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Author Topic: Israeli-Palestinian conflict  (Read 15198 times)

Lord J Esq

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Israeli-Palestinian conflict
« Reply #75 on: April 11, 2006, 06:01:11 pm »
Quote from: Leebot
First of all, I did make a mistake in my response. I responded as if it were an "on average" statement rather than the blanket "No Muslims want war." My point is that I don't judge the people who belong to a religion just because others who share the same allegiance commit heinous acts.

Quote from: Napoleon Bonaparte
Men have two levers: fear and self-interest.

Your list of quotes from the Quran (I believe it was) brought this to my mind. This quote does a very good job of explaining why most religions work in convincing people: They pull both levers at the same time. They threaten you with eternal torment if you disbelieve, and offer you eternal rewards if you believe.

Once again your wisdom is manifest and I find myself in unqualified agreement.

Legend of the Past

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Israeli-Palestinian conflict
« Reply #76 on: April 11, 2006, 06:12:37 pm »
Quote from: Leebot
Well, you kinda missed my meaning there, but perhaps I should have been more specific.

First of all, I did make a mistake in my response. I responded as if it were an "on average" statement rather than the blanket "No Muslims want war." My point is that I don't judge the people who belong to a religion just because others who share the same allegiance commit heinous acts.

And you shoulden't judge an entire religion for that. All I say about Islam being a violent religion by nature isn't about my dislike for the Palestinians, it's my view over historical acts and the bit of the Quran I do know. Of course, I could very well be wrong, but for all of BZ's attempts to show me (In an MSN session where we shared religious stories) I STILL haven't seen anything to change that opinion. Muslims look at Islam as a role model-that's something quiet natural. But the guy broke promises, married a six-year old (Or was it four year-old?), and basically created a religion that's got it's anti-jewish ideas in it. (That's based of what YOU told me, BZ).

I can get along with Muslims, BZ and myself got along just great. But when he started telling me about how my Messiah is in fact the anti-christ and how Hebrew words translated to arabic have very negative sides... I was angry. Not on BZ, of course. He believes in this for the same reason I get angry at it, we're all effected by religion.

But sometimes I gotta wonder. Wether if Muhammad was or was not a messenger of God, WHY did ANY group of people believe a guy who just popped and said 'Hey, everyone, God spoke to me!'. Really, regardless of my religous beliefs or national views, I'll always see it as weird: A group of Arabs actually believed Muhammad that just like that, he's God's messenger.

And, no offense to any Christians here, but I always somewhat disliked how you place a living, breathing person in the same caliber as God, be it Muhammad or Jesus. We've had no such person, no divine guy who's God's child or prophet. And no, Moses was NOT such a person.


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Israeli-Palestinian conflict
« Reply #77 on: April 11, 2006, 06:46:00 pm »
As much as Josh has... irritated me recently, I found myself agreeing with a good portion of his post.  I think he just won the arguement.  When Josh debates rather than rants, few people on this board can stand up to him.

Daniel Krispin

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Israeli-Palestinian conflict
« Reply #78 on: April 11, 2006, 07:05:28 pm »
Quote from: Sentenal
As much as Josh has... irriated me recently, I found myself agreeing with a good portion of his post.  I think he just won the arguement.  When Josh debates rather than rants, few people on this board can stand up to him.

He's no mean rhetorician, that's for certain.

Lord J Esq

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Israeli-Palestinian conflict
« Reply #79 on: April 11, 2006, 07:40:42 pm »
Quote from: Sentenal
As much as Josh has... irriated me recently, I found myself agreeing with a good portion of his post.  I think he just won the arguement.  When Josh debates rather than rants, few people on this board can stand up to him.

I appreciate the warm praise, but this is as much a "rant" as anything else I write here on General. The only difference is that, this time, you more or less agree with me. =)

As a child I was raised in the reform Jewish faith. I remember seeing Schindler's List in the front row of the movie theater with my youth group, and visiting (with those same friends) the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles, which details the gruesome particulars of the Nazi Holocaust. When you go into the Museum, you get a ticket representing a child who went to the Death Camps. After seeing everything, as you are leaving the exhibits you turn in the ticket and find out what happened to your child. Mine was a little girl who lost her entire family, but she herself lived. Among my friends, every other child died. So it was that I learned the important of religious Tolerance.

As I grew up I started to understand that the real world isn't like fairytales or Disney Masterpieces. There is no shortage of problems; no end of obstacles to a paradise of human civilization. In learning history as a kid, I naively thought that the modern world had overcome all of this, but awareness proved me wrong. Prejudice of every stripe is alive and well. Backward political ideologies want to drag us in the wrong direction. Poverty and sickness are abundant still, even in the wealthy United States. Ignorance festers in every neighborhood; priorities are misplaced; institutions are out of whack; children are cruel and adults are vapid; potholes litter the streets. And more than anything else, there is this menace called Religion. In God's name the triumph of the Enlightenment and Industrialization is turned against itself; secular institutions of modern society are overruled, and the most egregious acts are committed by people of faith in service of their god. Crimes to sicken any healthy human mind. Crimes like this. As a young adult I came to understand that powerful evangelical religions are either directly or indirectly the cause of most modern suffering. The West brims with religious insurgency. The Third World blazes with outright war. The Middle East simmers at the heart of it all, the birthplace of the two most evil religions ever devised. Coming into this less-than-perfect world, I realized that religious fundamentalists hate the sort of future I want to build; hate the social institutions I treasure most; hate everything I thought humanity had finally grown up to accept as decent. But I was absolutely wrong. And I learned that fundamentalism exists everywhere, and thrives. By long, hard experience I learned that religious fanatics do not, and will never, be swayed to reason. They want the Earth, and they are not going to be talked out of it. If we abide them, we lose.

Never forgetting that little girl who lived through the Holocaust, I thus learned religious Intolerance.

Therefore, the great dilemma. We cannot fail to tolerate religious people, lest destruction and genocide ensue, and yet we cannot allow these same people to have their way with society, lest the modern world come to an end and the dark ages arise reborn--and destruction and genocide ensue. Religion itself is the disease; if only we could cure people of it. But that is unlikely to happen today, and our problems will not wait for tomorrow. Nor, for that matter, will the zealots. The only solution is to deprive religion of its power, and permanently erect inviolable separations of church and state in every country in the world. I cannot see how this feat might easily be achieved. And that makes for a cold truth: Between not slaughtering the devout and not being slaughtered by them, it is the sad duty of everyone who wants a better future to fight the power of religion--by whatever means necessary...or possible.

So take care, Sentenal. I am against Islam as much as you are, and more so, but I am just as much against Christianity, too. All I want is a world where humanity rules and God stays home. If you do not agree--and you do not--then we are not allies here, or anywhere else, and will never be. But at least I will not trick you into thinking I have your back. Like I said at the beginning: I appreciate your warm praise, but my aim in this thread is no different than my aim in any other. You're just out of the line of fire, for the moment.

Burning Zeppelin

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Israeli-Palestinian conflict
« Reply #80 on: April 11, 2006, 10:35:21 pm »
I love cheese.

You fail to understand me Josh. Just believing doesn't make you a Muslim. You have to abide by the laws. They may be Muslims, but are they good ones? Are they fighting for the right reasons? Before the land of Israel was created, when it was still just Palestine, why did both parties live in relative peace? Maybe the whole thing is just being based off the fact that Britain just took land and gave it to the Jews. Is that not wrong?

But of course, Islam has been brought into this, and I must concede, is a major factor now. But neither of us can argue in this way, as I believe in a "Great Plan" and you don't. We believe that Zionism is evil, and is part of the plan. Obviously you don't. We believe that the Anti Christ will be the leader of Israel. Again, you don't. You can argue that this is obvious anti-Judaism. I like to think of it as anti-Zionism. This Zionism movement is actually prophecised to bring on the destruction of the world.

I am not going to argue with you Josh about how bloodthirsty and violent Islam supposedly is. Even though almost all ideological movements have caused in death, you still point the finger at Christianity and Islam. Islam is no longer a together religion. You can see this from the sectarian violence in Iraq. God says, and possibly one of the many in your collection of burn-in-hell lines, that those who kill believers intentionally will burn in hell. Then why is it that Muslims are...killing Muslims!? The ummah is broken, and Muslims, in a Zionistic way, believe that one day we will become one again. There is no Muslim Caliphate. Even the Ayatollahphate in Iran isn't 100% correct. Correct meaning in the proper ways according to Sharia. How you can judge the actions of the Hamas version of Islam, with the ways of say, Islam R' Us, is beyond me. They are in hardly any way connected, only connected in the way of "There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his Final Messenger." Faith wise, yes, they are all correct. But each have their own ideas. The Islamic society in my school doesn't wish to bomb the school because it is secular. It is not like they don't talk to Jewish people; heck, some of my friends are Jewish! Yet of course they wish to be united. Of course they wish the best for the Muslims. They might not necessarily support Hamas, or the Algerian Islamic Party, or the Nigerian Government, or what ever. However they wish for the best of the INNOCENT Muslims. Bosnia, Chechnya, Palestine, Iraq, China; all of it. That is part of the reason I support Palestine. The other part is from true, objective views. My sister did Modern History; such as Ireland, and of course Palestine, and from her comments, I say Palestine is right. But she is also part of a feminist association. She does not like Iran. Wow, is she looking at Palestine from a...objective point of view!

As for 99% of your quotes about burning in hell...what are you trying to prove? That God will send the disbelievers into Hell? Um...ok...thanks Josh, I knew that already! It's a great thing to have you here to teach me things I would obviously forget after hearing it for ten years  :roll:

And, well, Legend, I don't think we can argue about this at all, because we believe the Jews broke the treaty of Al Medina. So...case closed on that matter.

Lord J Esq

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Israeli-Palestinian conflict
« Reply #81 on: April 12, 2006, 01:16:05 am »
I must say, Burning Z, this is one of your best posts yet. You are showing real improvement in your critical thinking, and I think you should put this measure of thought into your arguments more often. People might take you more seriously! Of course, this is not to say that you are not still wrong on almost every point. =P

But let’s take that as it comes…

Quote from: Burning Zeppelin
You fail to understand me Josh. Just believing doesn't make you a Muslim. You have to abide by the laws. They may be Muslims, but are they good ones? Are they fighting for the right reasons?

It’s not that I fail to understand you. I do think I understand you. I just happen to not agree with a word of it. You are saying, in contravention of the main point I have exhaustively tried to make here over the past two days, that you are qualified to interpret Islam for everybody else. You are not; you simply are not. There is not enough paper on Earth to write a human code of law so computer-language exact that every possible human behavior would be unmistakably lawful or unlawful or illegal—or moral or immoral. If other people want to interpret the Koran differently from you, that is tough luck for you, Zeppy. If they interpret the laws differently than you do, you cannot stop them. You are not God, your intellect is not supreme, and you cannot think for other people.

Quote from: Burning Zeppelin
Before the land of Israel was created, when it was still just Palestine, why did both parties live in relative peace? Maybe the whole thing is just being based off the fact that Britain just took land and gave it to the Jews. Is that not wrong?

Before Israel was created, the region was (comparatively) more peaceful than it later became because Arab nationalism was still in its infancy, and also because there was no organized Israeli enemy to unite against.

Arab nationalism is a virulent partner to militant Islam. What the collapse of the British Empire did to Africa, so did the collapse of the Ottoman Empire do to this Middle Eastern region. The Arab states that emerged from the imperial wreckage of the past were immature, warlike, and greedy. The swells running these countries had heads full of steam, and their regional leadership was very poor. And Islam, lest you forget, was the common vein that ran beneath every border.

And then there was Israel. The Palestinian Jews lived beneath the Ottomans, and when that empire crumbled the whole region became a British mandate. Most of that land became Transjordan; what remained was tentatively divided between a Jewish state and a second Arab state. The Jews were content with their lot, but the pre-Palestinian Muslims were not. The rest is history; Israel declared its independence, was recognized by most of the world’s governments, and subsequently reinforced its sovereignty on the field of battle.

Together with these countries’ unintelligent nationalism and their irrational hatred of Israel, where once there was relative stability, now there was religious war. So it went. Is this the fault of Israel or the Jews? Only if the culpability for a rape lies with the victim, for having provided a body for the rapist to ravage. What Islam seeks to dominate, is not necessarily Islam’s to dominate.

Quote from: Burning Zeppelin
But of course, Islam has been brought into this, and I must concede, is a major factor now. But neither of us can argue in this way, as I believe in a "Great Plan" and you don't. We believe that Zionism is evil, and is part of the plan. Obviously you don't. We believe that the Anti Christ will be the leader of Israel. Again, you don't. You can argue that this is obvious anti-Judaism. I like to think of it as anti-Zionism. This Zionism movement is actually prophecised to bring on the destruction of the world.

Do you have any idea how many people on this board believe I am going to Hell? It’s probably the only thing you religious types can all agree on. I’ll bet you guys even have cocktail parties!

“I know we can’t agree on much, chaps, but at least we can gather here tonight and toast our fantastic consensus that this Josh character is quite going to Hell…”

I bring this up because, from where I’m sitting, you guys are seriously fucking nuts. Nuts and fucked up, aye. Look at you, arguing that Islam hasn’t played a role in the wars of the Middle East! And when confronted with the fact that in fact Islam has been up to its bloody neck in these wars? Blame Israel! Come on; what does Israel have to do with Islam being a bloody religion? What does Israel have to do with your claim that warmongering Muslims are not true Muslims? This entire thread is a testament to the neuroticism of Islamic apologists and the irrationality of Israel-haters. Israel is there, it isn’t going anywhere; it doesn’t belong in Australia and it certainly doesn’t belong in Antarctica. Israel has no place in this discussion other than that it is a victim of a powerful, aggressive religion—Islam.

Your “Great Plan” is not something that rational people ought to believe in. Have you ever read Time Cube theory? When you rail against Israel, it’s the same brand of WHAT THE FUCK?!

On the subject of the modern Palestinian people, there can be no doubt that suffering abounds and the Palestinian Territories should become the sovereign nation of Palestine without delay. The would-be permanent borders are obvious. The people are tired of violence and poverty; so are the Israelis. Only the scourge of religion can explain why the dispute continues, and your religion—Islam—has been the one sustaining this whole debacle. I can imagine how ordinary Palestinians feel; they feel the same way Americans felt about Iraq when President Bush promised us that Saddam Hussein was planning to nuke our cities. Most Americans got caught up in a fervor that had nothing to do with the truth. So it is for the Palestinians: In a society where hating Israel is taught at a younger age than the alphabet, all under the auspices of Islamic doctrine, you can understand why these people are so fucking insane. Your religion has been the enabler of that. And you give your explicit approval to this continued insanity by interjecting the Israeli Bogeyman into your colorful apology for, and denial of, the motives for Islamic radicals who monger war in the name of their god. Islam is not an Israeli problem. Islam is an Islamic problem.

Quote from: Burning Zeppelin
I am not going to argue with you Josh about how bloodthirsty and violent Islam supposedly is. Even though almost all ideological movements have caused in death, you still point the finger at Christianity and Islam.

I point the finger because Christianity and Islam have been the biggest sponsors of murder and oppression in the history of the world, and in any case they are by far the biggest sponsors of these crimes in the year 2006. (Say what you will about President Bush; it’s all true. But at least he’ll be gone in 2008. Religion won’t.)

I could point my finger in many other directions; for instance I might wag my finger at the communist guerilla insurgencies wreaking havoc in a number of countries at this very moment. But I am not interested in wasting my time. This is a matter of scale and proximity. The monotheistic religions of Tweedledee and Tweedledum are giants whose shadows cover the whole world I know and most of the world I don’t. They threaten civilization itself; they are the secular person’s Satan. The believe in enslaving women, killing disbelievers, destroying countries, renouncing science, and would probably make their belief in the end of the world a self-fulfilling prophecy. Communist guerillas, however sick their crimes, are not a threat to humanity in general, and certainly not to the United States.

My finger is like a malice magnet; it points at the strongest forces of evil in our world. I am not denying other injustices that live around us today; I am highlighting the most egregious of them.

Quote from: Burning Zeppelin
Islam is no longer a together religion. You can see this from the sectarian violence in Iraq. God says, and possibly one of the many in your collection of burn-in-hell lines, that those who kill believers intentionally will burn in hell. Then why is it that Muslims are...killing Muslims!? The ummah is broken, and Muslims, in a Zionistic way, believe that one day we will become one again. There is no Muslim Caliphate. Even the Ayatollahphate in Iran isn't 100% correct.

It is certainly true that Islam is a beast with no head, each of its thousand oozing limbs running amok in its own particular way, some doing great harm and others slithering along benignly. You are correct in this much. But if a person wants to call himself or herself a Muslim, then that is how it must be, for devotion to God answers to no earthly authority. (As I have said ad nauseam, to little effect.) As surely as the followers of Southern Baptism and Greek Orthodoxy both call themselves a Christian people, so too are the sects of Islam diverse. You ask why it is that Muslims would kill Muslims if the Koran says the punishment for this is Hell, but the answer should be obvious even to you, because you persist in making the same mistake in logic that they make: When one Muslim perceives that another Muslim stands in the way of God’s will, the former will be inclined to allege that the latter is somehow not a true Muslim. “Peaceful” Muslims like yourself may be content simply to denounce these “untrue” Muslims, but terrorist Muslims may resort to bloodshed. This is yet another way of understanding why your refusal to accept that Islamic militancy has everything to do with Islam is such a dangerous denial of the truth.

Quote from: Burning Zeppelin
Correct meaning in the proper ways according to Sharia.

Same problem as before: People will interpret this code differently. (Also, I cannot let slip a reference to Sharia without reiterating that it is the most despicable instrument of pure flagitious cruelty that our world has seen in centuries. It is a testament to the very worst fabric within human nature. Anyone who tries to impose this sick little scheme of mis-ethics onto other people, should be dragged out into the street and shot.)

Quote from: Burning Zeppelin
How you can judge the actions of the Hamas version of Islam, with the ways of say, Islam R' Us, is beyond me. They are in hardly any way connected, only connected in the way of "There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his Final Messenger." Faith wise, yes, they are all correct. But each have their own ideas.

Different limbs, same beast. The proposition that Hamas Islam and Teddy Bear Islam are so different that neither are actually Islam is a nonstarter. This claim makes as little sense to me as the claim by some in the Religious Right that Catholics are not true Christians.

Quote from: Burning Zeppelin
The Islamic society in my school doesn't wish to bomb the school because it is secular. It is not like they don't talk to Jewish people; heck, some of my friends are Jewish! Yet of course they wish to be united. Of course they wish the best for the Muslims. They might not necessarily support Hamas, or the Algerian Islamic Party, or the Nigerian Government, or what ever. However they wish for the best of the INNOCENT Muslims. Bosnia, Chechnya, Palestine, Iraq, China; all of it.

Uh huh. This is a contradiction of your last quote. Here you describe a common theme that unites them into a common religion. There are many other customs, traditions, and beliefs which also unite disparate Muslim sects into a relative state of like-mindedness.

Quote from: Burning Zeppelin
That is part of the reason I support Palestine. The other part is from true, objective views. My sister did Modern History; such as Ireland, and of course Palestine, and from her comments, I say Palestine is right. But she is also part of a feminist association. She does not like Iran. Wow, is she looking at Palestine from a...objective point of view!

Not having read them, I cannot speak to your sister’s remarks. However, an appeal to authority is a logical fallacy. If you are unable to prove your arguments yourself, it is not enough to invoke somebody else’s name as though their authority by itself will do the job for you.

Quote from: Burning Zeppelin
As for 99% of your quotes about burning in hell...what are you trying to prove? That God will send the disbelievers into Hell? Um...ok...thanks Josh, I knew that already! It's a great thing to have you here to teach me things I would obviously forget after hearing it for ten years  :roll:

Remember how you were denying that Islam is a militant, cruel, and bloodthirsty religion? I just thought a few hundred supporting examples from your own holy text would help persuade you to abandon your denials. I can find a few hundred more, if you like. Somehow I doubt it will change your mind.

Burning Zeppelin

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Israeli-Palestinian conflict
« Reply #82 on: April 12, 2006, 02:27:06 am »
Quote from: Lord J esq
I must say, Burning Z, this is one of your best posts yet. You are showing real improvement in your critical thinking, and I think you should put this measure of thought into your arguments more often. People might take you more seriously!

Quote from: Lord J esq

But let’s take that as it comes…

Quote from: Burning Zeppelin
You fail to understand me Josh. Just believing doesn't make you a Muslim. You have to abide by the laws. They may be Muslims, but are they good ones? Are they fighting for the right reasons?

It’s not that I fail to understand you. I do think I understand you. I just happen to not agree with a word of it. You are saying, in contravention of the main point I have exhaustively tried to make here over the past two days, that you are qualified to interpret Islam for everybody else. You are not; you simply are not. There is not enough paper on Earth to write a human code of law so computer-language exact that every possible human behavior would be unmistakably lawful or unlawful or illegal—or moral or immoral. If other people want to interpret the Koran differently from you, that is tough luck for you, Zeppy. If they interpret the laws differently than you do, you cannot stop them. You are not God, your intellect is not supreme, and you cannot think for other people.

That is true. I can not put my word as the word of Islam, just like how you can't define Islam on what your beliefs are:
Quote from: Lord J esq
The monotheistic religions of Tweedledee and Tweedledum are giants whose shadows cover the whole world I know and most of the world I don’t. They threaten civilization itself; they are the secular person’s Satan. They believe in enslaving women, killing disbelievers, destroying countries, renouncing science, and would probably make their belief in the end of the world a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I don't see how we believe in enslaving women. Or how we have. We united most of the world in 700-1300 AD. We killed the disbelievers who fought us. Renoucing science!? That made me laugh. You might think I am naive, a byproduct of Muslim propaganda. You realize that nothing I was taught except maybe how to read arabic I have kept with me! I have learnt all this from learning. I don't give a fuck what others tell me. I'm my own man. Tell me Josh, was there not bloodshed before the Birth of Christ? Religion has played a part in many a war. But not only religion. Land, possession, betrayal, lust, all. Until you some how destroy the root of all evil, otherwise known as humanity, war will not cease to exist. Blame religion. I don't care. I can just go blaming America. Or Israel. Patriotism. Fuck, I could go as far as blaming left handers! There will always be someone to blame. You can blame Islam. Muslims can blame Israel. People can blame God. It will never end.
Quote from: Lord J esq

Quote from: Burning Zeppelin
Before the land of Israel was created, when it was still just Palestine, why did both parties live in relative peace? Maybe the whole thing is just being based off the fact that Britain just took land and gave it to the Jews. Is that not wrong?

Before Israel was created, the region was (comparatively) more peaceful than it later became because Arab nationalism was still in its infancy, and also because there was no organized Israeli enemy to unite against.

Arab nationalism is a virulent partner to militant Islam. What the collapse of the British Empire did to Africa, so did the collapse of the Ottoman Empire do to this Middle Eastern region. The Arab states that emerged from the imperial wreckage of the past were immature, warlike, and greedy. The swells running these countries had heads full of steam, and their regional leadership was very poor. And Islam, lest you forget, was the common vein that ran beneath every border.

I can see where you are going again Josh. I hate nationalism as much as you. But as you know, they are proud people. This came before Islam. Islam taught to destroy the idea of nationalism, only the idea of being under God. Islam isn't necessarily the catalyst of the war, though it does play part. Can you not understand! Israel came and took land from the Arabs! Their giant empire, having a spot in the middle! And most likely, their love for Islam, and their blind following probably resulted in them thinking that "OMG! These dirty Jews took it!". I am not making sense, I know, but I have this giant headace that won't go away.
Quote from: Lord J esq

Quote from: Burning Zeppelin
But of course, Islam has been brought into this, and I must concede, is a major factor now. But neither of us can argue in this way, as I believe in a "Great Plan" and you don't. We believe that Zionism is evil, and is part of the plan. Obviously you don't. We believe that the Anti Christ will be the leader of Israel. Again, you don't. You can argue that this is obvious anti-Judaism. I like to think of it as anti-Zionism. This Zionism movement is actually prophecised to bring on the destruction of the world.

Do you have any idea how many people on this board believe I am going to Hell? It’s probably the only thing you religious types can all agree on. I’ll bet you guys even have cocktail parties!

“I know we can’t agree on much, chaps, but at least we can gather here tonight and toast our fantastic consensus that this Josh character is quite going to Hell…”

I bring this up because, from where I’m sitting, you guys are seriously fucking nuts. Nuts and fucked up, aye. Look at you, arguing that Islam hasn’t played a role in the wars of the Middle East! And when confronted with the fact that in fact Islam has been up to its bloody neck in these wars? Blame Israel! Come on; what does Israel have to do with Islam being a bloody religion? What does Israel have to do with your claim that warmongering Muslims are not true Muslims? This entire thread is a testament to the neuroticism of Islamic apologists and the irrationality of Israel-haters. Israel is there, it isn’t going anywhere; it doesn’t belong in Australia and it certainly doesn’t belong in Antarctica. Israel has no place in this discussion other than that it is a victim of a powerful, aggressive religion—Islam.

Your “Great Plan” is not something that rational people ought to believe in. Have you ever read Time Cube theory? When you rail against Israel, it’s the same brand of WHAT THE FUCK?!

On the subject of the modern Palestinian people, there can be no doubt that suffering abounds and the Palestinian Territories should become the sovereign nation of Palestine without delay. The would-be permanent borders are obvious. The people are tired of violence and poverty; so are the Israelis. Only the scourge of religion can explain why the dispute continues, and your religion—Islam—has been the one sustaining this whole debacle. I can imagine how ordinary Palestinians feel; they feel the same way Americans felt about Iraq when President Bush promised us that Saddam Hussein was planning to nuke our cities. Most Americans got caught up in a fervor that had nothing to do with the truth. So it is for the Palestinians: In a society where hating Israel is taught at a younger age than the alphabet, all under the auspices of Islamic doctrine, you can understand why these people are so fucking insane. Your religion has been the enabler of that. And you give your explicit approval to this continued insanity by interjecting the Israeli Bogeyman into your colorful apology for, and denial of, the motives for Islamic radicals who monger war in the name of their god. Islam is not an Israeli problem. Islam is an Islamic problem.

How bout this. What if Palestine just became a state. The entire Israel would be Palestine. It would be secular, just like one of its neighbours, Egypt. Then how would you feel? The only reason the Israeli state was formed was because of THEIR religion. THEY wanted a land, a State of God. What would Palestine of been like after the fall of the Ottoman Empire?
Quote from: Legend of the Past
You can't avoid going into religion here. Religion is the reason the Jews insisted on setteling here (It's a well known fact we could have been at Oganda, but chose not to because Israel is our religious home).

See? The Jews insisted on settling there. Who cares about the current owners. They (The Brits) just took half of it, and the Israeli-Supporters support this movement with "Hey! We used to own it AGES ago!". Ok, you used to own it. But AGES ago. A very long time ago. Get over it. Pretty much, if Israel has a right to exist, so do the rest of the Islamic Nations.

Quote from: Lord J esq

Quote from: Burning Zeppelin
Islam is no longer a together religion. You can see this from the sectarian violence in Iraq. God says, and possibly one of the many in your collection of burn-in-hell lines, that those who kill believers intentionally will burn in hell. Then why is it that Muslims are...killing Muslims!? The ummah is broken, and Muslims, in a Zionistic way, believe that one day we will become one again. There is no Muslim Caliphate. Even the Ayatollahphate in Iran isn't 100% correct.

It is certainly true that Islam is a beast with no head, each of its thousand oozing limbs running amok in its own particular way, some doing great harm and others slithering along benignly. You are correct in this much. But if a person wants to call himself or herself a Muslim, then that is how it must be, for devotion to God answers to no earthly authority. (As I have said ad nauseam, to little effect.) As surely as the followers of Southern Baptism and Greek Orthodoxy both call themselves a Christian people, so too are the sects of Islam diverse. You ask why it is that Muslims would kill Muslims if the Koran says the punishment for this is Hell, but the answer should be obvious even to you, because you persist in making the same mistake in logic that they make: When one Muslim perceives that another Muslim stands in the way of God’s will, the former will be inclined to allege that the latter is somehow not a true Muslim. “Peaceful” Muslims like yourself may be content simply to denounce these “untrue” Muslims, but terrorist Muslims may resort to bloodshed. This is yet another way of understanding why your refusal to accept that Islamic militancy has everything to do with Islam is such a dangerous denial of the truth.

But the thing is, Shi'ites and Sunnis are both confirmed sects of Islam! Some from each view each other as heretics, but each know that the others are Muslims. This isn't entirely Americas fault with the invasion of Iraq, as it is moslty the fault of Saddam and his oppressive regime. And Islam believes oppressors will burn in Hell. Why you have the image that Islam condones oppression is beyond me. It is true that Muslims kill apostates, I know, and if you find the cruel, so be it. I will not argue with you on that point. But I must ask, what DO you know of Islam? I don't mean the history, and the carnage and shit. I mean what it means to be a Muslim? Islam isn't as flexible as Christianity, there aren't a billion ways to be a Muslim. I could say right now that the 5%s were not Muslims, and no Muslim would argue with me. Yet you most likely would, saying that I have no authority to say who is a Muslim, and who isn't. But they aren't. They believe God had manifested himself, which denies them being Muslim.

Quote from: Lord J esq

Quote from: Burning Zeppelin
Correct meaning in the proper ways according to Sharia.

Same problem as before: People will interpret this code differently. (Also, I cannot let slip a reference to Sharia without reiterating that it is the most despicable instrument of pure flagitious cruelty that our world has seen in centuries. It is a testament to the very worst fabric within human nature. Anyone who tries to impose this sick little scheme of mis-ethics onto other people, should be dragged out into the street and shot.)

Tell me, what is so bad about Sharia? Do you know how bad Arabia was before Sharia came into practice? You think Islam is oppressive, see what it was like before then. Arabia used to be this cespool of corruption. Slavery, burying daughters, oppression of women. Islam was a COMPLETE revolution. What is so bad about Sharia, the fact that it tries to control the people? Make life better? Sharia had almost rid slavery, whereas your country only did 200 years ago. Democracy has so many flaws its not funny. Even the monarchy system is better. Of course my view on Sharia is different, I believe that Sharia is the whim of God, not of Man. But you have to realize one thing: no country follows Sharia perfectly. There is no Caliph. The closest you can get is Iran, and even Iran is fucked up. Killing the raped? What the fuck!? And there is another factor in Sharia, the idea that there is a hereafter, one that you can see as a fallacy. Like, in the Quran it says if the Four Witnesses lie, God will be the 5th witness, and will give the liars punishment.
Anyways, on to why you think Sharia is bad. Because it supports the death penalty? It doesn't necessarily demote the rank of women. It does not make man and women one. It is because they are different. An Islamic state would rather want men to be in, say, the engineering industry, and want women to be in the nursing industry. Because they are not the same. It depends on where you stand. Just like how I can't judge the worlds muslims, who are you to judge what is right and what is wrong? What is ethical and what is not? You can't call something sick and wrong. However I can, because I believe in a God. And that God tells me what is right and what is wrong. You may not belive in God, yet I do. Therefore I believe I have that right, while you don't (in my opinion)
Quote from: Lord J esq

Quote from: Burning Zeppelin
How you can judge the actions of the Hamas version of Islam, with the ways of say, Islam R' Us, is beyond me. They are in hardly any way connected, only connected in the way of "There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his Final Messenger." Faith wise, yes, they are all correct. But each have their own ideas.

Different limbs, same beast. The proposition that Hamas Islam and Teddy Bear Islam are so different that neither are actually Islam is a nonstarter. This claim makes as little sense to me as the claim by some in the Religious Right that Catholics are not true Christians.

No, I meant how can you say that the Islamic Code condones violence on certain groups? Therefore you can say Islam allows homosexuality based on the Homosexual Islamic Group. The Religious Right could accept the Catholics as Christians, but say their laws are fucked.
Quote from: Lord J esq

Quote from: Burning Zeppelin
The Islamic society in my school doesn't wish to bomb the school because it is secular. It is not like they don't talk to Jewish people; heck, some of my friends are Jewish! Yet of course they wish to be united. Of course they wish the best for the Muslims. They might not necessarily support Hamas, or the Algerian Islamic Party, or the Nigerian Government, or what ever. However they wish for the best of the INNOCENT Muslims. Bosnia, Chechnya, Palestine, Iraq, China; all of it.

Uh huh. This is a contradiction of your last quote. Here you describe a common theme that unites them into a common religion. There are many other customs, traditions, and beliefs which also unite disparate Muslim sects into a relative state of like-mindedness.

No, I am just saying that it is another version of Islam, the more common version, the version that most scholars, sheiks, Imams and the like follow. Apart from Sunni~Shi'ite, there aren't many differences in customs. Law, maybe, but not customs. But hey, there are differences in laws in communism and democracy.
Quote from: Lord J esq

Quote from: Burning Zeppelin
That is part of the reason I support Palestine. The other part is from true, objective views. My sister did Modern History; such as Ireland, and of course Palestine, and from her comments, I say Palestine is right. But she is also part of a feminist association. She does not like Iran. Wow, is she looking at Palestine from a...objective point of view!

Not having read them, I cannot speak to your sister’s remarks. However, an appeal to authority is a logical fallacy. If you are unable to prove your arguments yourself, it is not enough to invoke somebody else’s name as though their authority by itself will do the job for you.

I am just saying how it is not just people like me who support Palestine. Palestine can be seen as 'right' from a multiple number of perspectives.
Quote from: Lord J esq

Quote from: Burning Zeppelin
As for 99% of your quotes about burning in hell...what are you trying to prove? That God will send the disbelievers into Hell? Um...ok...thanks Josh, I knew that already! It's a great thing to have you here to teach me things I would obviously forget after hearing it for ten years  :roll:

Remember how you were denying that Islam is a militant, cruel, and bloodthirsty religion? I just thought a few hundred supporting examples from your own holy text would help persuade you to abandon your denials. I can find a few hundred more, if you like. Somehow I doubt it will change your mind.

Oh no! Islam is so militant because God will make disbelievers burn in Hell! Seriously, Josh, this is one of the stupidest things you have ever said. Try and look more deeper into it. Islam believes that almost all of the rewards and the wraths will come after the Day of Judgement. I am not sure if you are Nihilistic or not, but obviously, Islam isn't. Just because  God will make disbelievers burn in Hell, doesn't support any of your "Islamismilitant" views.


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Israeli-Palestinian conflict
« Reply #83 on: April 12, 2006, 03:06:21 am »
Quote from: Lord J esq
I point the finger because Christianity and Islam have been the biggest sponsors of murder and oppression in the history of the world, and in any case they are by far the biggest sponsors of these crimes in the year 2006. (Say what you will about President Bush; it’s all true. But at least he’ll be gone in 2008. Religion won’t.)

Not to discount the atrocities motivated by those religions, are you certain that this is true?  I mean, many of the worst democides in history do not appear to be based on religious doctrine, or at least that of Abrahamic religions.

Legend of the Past

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« Reply #84 on: April 12, 2006, 03:12:54 am »
Quote from: Burning Zeppelin
And, well, Legend, I don't think we can argue about this at all, because we believe the Jews broke the treaty of Al Medina. So...case closed on that matter.

How can the Jews break a treaty they never signed or agreed upon...? Muhammad said he won't attack them for ten minutes, the Jews aren't Muhammad. See, this is pointless, Muhammad needed a scapegoat, and when the Jews refused to join, he decided to revise Islam. First he says God sent him the Quran and makes all those cool holidays, AND THEN CHANGES THEM.

Lord J Esq

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Israeli-Palestinian conflict
« Reply #85 on: April 12, 2006, 04:04:35 am »
Quote from: GrayLensman
Quote from: Lord J esq
I point the finger because Christianity and Islam have been the biggest sponsors of murder and oppression in the history of the world, and in any case they are by far the biggest sponsors of these crimes in the year 2006. (Say what you will about President Bush; it’s all true. But at least he’ll be gone in 2008. Religion won’t.)

Not to discount the atrocities motivated by those religions, are you certain that this is true?  I mean, many of the worst democides in history do not appear to be based on religious doctrine, or at least that of Abrahamic religions.

These religions are centuries old each, and counting. While lacking the stupendous headlines of certain notorious genocides in the 20th century, religious warfare has persisted throughout the generations--taking a thousand bodies here, a thousand there...until sooner or later it all adds up to real death. Moreover, do not forget that a lot of third-world genocide in modern times is the product of a global clash between Islam and Christianity. Darfur is a particularly horrid (and ongoing) example that burns fresh in the world's memory.

Also, it'd just be a hunch, but if we were to factor in the Earth's then-current population with respect to the dates of genocides of the past, I hypothesize that the relative size of past religious slaughters would be much higher than all but the most profound modern bloodshed. And to make the numbers even worse, back then there were fewer social nets to help the stricken, and without modern medicine and engineering, it is a fact that surviving disease, famine, torture, ransacking, and other calamities was much harder.

Burning Zeppelin

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Israeli-Palestinian conflict
« Reply #86 on: April 12, 2006, 04:05:32 am »
Quote from: Legend of the Past
Quote from: Burning Zeppelin
And, well, Legend, I don't think we can argue about this at all, because we believe the Jews broke the treaty of Al Medina. So...case closed on that matter.

How can the Jews break a treaty they never signed or agreed upon...? Muhammad said he won't attack them for ten minutes, the Jews aren't Muhammad. See, this is pointless, Muhammad needed a scapegoat, and when the Jews refused to join, he decided to revise Islam. First he says God sent him the Quran and makes all those cool holidays, AND THEN CHANGES THEM.



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Israeli-Palestinian conflict
« Reply #87 on: April 12, 2006, 05:35:52 am »
None of this would be a problem if we were immortal and invincible. Then we could blast ourselves into space and float forever until we find planets of our own.

Humans have been making me angrier and angrier the past few weeks.

Daniel Krispin

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Israeli-Palestinian conflict
« Reply #88 on: April 12, 2006, 05:48:40 am »
Quote from: Burning Zeppelin
Quote from: Legend of the Past
Quote from: Burning Zeppelin
And, well, Legend, I don't think we can argue about this at all, because we believe the Jews broke the treaty of Al Medina. So...case closed on that matter.

How can the Jews break a treaty they never signed or agreed upon...? Muhammad said he won't attack them for ten minutes, the Jews aren't Muhammad. See, this is pointless, Muhammad needed a scapegoat, and when the Jews refused to join, he decided to revise Islam. First he says God sent him the Quran and makes all those cool holidays, AND THEN CHANGES THEM.


Well, here's a case in point against religious interaction, eh?
Seriously, religion and politics don't mix. They never have. When they do, things get messy, almost all the time. The one thing, some might say, that religion lends is morality but, as my father would say, there isn't exactly such a thing as (for example) Christian morality. Morality is really a seperate issue as well, as religion has to do with certain tradition and dogma. Anyway, the point is, as Luther put it, he'd rather have a good Turk rule him than a bad Christian (in context: the Turks were a great threat at that point in time.) And it's true. It's best if somehow we can divorce religion from politics. But, somehow, I don't think that's about to happen any time soon.

Burning Zeppelin

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Israeli-Palestinian conflict
« Reply #89 on: April 12, 2006, 06:22:15 am »
The problem is is that Islam aims to govern, rather than be a supplement.

Oh yeah, great plan Mystik.