Damn it, I love it how you reply GreenGannon. You're like the only person who ever replies to everything that I say ^^
That's just how I do things. I think my reasoning has something to do with making sure everything's accounted for and addressed.
Or something.
Alright. Just a few points that i'd like to make.
Fire away.
Wazuki, from the game script, had his mind corrupted by the flame. Something about him seeing Serge die made him maddened and then FATE took the opportunity to take his body and use it as a remote part of itself because his soul was detered or something.
Well, since we have the script here on the Compendium, I think it's a shame if we don't use it. Pulling up all "Wazuki" references...
I don't know how to break
this to you, but...
Lynx was actually your
father, Wazuki!
Drawing closer to the Flame
caused him to become unstable,
and the image of you dying in
terror changed him completely!
Finally, after having his
psyche totally eroded,
he lost his soul and was
easily integrated by FATE...
FATE turned Wazuki into a
biological interface, modelling
him after your worst fear at
the time -- a panther.
Although Wazuki managed to
escape from Chronopolis with
you, he later completely
succumbed to FATE. Humans are such fragile,
disjointed, imperfect things.
Love and hate...
Life and death...
OK, fair point. My only response to this would be that perhaps, part of the flame's effect is that people see their inner demons or their worst fears reflected in it. While having limited support, I'd like to believe it since I figure it would add so much more emotional strength to the concept of Serge's crew being able to face their demons in contrast to how Wazuki succumbed to his.
Bah, mere ramblings! Let's move on.
One thing about Home world that I think is that Lynx never killed Lucca there. He can't get her to cross dimensions, he can't really do anything. So whatever Lynx did (which involved tricking the Acacia Dragoons to go to the Dead Sea), he did not kill Lucca, since they tried in Another and it got them no where.
I don't really understand Lynx's role in Home world other than that he failed to kill Serge.
And a thing about Serge. The game implies that he is powerful because the dimensions split for him, which means he's important to time. As the game is about free will, whatever his choice is, he will decide whether the time devourer matures or is destroyed.
Right, but I don't think that's directly related to him and the flame. I can't promise that this will be easy to follow, so try and bear with me.
Serge comes into contact with the flame and Prometheus does his little thing. Since FATE can't access it, it decides to kill Serge--though that apparently doesn't seem to do anything--Kid travels back in time and saves him in such a way that the dimensions split, and through the course of events, the Prometheus circuit is unlocked. Now Serge isn't special because only he can access the flame. It's pretty open now. But he is still a special case. The damage has been done and he's still the missing piece regardless.
As for The Dragon God, there is nothing in the game that says that they were affected by the TD. The only thing that happened was that upon being sealed by the Flame, Lavos was able to drain their power, and the only thing that they had left was their projections. They still operate for the planet, wanting to help it get rid of the humans, which they think is the problem. Without Harle, I doubt they'd have a physical presence in the dimension.
I believe this was addressed with the whole
OMG! ITS NAME IS THE TIEM DEVOURER + Kato supervised the translation = OMGWTFBBQ?
...I never was all that great at math.