Of course the idea of every action has a reaction (hereafter known as eahar) is true. I believe in Fate, true, but Fate just ends with what I chose, and what the consequence was, so it doesn't effect this. Oh, and its not the Butterfly Effect, that is something slightly different, to do with the Chaos Theory. The Butterfly Effect is more of this "small thing, big attitude" thingy. Anyway, the EAHAR is obviously true. TRUE STORY TIME: Friend of a friend of mine lives in London. She was going to work, and she has something in her eye. She missed her bus. When she caught the later bus, she saw that something was wrong. Guess what? That bus was bombed!
And about the CT universe, if you put it into the context as a real universe, I wouldn't see why it wouldn't be true. But if you put it in game sense...I dont think freedom elastic storyline (as seen in Farenheit) was around then