Actually that doesn't imply that El nido is east of Porre. It says that Porre is an eastern power...even though on the CT map it falls to the west.
Yeah it doesn't imply that El Nido is East of Porre, I actually said it implies the contrary, that El Nido is West of Porre.
I said that since the planet is round, Glenn's quote could be ambiguous about El Nido and Porre's position. But then why would the scenarists have put such a sentence if it was totally senseless? CT clearly shows that Porre can't be a major power "of the East" relative to a whole world map. So it has to be a power "of the East" relative to El Nido's position.
What's more, the Chrono world map isn't like our Earth's map. Our maps can have America at the West or at the East because no land is "cut" by any of the 2 configurations. This is not the case for the Chrono continents. The map shown in CT is the only one possible, if you put Porre at the East the map would have Medina (or another continent) "cut" in half, with one part at the West and the other at the East.