Daniel-Sorry didn't see your post up there. Here's how I found it, it's located in a bad spot.
If you open up Temporal Flux and then the ROM that you want.
Click Window and Locations to open up locations to edit.
In the upper left you choose which location you want change it to {144} (where we fight Dalton)
Dalton's Speech can be found under Object 5 and then Arbitrary 9. (I click the collapse all button)
You'll see the text box, you can highlight it and then edit the text on the left side.
Now Make sure you don't put to much on oine before you hit enter and after four lines you have to put {full break} at the end of the line. Hopefully it's not mixed up tiles now.
Well, I found the place, to be sure... but weird things are still happening. Firstly, for the dialogue all it says is Textbox(Persona,l "") with nothing in there. When I tried to find the right string to which it references, I can't quite find it. As a matter of fact, all the strings that appear to have been changed from the original appear as gibberish mangling of letters. Say, 05 under Locations: rogYighheof the{value 8}'sescat t{stop}
{Marle}{value 32}{stop}
rea{value 8}e s{instant page break}
ucenenhenghe{Ayla}ououheg{stop line break}
Yndneto{PC1}{"2}{instant page line break}
esome9{instant page break}
n th{Marle}{stop}
thie th{page break}
edngouhee t{delay 47}{instant page break}
Q'sightndhisn'tmerod t{PC3}ee{stop}
as{Epoch}s th'sndi{stop line break}
{Magus}ver{Magus}{PC1}{instant page break}
{instant page line break}
e thiscarohere{instant page break}
ne{stop line break}
{Magus}{stop line break}
{full break}
{CronoNick}hinerbe: Thro{instant page break}
Q.{value 8}{value 8}{null}
Anything that looks to be changed essentially has that level of order, as though my computer can't read the code in the same way, or some such strange thing.