Author Topic: Suggestions for 3rd Chpt of Magus fanfic "Magness"  (Read 3987 times)


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Suggestions for 3rd Chpt of Magus fanfic "Magness"
« on: February 23, 2004, 11:03:48 pm »
Okay, hopefully if you're reading this, you've already read either the first and/or the second chpts of my fanfic. If you haven't...I'm...not going to post them here...sorry. Seems like that'd get too long in the long run. Check out the Chpt 2 Suggestion Help thread if you want just the first chpt. The 3rd chpt is in the Submission section now w/the first in my fanfic thread.

I CAN give you a lowdown though. I don't guarantee it being spoiler free either, in fact I advize anyone who actually would want to read my fic to not read my synopsis beforehand.

Magus has so far gone through time in search of his sister. He wound up in the future. He was knocked out upon arrival and found himself in a cell. He got out, searched through the premisis and found that the people of the future would be searching for him due to his violations of their laws because of his time traveling & such. During this time, he meets the current Prometheus circut, now similarly integrated into a major computer system ala FATE from CC, and it tells him where he can find a Time Egg, although he states that it is disfunctional, with Lucca Ashtear some time after 1000A.D. He thusly uses a time machine that's supposed to only be used by robots to find this Time Egg.

Ok, so I've so far in the 3rd chpt made the time machine split part of his personality (or possibly a new part) from his body which flees him. I don't know what I want to do w/this, probably make it either into a corperal being itself or possess someone else. I also gave him two sickles instead of the scythe, although it made for a boring little paragraph. I have made him appear in Feona's Forest as well. He is currently near Zenan Bridge where he sees loads of people going towards Guardia (i think I want another festival to be happening).

I also explain some Lucca stuff in the beginning and add that there IS a Kid in this timeline, but that the orphanage didn't burn down, but only had a brief instance where it COULD have if Lucca wasn't there. Lynx & Harle are not involved though. Lucca is also in her 30s, which I think of as mid-life for these people since they live in the past by so much...although i'm sure she could outlast plenty...

I don't plan on making this Lucca travel w/Magus. She is definately out of it adventure-wise. I plan on making the Time Egg disfunction and throw Magus somewhere else...

Although, currently what I need...Magus is by the bridge, inside a forest...although as I write this, I realize there's a town between the forest and the bridge, isn't there? Well, he's by something in the forest still and someone is sneaking up on him. It could be numerous people: a simple pick-pocket, a robot from the future that's after him, one of the "Temporal Enforcers" that I hint at in the 2nd chpt, Kid, or someone else. I currently have written that it's Kid, although I really don't like the idea and am very much up for suggestions on what/who it should be. Hell, it could be something as simple as a monster for all I care...Wadda ya think????

Daniel Krispin

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Suggestions for 3rd Chpt of Magus fanfic "Magness"
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2004, 09:58:55 pm »
Ah, let's see...this is kind of hard. I'm a little too used to writing in my CT world which is purely mideaval and fantasy, so I'm trying to get myself a little out of that headspace and remember that Guardia ca. 1000 has teleporters and clocks and such. I've only read the first chapter so far, so I kind of relied on the synopsis for the second.
So...where is this? Feona's forest? That seems a little ways away from the Zenan bridge, I should think. By my reckoning, in a realistic sense, wouldn't that be at least 2 days walk? Nevermind. Let's see... well, I believe that making it the enforcers from the future may work pretty well. It would confirm his fears, and set up somewhat of a chase that I think you said will continue throughout much of the story (right? You did say the enforcers are trying to hunt him down, right?). Perhaps this time he easily slips away from them, but knows that he will need to be cautious in the future. Such a thing would set up the element of constant peril that he is in. Personally I would make it someone from Guardia; I'd make it a knight errant type out in search of quests (in the old Aurthurian tradition of questing knights), but that's just my own style, I think. No other fanfic I have ever seen lends itself to such mideval styles.
The split in Magus. Ah, interesting thing. I do something vaguely like that in one segment of my story (though in this case it is a spell of Magus' done to Schala). I make it corporeal being, explaining it as being an Egyptian trick (the Egyptians had a very interesting idea of there being a "double" to a person's body.) A reference to the ancient mythology I love so much. Anyway, in this case it is the time machine that does it. The time machine has transported not only his spirit, but his body as well. Therefore I see no reason that only his spirit should be split. I rather think that it should be a second of him, though be careful how you use such a thing; it could get very difficult to have two Magus', and it may get tiring to have to explain to every new person that there are now two of them. Hmmm...maybe he becomes a decoy to the enforcers for the real Magus, at one point? Just an idea.
Let's see...Time Egg malfunctioning? Good idea. Remember, though, that the Time Egg is never portrayed as a device as such. It is more of a mystical artifact that has always changed things for the better. I think, therefore, you should make it that, while Magus doesn't go to where he intends, it is where he is meant to go. You could make that apparent later.
Just remember this: there are thousands of fanfics out there. There are five hundred on alone. This means that a LOT of things have been done before...not just once, but a dozen times. The trick is to do something new that has never been done before. I myself have done so in giving it a very fantasy/midieaval feel (attempting as much as I could to add some elements of the style of LOTR), and removing near all that was scientific. Even Lavos is changed; I consider him a Dark Lord, a tyrant come from the stars to expand his kingdom. I have rarely seen either done, and neither, especially not the last, done to the extent that I do. This is my own stab at originallity in a very written-out field. I think at times I may vary so far that it might lose sight of the source...but I guess that is the trade-off. Anyway, just an admonishment. Keep writing.


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Suggestions for 3rd Chpt of Magus fanfic "Magness"
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2004, 05:55:46 am »
Please pay no mind to me quoting so much...It just makes it easier on me to type replies out (especially when I'm dealing w/long posts).

I've only read the first chapter so far, so I kind of relied on the synopsis for the second.

aw poop, I think it's just you and Zeality that have read just the first chpt...

So...where is this? Feona's forest? That seems a little ways away from the Zenan bridge, I should think. By my reckoning, in a realistic sense, wouldn't that be at least 2 days walk?

I believe that making it the enforcers from the future may work pretty well. It would confirm his fears, and set up somewhat of a chase that I think you said will continue throughout much of the story (right? You did say the enforcers are trying to hunt him down, right?). Perhaps this time he easily slips away from them, but knows that he will need to be cautious in the future. Such a thing would set up the element of constant peril that he is in.

This is one of the things I originally had in mind...Although it just seems too obvious...I want some surprise to it...I've currently started to write a version w/Kid which has quickly gone mostly to the trash...and a version where it's actually a slightly older Mel. I did this because so far in it I hinted that there are pick-pockets about and I figured it's a place where we could find her. I also want him to kill her, but I may hold back depending on how far I go with it. I think that he fights her, causes a big scene (big explosion or magic or both or something), and maybe then the enforcers come in, making him further realize that he has to tone things down a bit.

I think you're definately right about the whole being around Zenan...Although by 1000AD the forest is fairly large, isn't it? I have to recheck CT soon I think...I think I'll definately re-write a lot of this part...

The split in Magus. Ah, interesting thing. I do something vaguely like that in one segment of my story (though in this case it is a spell of Magus' done to Schala). I make it corporeal being, explaining it as being an Egyptian trick (the Egyptians had a very interesting idea of there being a "double" to a person's body.) A reference to the ancient mythology I love so much. Anyway, in this case it is the time machine that does it. The time machine has transported not only his spirit, but his body as well. Therefore I see no reason that only his spirit should be split. I rather think that it should be a second of him, though be careful how you use such a thing; it could get very difficult to have two Magus', and it may get tiring to have to explain to every new person that there are now two of them. Hmmm...maybe he becomes a decoy to the enforcers for the real Magus, at one point? Just an idea.

Wait, how did you explain where "Egypt" is??? Or did you just reference it or something? Uh...anyways...The Magus-split thing was almost completely inspired by a dream I had where doubles of my hands were pummeling me. It was say the least...

If I use this double in any way, it'll be some sort of villain role. It'll be more like the pesemistic voice that he hears all the time only more real and probably more "evil" (possibly something else). It seperates/creates a new part of Magus' spirit more then seperates his entire spirit. This is because the time machine he uses is for robotics only (plz someone read the second chpt :P). There's even a very dramatic few paragraphs showing his anguish during this time travel which also hints at this seperation on some level.

Let's see...Time Egg malfunctioning? Good idea. Remember, though, that the Time Egg is never portrayed as a device as such. It is more of a mystical artifact that has always changed things for the better. I think, therefore, you should make it that, while Magus doesn't go to where he intends, it is where he is meant to go. You could make that apparent later.

In Cross it's seen in somewhat the same light as I'm using. As Lucca creates another Time Egg which Serge & Co eventually use to confront the Devourer of Time. It may not be "malfunctioning", but maybe more "incomplete". It'll send him somewhere he's needed, but not necessarilly where/when/which dimension he wants to go.

Just remember this: there are thousands of fanfics out there. There are five hundred on alone. This means that a LOT of things have been done before...not just once, but a dozen times. The trick is to do something new that has never been done before. I myself have done so in giving it a very fantasy/midieaval feel (attempting as much as I could to add some elements of the style of LOTR), and removing near all that was scientific. Even Lavos is changed; I consider him a Dark Lord, a tyrant come from the stars to expand his kingdom. I have rarely seen either done, and neither, especially not the last, done to the extent that I do. This is my own stab at originallity in a very written-out field. I think at times I may vary so far that it might lose sight of the source...but I guess that is the trade-off. Anyway, just an admonishment. Keep writing.

Thanks for all the great advice. I never knew there were so many fanfics (although I should have guessed...) out there. I've only read like one ever I think. So I'm not really using anything from there, but I think I can get a basic understanding for what's already been done...I'm just not sure if I want to go off too far...

As Homer said to Bart, "Your ideas intrigue me and I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter."

Daniel Krispin

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Suggestions for 3rd Chpt of Magus fanfic "Magness"
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2004, 09:02:16 pm »
Egypt? Yeah, that falls very nicely into my view of the Chrono universe. So does most of actual history, for that matter. The way I see it, Zeal is pre recorded history, so technically doesn't exist so far as the people in the "modern" time know, except perhaps as a legend (as we know Atlantis). Magus and all that appears in the year 600AD. There are 11,600 years there. Basically what I have always done is taken the history of the Chrono universe from 4,000BC to 600AD to be identical to our own. The rest is, say, an alternate future from ours. Therefore Egypt, Rome, and all those empires rising and falling can be referred to. Guardia itself I hold to lie in the mid-Atlantic, with El Nido in the caribbean to the West, and the remnants of Rome to the East. After all, Zeal falls almost directly onto where Guardia later is; Zeal is a parallel to Atlantis, thought to have been in the mid-Atlantic. And so Guardia is my story is an offshoot of Rome, founded by a rogue Roman centurian in the year 60AD or so, and the rest of the world has all the ancient history that ours does. If nothing else it makes for some nice historical references; I can mention Carthage and Egypt without it seeming out of place. And I can use Latin and Greek and such for my spells, in addition to the Zeal language (which is far harder to do).
Oh, and a funny thing in regards to fanfics...when I began writing mine, oh, a year and half ago, I didn't even know there was such a thing. It came to me totally independantly to write a fanfiction (though, actually, I had begun writing in an attempt to write CT and CC into a story; I still have some old scenes I did, though I figured it would be more interesting to do something of my own) I just began to write...then looked on the internet and saw that there were a LOT of other people writing fanfiction.


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Suggestions for 3rd Chpt of Magus fanfic "Magness"
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2004, 07:06:57 pm »
Okay! Thanks for the suggestions and help people (or, I guess just Guardian_of_Ages)! I've been done with the 3rd Chpt for quite some time now...Expect it as soon as I can edit things and get into the Compendium from home (it seemed too graphic heavy last night for me to be able to do anything...)