, of whom Chaos is first of all. I guess you could then call it ChaosCloak (or KhaosCloak if you want a more direct transliteration, and a bit different spelling.) Another idea might be something with Chrono. Ie. ChronoVest (or even Time Shell or something like that.) Or heck, because it does everything, call it Compendium. Heh. So those are my ideas: KhaosCloak; ChronoVest; Time Shell; and Compendium.


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Re: The Amalgamated Weapons, Techs, Items, and Enemies Thread
« Reply #19 on: December 01, 2006, 08:00:47 pm »
Aha, Compendium might give us that bad sense of arrogance; it's tempting...

At the moment, I'm debating between Time Shell and KhaosCloak. Khaos looks like Khrusaor, and cloak isn't used anywhere else. implies a smidgeon of negativity. Time Shell is impartial, just like time itself.

Guess we should name their components parts. For the Khrusaor:

Khaos Pace (Khaos Carapace)

For the Entity miracle:


I'll stop there. Dreamweave works incredibly well. The planet dreams and the weave implies that it isn't quite a full suit of armor yet.


Do we want to rename any of the accessories? I don't think we need to, considering we can't really modify their traits...
« Last Edit: December 01, 2006, 08:29:13 pm by ZeaLitY »


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Re: The Amalgamated Weapons, Techs, Items, and Enemies Thread
« Reply #20 on: December 01, 2006, 11:17:48 pm »
I've finished . I made a major effort to space weapons and armor out appropriately. Here are pressing problems:


Chapter 21

    * 1 FarShooter, 1 FreeRdical, 1 DeathGrip, and 1 Beguile provided by Melchior

This seems a little excessive. It's because I had too many weapons by the time the sidequests arrived. So we have an option for players:

1. Assume they won't bother doing the sidequests and dole these weapons out like this
2. Put them in 11998 B.C., Entity dungeon, or DBT dungeon, where players who DID do the sidequests won't have much use for them


Lastly, the time has come to plan the ultimate armor. Starting with sidequests in chapter 21, we need to hand out these items. We also have an interesting situation with Glenn. If he gets the PaxGuardia, it'll become the Maximus when Melchior upgrades everything before the DBT. But...where can the Masamune come in?

Remaining items:



    * PaxGuardia (Penultimate)
    * Maximus (Ultimate, PaxGuardia EX)
    * Masamune (Super-ultimate)



    * Crono - JeetKuneDo
    * Marle - Camilline
    * Lucca - Electra
    * Robo - Spark Suit
    * Glenn - CrestPlate
    * Ayla - NemeanHide
    * Magus - CrimseHood



    * Crono - Lee Band
    * Marle - Scythian (not too sure on this one...)
    * Lucca - MadScience
    * Glenn - Oneiros
    * Robo - Funnel X17 (hey, why not?)
    * Ayla - Lion Head
    * Magus - Guile Mask


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Re: The Amalgamated Weapons, Techs, Items, and Enemies Thread
« Reply #21 on: December 01, 2006, 11:28:44 pm »
Why don't we have Glenn's ultimate armour be called CyrusPlate or CyrusMail? It could be sentimental in a way.

Daniel Krispin

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Re: The Amalgamated Weapons, Techs, Items, and Enemies Thread
« Reply #22 on: December 02, 2006, 04:23:58 pm »
Okay, it looks like all the names are chosen. Hmmm... should I try and do drawings for these?


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Re: The Amalgamated Weapons, Techs, Items, and Enemies Thread
« Reply #23 on: December 02, 2006, 05:53:25 pm »
The question is always, "what is to be gained?" At most, a handful of fans will look at them out of sheer curiosity, and they'll take up a couple pages on the giant Crimson Echoes feature. But if that sounds a bit mediocre and isn't worth the effort, then it simply isn't worth the effort.

But we do have a need for something grander -- a full, colored drawing of all the heroes. That would be very tough, but it has been one of my goals. If you would ever be up for that, I think we could go about it by first drawing their ultimate equipment (weapon and armor; no helmet unless it is a headband since it will obscure the characters) and then dressing a full drawing of the heroes in them. I've always wanted to see Crono equipped in the Moon Armor or something like that, but here we have the chance to create our own armor. The image would be used in promotional posts and things like that.

But this is a colossal task, especially if the characters are too look perfect .It'd be something requiring many hours. Still, someone is going to end up doing it by release, so if you have the time it is yours.


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Re: The Amalgamated Weapons, Techs, Items, and Enemies Thread
« Reply #24 on: December 02, 2006, 05:56:16 pm »

Daniel Krispin

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Re: The Amalgamated Weapons, Techs, Items, and Enemies Thread
« Reply #25 on: December 02, 2006, 07:13:23 pm »
The question is always, "what is to be gained?" At most, a handful of fans will look at them out of sheer curiosity, and they'll take up a couple pages on the giant Crimson Echoes feature. But if that sounds a bit mediocre and isn't worth the effort, then it simply isn't worth the effort.

But we do have a need for something grander -- a full, colored drawing of all the heroes. That would be very tough, but it has been one of my goals. If you would ever be up for that, I think we could go about it by first drawing their ultimate equipment (weapon and armor; no helmet unless it is a headband since it will obscure the characters) and then dressing a full drawing of the heroes in them. I've always wanted to see Crono equipped in the Moon Armor or something like that, but here we have the chance to create our own armor. The image would be used in promotional posts and things like that.

But this is a colossal task, especially if the characters are too look perfect .It'd be something requiring many hours. Still, someone is going to end up doing it by release, so if you have the time it is yours.

Yeah, you're right. I might try drawing a few weapons just for the fun of it (for my own sake), but I know what you mean - it really has not direct meaning or application to the project.

And as for larger drawings... well, I'm not good enough an artist for that. I can draw, to be sure, but my hand isn't natural enough at it, most especially in an anime style - the drawings I've done in recent years have been of a more realistic type, like in my sig. I might be able to draw them, but I wouldn't be able to naturally pose them. See my recent drawing of the Three Gurus as an example of what I mean. However, there are lots of others who are very good anime artists that you could recruit from the forums - or, maybe, you could ask CuteLucca. She's probably the best CT artist I've ever seen.

And nightmare seems to be coming down with the touch of a cold.


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Re: The Amalgamated Weapons, Techs, Items, and Enemies Thread
« Reply #26 on: December 02, 2006, 07:37:47 pm »
Okay; per his suggestion, we can ask grey_the_angel or saridon.

But in light of that, then hell yes, feel free to draw the perfect armor, weapons, helmets, or anything else that catches your fancy. We can use any and all of it for concept art. Someone needs to go grab the other pictures you made from the plot thread, though if you have them all hosted on some kind of webspace, you probably know where they are anyhow.

Oh, and all you who haven't, you should reply to now that things are total back on track and rocking out. Well, they won't be *totally* back until we can catch up with our previous position on the new TF with a new ROM and plot, but we've got more promise for the project now than we've had in a long time.


I've been thinking that we can make three helmets and maybe one piece of armor the award for the museum quest. I'll make another post.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2006, 07:39:31 pm by ZeaLitY »


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Re: The Amalgamated Weapons, Techs, Items, and Enemies Thread
« Reply #27 on: December 02, 2006, 08:07:45 pm »
Glenn idea:

He can still get the PaxGuardia on the heirlooms quest, and he can even get the Maximus. But I'm going to have Melchior tell him during that upgrade sequence that despite his reservations, Melchior still trusts Glenn to wield the Masamune, and that he's sure that King Guardia XXI would give it to him. The player has the option of going to 602 A.D. and getting it, which will start a scene exactly like the one of Cyrus's departure from the castle in 590 A.D. Glenn will then go to this:

And after a couple comments, whatever characters came with him in the active party will go next to him and stare like him (though Magus will keep a sort of distance). We can even throw in the Knight Captain, who leaves before the party members arrives or even stays. This is a good extra scene to prepare for the DBT. Glenn then takes the Masamune to Melchior, who enhances it with Rainbow.


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Re: The Amalgamated Weapons, Techs, Items, and Enemies Thread
« Reply #28 on: December 02, 2006, 08:15:52 pm »
For all 14 remaining ultimate items, we have a choice:

1. Melchior provides them
2. Museum / Sidequests provide them
3. In the vein of Glenn, trips to visit home / friends before stepping to the DBT provide them
4. A mix of the above

For instance, in number 3, Crono would go back home, view a picture of his father, and think of how his father taught him much about combat and living life to the fullest before passing away. He then takes out his father's old JeetKuneDo and Lee Band. Glenn already has a visit to Guardia Castle for the Masamune, so he'd pick up the CyrusPlate and Oneiros there as well.

Number three is awfully attractive for throwing even MORE character development in, but all in all we already have sufficient character deveopment and if 3 disrupts the pace of the game, we can settle for Melchior / Museum rewards. But I need input.


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Re: The Amalgamated Weapons, Techs, Items, and Enemies Thread
« Reply #29 on: December 02, 2006, 08:21:26 pm »
I'd say 2&3. They need to be earned, not given.