I've always wondered... say all the polar ice caps and all were to melt, what would be the rise in sea-level? I mean, it certainly will not be the sort of catastrophe as in a movie like Waterworld, of course, but what's the worst-case scenario of sea-level rise? Just curious.
Now, of course global warming's a fact - both natural and artifical are contributing to it. Right now, I'm living in a place that bases it's economy on fossil fuels, and I'm not totally happy with it. For one, it's non-renewable, and some time down the road, years or decades, it's going to be gone, and this area's going to go from wealthy enough to hand out properity cheques to its people, to poor, in a matter of months. But secondly, it's for this very reason: our prosperity is based on something that is rather damaging. Yet another reason I don't really want much to do with my Engineering, and especially not with anything in the fossil fuels industry.
Now, about the fossil fuels, the most annoying thing is that we ship half of ours down to the US. What? Why? WE are the ones who need it. How many states (save Alaska) have an average annual temperature of 4 degrees Celsius. Californians aren't going to freeze to death if they lost their power - we here can when it drops down to 40 C below... and it does! As such, we need those fossil fuels for the time being, but they're being shipped to the US! Anyway, that's a side-rant. The point is, fossil fuels are helpful, and they've led to the wealth here... but it's had its cost as well. The sooner we can do something else (say, self-sufficient homes) switch to it. It's not worth the cost. It may be late, but late's better than never as they say.
Oh, and about Global Warming in particular... it's not just the warm weather that's the problem. It's just messed up weather. It didn't snow this year until February here. It was hovering around 0C. January is high winter, and our average was what, 10C higher than usual, with far less snow? That can't be good. Messing with weather patterns... not a good idea. So I'll vote for it being a problem.